Sebastien Lathuile brings French charm to MAISON XXII floral workshops

Sebastien Lathuile

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it was the perfect time for French floral artisan and designer Sebastien Lathuile to host a Celebrity Flower Master Class in collaboration with Hong Kong’s very own MAISON XXII. Lathuile, who is known in the floral world for his involvement within British high society events, led notable Hong Kong celebrities such as Fanny Sieh, and Marie Christine Lee towards the goal of creating their very own gorgeous “Gourmand” floral cakes at the special event.

Sebastien Lathuile

Under Lathuile’s experienced eye and guidance, the upstairs of Studio 22 within MAISON XXII became an environment not only filled with beautiful flowers, but a place where inspiration and fun could be had. Over the course of two hours, the ladies crafted delicate floral “patisseries”, which were to be “eaten with the eyes”, with careful direction from Lathuile.  

Sebastien Lathuile

Indeed, whether one was an amateur or a connoisseur to the art of flower decoration, the chance to learn from Lathuile was a truly unique and unmissable experience. We’ll surely be keeping our eyes open for the next time the artisan and designer is back in the 852.

Level 3, 15 St. Francis Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong