Top 3 worst alcoholic drinks that will completely derail your diet

Whether it’s been a long week at work, or you’re heading to a long-overdue catch-up with friends, it’s all too easy to find yourself heading to a hopping nightspot and ordering your favourite cocktail. But beware. Many seemingly innocent tipples could actually be disastrous for your waistline and overall health. Here are the top 3 worst alcoholic drinks that will derail your diet in one glass.

Filled with salt, sugar and calories, the Margarita is among the worst alcoholic drinks you can order

Margarita – Up to 400 calories per drink

Delicious this tropical tequila-based tipple may be, but it’s one of the worst alcoholic drinks to imbibe for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s a calorie bomb, and can contain up to 400 calories each, depending on how it’s been made. Just two of these will put you well over half your daily calorie intake. What’s more, salt, which often lines the rim of these tasty drinks, causes swelling and bloating. If you’re really craving one, skip the seasoning use only using tequila, triple sec and lime juice – that way you only rack up about 153 calories.

With up to 500 calories in each drink, the Black Russian is one to avoid

White Russian – Up to 500 calories per drink

A White Russian may seem innocuous, but it’s one of the worst alcoholic drinks to indulge in. It can be made in any number of ways, but is typically served with coffee liqueur Kahlua, vodka and milk or heavy cream. Filled with unhealthy saturated fats from the dairy products, along with a heavy dose of sugar courtesy of the Kahlua, each one can add up to 500 calories to your waistline, roughly the same as one McDonald’s Big Mac. If you’re looking to keep trim, look elsewhere.

Though it tastes fruity, the Pina Colada is actually a calorie bomb

Piña Colada – Up to 600 calories per drink

While it may be the perfect poolside pick-me-up, the coconut-and-pineapple-flavoured piña colada can pack in up to 600 calories per drink – roughly equal to two slices of pizza. Also, don’t be fooled by its fruity flavour, it actually offers little in the way of healthy nutrients. In other words, it’s sweet, filling and absolutely rubbish for your diet. Give this one a miss.

Top tip: When drinking alcoholic spirits like whisky or vodka, opt to go neat, get it on the rocks or add a splash of soda. Avoid any cocktails with fruit juices or overly sweet liqueurs.