Perpetual Music by Rolex: inspiring excellence amidst adversity

Rolex Perpetual Music Support Musicians in online concert gefencu Sonya Yoncheva_feature

Rolex —the world’s leading brand for luxury watches— commands global attention to their newest initiative: Perpetual Music. Broadcasted from the homes of some of the most beloved masterpieces: Italy, France and Germany, the three-part concert hosted by four of this generations’ most established musicians and singers is expected to reach the visibility in a world-wide scale. 

Rolex Perpetual Music Support Musicians in online concert gefencu Sonya Yoncheva

Consistent with the Swiss company’s pursuit for excellence and its 50 years active involvement in art, culture and global conservation, Perpetual Music aims to foster the talents of  100 musicians and singers whose lives have been adversely affected over the past seven months. Featuring Peruvian opera talent, Juan Diego Flórez; critically acclaimed versatile artist, Rolando Villazón; highly sought after Bulgarian-Swiss singer, Sonya Yoncheva; and internationally renowned French violinist, Renaud Capuçon who filled an integral role in organizing the concerts. 

Rolex Perpetual Music Support Musicians in online concert gefencu

“During these difficult times, when musicians have suffered both the loss of audience and income, our aim is to provide them the opportunity to perform with renowned artists at prestigious venues with the finest acoustics”
– Arnaud Boetsch, Rolex Director of Communication & Image

Rolex Perpetual Music Support Musicians in online concert gefencu (2)

The recital will run between August 21, 2020 to early September and will be available to stream online for free through October. Broadcasted by, a decade-long partner of the prestigious luxury brand, the initiative is expected to reach over 180 countries worldwide. 

The concert schedules are as follows:

August 21
Performance by Juan Diego Flórez with Teatro Rossini and Pesaro featuring an orchestra

September 1
Performance by Sonya Yoncheva with Berlin Staatsoper in a recital programme

September 3
Performance by Rolando Villazón and Renaud Capuçon with The Opéra national de Paris (Palais Garnier) featuring a repertoire of baroque and chamber music