Scented Niche to unleash Papillon Artisan Perfumes’ new Spell 125 at their soon-to-open concept store

The new release from Papillon Artisan Perfumes coming 7th July 2021

gafencu magazine luxury lifestyle accessories Scented Niche to unleash Papillon Artisan Perfumes’ new Spell 125 at their new soon-to-open concept store

The longest spell in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Spell 125 covers the ceremonial process of crossing the underworld to reach the afterlife, including the famous weighing of the heart ceremony, where only a feather-light heart would pass the Gods’ test.

gafencu magazine luxury lifestyle accessories Scented Niche Papillon Artisan Perfumes’ new Spell 125Retail price $1,800
50ml Eau de Parfum

The spell itself is full of visceral and iconic imagery, which provided a wealth of inspiration for Papillon Artisan Perfume’s latest creation. It represents lightness pulled by darkness, and while it steps away from the scorched tar notes that can be found in Anubis, Spell 125 follows the concept from Founder and Creative Director Liz Moores’ first perfume, and now closes the circle.

gafencu magazine luxury lifestyle accessories Scented Niche to unleash Papillon Artisan Perfumes

This new fragrance will be the 7th offering in the collection and will be released on the 7th day of the 7th month to coincide with Papillon Artisan Perfume’s 7th anniversary. In ancient Egypt, the number 7 was considered the number of the Gods and these deep esoteric connections thread together the inspiration and composition of Spell 125.

gafencu magazine luxury lifestyle accessories Scented Niche to unleash Papillon Artisan Perfumes concept store k11

This new piece of art will be available at both of Scented Niche’s stores from the 7th of July. Good things take time to create, consumers need better options, not just more, and Scented Niche will bring these exclusive scents to scent lovers in Hong Kong.

New concept store opens July 2021:

210A, 2/F, K11 Musea

Current locations:

32 Gough Street, Central

Kiosk LA201A, Level 2, K11 Musea

For more information visit