reMarkable tablet: Paper-like device for handwritten notes in a digital age

reMarkable tablet

There is a new tablet on the block, but it claims to have more in common with paper than with tablets. Yes, reMarkable, an US-based tech startup, has updated its signature reMarkable tablet – best described as a cross between an iPad and an e-reader – which lets you scribble on it in a manner that’s identical to writing on paper.

reMarkable tablet

In a world that’s moving into the future at break-neck pace, the reMarkable tablet seems like a deliberately measured step into the past. It harks back to the days of handwritten notes and creative doodles on the margins. Coming with a pen and a paper-like interface, it not only allows you to take notes on the device but also converts your handwritten notes to typed text, making them easy to refine and share.

reMarkable tablet

While the reMarkable tablet can access the internet and can be connected to all your other devices for easy file transfer, it purposely does not have a social media or notifications feature. The aim is to minimise as much distraction as possible while you’re working.

reMarkable tablet

With the world striving to go paperless, it may just prove to be a bridge between the past and the future, fusing the best of technology with the old-world charm of handwritten notes. Check out the video for more: