Stroller Controller

The appropriately named Smartbe stroller is one of those products that appear severy so often and seems to do just about everything for you, even to the point of taking away much of the enjoyment. To be fair, this particular system makes no bones about the fact it has been designed to allow users to multi-task just that little bit better. Controllable via an Android or iOS smart phone – or even a smartwatch – it functions include a rocking mode, automatic power folding and adjustable seat configurations.

In fact, it doesn’t just rely on its engine and sensors to chug along in front of you, but also boasts a baby cam, a temperature controller, a bottle warmer, lullaby-friendly wireless speakers and even an anti-theft alarm. In a thoughtful nod to saving you from accusations of unwarranted fecklessness while using it in the hands-free mode, it also features an assist-propelled setting, as well as a wholly manual option, should you fancy doing some, or all, of the work yourself.

Boasting a distinctly cool sci-fi aesthetic, this notably smart gadget was designed for those athletic parents with a hankering to jog along or run while taking the wee one for an airing. With the hands-free mode activated, its sensor array acts to maintain a set distance between you and the buggy, ensuring that wherever you go, the stroller goes too. Thankfully, its motor is easily powerful enough to drive the buggy up steep hills without any likelihood of it rolling backwards.

Should you opt to push yourself, simply engage the manual mode, while assisted propulsion option is best for those high gradients. Should it exceed a certain distance from the user, it will simply grind to a halt, ensuring few of those frantic silent movie-style pram chases.

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