RAT: You might be a tad run-down lately, maybe because people are relying on you too much. You need to take some time out to recharge, even if it means letting some folk down. A little R&R will ensure you are ready to face a particularly big challenge coming your way in April. Rat of the Month: Haruki Murakami (Japanese Author, 12 January, 1949)
OX: Ideas of a constructive and creative variety seem to be emerging this month, with your enthusiasm only stymied by a lack of opportunity to put them into practice. Persevere, as a window opens after the 17th and your fecund imagination will find considerably more fertile soil. Ox of the Month: Arsène Wenger (French Football Manager, 22 October, 1949)
TIGER: Your opinions, while forcibly expressed, are not being heeded this month, thus sparking feelings of underappreciation. Upping the volume may be your knee-jerk reaction, but let others come to understand the wisdom in their own time. Vindication is just a week or two away. Tiger of the Month: Bak Sheut-sin (Chinese Opera Star, 1 April, 1926)
RABBIT: This is the month when being the quietest in the room could prove to be counterproductive. The Monkey Year is traditionally a time when louder voices land the laurels and you may need to be more aggressive. This more extroverted outer shell may even prove a real asset. Rabbit of the Month: Raymond Wong (Hong Kong Politician, 1 October, 1951)
DRAGON: Your emotional resilience remains your greatest asset and you’ll need to maintain it this month. As accusations fly, both at home and at work, keep your head down and your wits honed. When the air clears, it won’t be you with the regrets. Dragon of the Month: Muhammad Yunus (Bangladeshi Banker, 28 June, 1940)
SNAKE: You are not, perhaps, being the best friend you could be to one of your inner circle. You are letting a degree of vanity and jealousy compromise your giving nature. A show of support for the advancement of others will give you statesmanlike repute. That’s never a bad thing. Snake of the Month: Hong Un-jong (North Korean Gymnast, 9 March, 1989)
HORSE: Your famed flexibility – in temperament, not physique – will serve you well this month, though not everyone wants to see you prosper. Stay alert for an offer that’s too good to resist; it’s far from what it seems. Someone is hoping you will take this poisoned chalice. Horse of the Month: Maddie Ziegler (US Dancer and Model, 30 September, 2002)
GOAT: It’s time to get serious. You started the year on a frivolous note but more somber times now beckon. Be wary of those whose enthusiasm is rather too infectious, for they may lead you into a world of hurt. Seek medical advice around the 23rd. You know why. Goat of the Month: Bill Gates (Philanthropist and Microsoft Mogul, 28 October, 1955)
MONKEY: Consider deeply a proposal that’s coming your way this month. Ask yourself who’s really likely to profit. Probably not you. Clear the decks of lackluster prospects and search out what truly merits your attention. It might not be what you’d expect, however. Monkey of the Month: Adriana Villagrán (Argentine Tennis Player, 7 August, 1956)
ROOSTER: Don’t spend too much time in a circular dialogue with one particularly closed-minded individual this month. There is no persuading to be done here. More receptive minds are just an office door away. Going direct will clearly pay dividends, but ensure it’s the right door. Rooster of the Month: Julian Barnes (British Novelist, 19 January, 1946)
DOG: Someone is pulling an associate’s strings and this individual is proving all too willing a stooge. While the situation is apparent to you, play dumb. You’ll soon be able to implement your own counter-strategy, but don’t enjoy the process too much. By the end, someone’s career may be over. Dog of the Month: Miguel Olivera (Cuban Former Sprinter, 5 July, 1946)
PIG: Travel is on the cards this March – either figurative or actual. A certain degree of blue sky thinking might actually convert into lots of Air Miles later. There’s a international dimension to your future prospects, but it may be romantic rather than commercial. Pig of the Month: Stefan Johannesson (Swedish Football Referee, 22 November, 1971)