Jewel Citizen: Corina Larpin is hoping her jewellery brand Stéfère will be big in Hong Kong

Corina Larpin, jewellery designer and owner of high jewellery brand Stéfère, counts celebrities like Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez among her clients. Now she is set to win over Hong Kong with her bold, edgy jewellery. We talk to Corina about her brand and beyond.    


How was your personal sense of style affected by growing up in Soviet-era Romania?

Well, like many others living in the country at the time, I only truly discovered fashion, glamour and luxury after the Romanian Revolution in 1989. Back then, I remember leafing through Western fashion magazines and tearing out pages I particularly liked and then hiding them in secret drawers. I would sneak a glance at them from time to time and marvel at the sheer glamour of it all. At the same time, whenever I got the chance, I would alter the standard-issue clothes that were all we could buy in the state-run stores and try to make them look different and more individual.

Corina Larpin

What led you into designing jewellery?

Since I was very young, I have always had a passion for design and I love having beautiful things around me. Music and art are both hugely important to me. I have also always found a particular joy in jewels and have been endlessly fascinated by marvellously-coloured gems of every kind. I feel especially blessed for being able to turn my passion into my profession.

What is it about your jewellery that has seen you attract such A-list clients as Elton John, Lady Gaga and Victoria Beckham?

While that’s a question I often ask myself, it’s really one that only my customers could genuinely answer. For my part, though, I believe that they just like my style, seeing it as something rather unique. I think it also helps that I make them look cool, partly because I only use the highest-quality metals and stones, and aim to create a truly contemporary look. I always say that all my clients are my favourites and, to be honest, I am a huge fan of most of my celebrity customers, so it gives me real thrill when they wear one of my designs.

Corina Larpin

Your jewellery appears to have been inspired by a wide range of eclectic sources, from floral motifs to stylised Gothic skulls…

My inspiration comes largely from my personal take on the people, landscapes and objects around me. I also get inspiration from travel, with different countries inevitably exposing me to different cultures, insights, aromas… My son is also a source of inspiration. He is only 12-years-old and always offers me an entirely fresh perspective on things. My state of mind at any given point also hugely influences my creativity. I am a very sensitive person and find myself deeply affected by misery and poverty. Life is not just about five-star hotels and luxury living.

Corina Larpin

How would you describe your personal style?

My style is rock-chic extravagant, but seldom eccentric. I love prominent, noticeable items, whether they are clothes, accessories or jewellery. Whatever I wear, it has to make a bold statement. Right now, I am wearing a snake ring that I designed some ten years ago. I love it so much that I often end up wearing it. I love any item of jewellery that features a snake motif as it is just so fluid.

Stéfère has already proved hugely popular in Europe and the US, why have you now headed East in general and to Hong Kong in particular?

Hong Kong is a crucial junction of many great cultures. It’s a very international city and yet has remained, at heart, utterly Asian. Right now, Asia – and China in particular – is proving influential the world over in terms of culture, creativity and economic power. Hong Kong, though, is a kind of parapet that overlooks the rest of Asia, a region I am now set on breaking into and one that is always going to be a challenge, given just how selective and knowledgeable the locals are when it comes to design and real quality. To date, most of the Hongkongers I have met have really liked my big, bold style of jewellery. I enjoy designing bigger pieces far more than small ones, so Asia is just heaven for me.

Corina Larpin

You have recently just been the recipient of a Women of Hope Award…

Yes. That was a tremendous honour. I am so proud to be part of such a noble cause. Life has given me a lot, to the extent that I’ve been truly spoilt. Now, it’s time for me to give back and to aid those who haven’t had same good fortune.

Finally, tell us something about yourself that few people know…

Typically, I work 20 hours a day and I don’t take Saturday or Sunday off. Normally, I sleep for just four hours a day and, even on the rare occasions when I’m not working, you’ll find me researching jewellery trends or reading something jewellery-related.

Thank you.

Interview by: Suchetana Mukhopadhyay
Photos: Neville Lee
Video: Lai Ti Yeung
Art direction: San Wong
Make-up and Hair: Tiffany Wong
Venue: Presidential Suite, Conrad Hong Kong