Anti-Ageing: Ditch the dated look for a more dewy demeanour…

Anti-ageing beauty tips

Anti-ageing doesn’t need to be sleight-of-hand, with coy contrivances adopted to inveigle an improved Instagram image. Instead, it should be all about restoring the health of your eroded epidermis, with reality – not appearance – being your ultimate objective. Sounds impossible? In fact, all you need is a little commitment, a few apt insights and, of course, the perfect portfolio of pampering products.

Albion’s Excia Embeage Cream Parfait
Albion’s Excia Embeage Cream Parfait

Thankfully Albion’s Excia Embeage Cream Parfait may be a perfect answer. Packed with ANRIL, an essential cell-rejuvenating polymeric molecule, it could just restore those lost teen skin tones.

Helena Rubinstein's Prodigy Cellglow
Helena Rubinstein’s Prodigy Cellglow

Quite apart from complementary cosmetics, the skin has its own natural renewal programme. Sadly, its effectiveness diminishes with every life landmark we pass. Fortunately, Helena Rubinstein, one the L’Oréal stable of luxury brands, claims its anti-ageing Prodigy Cellglow can help reboot this natural renewal cycle, restoring your skin to its firm and supple prime.

Estée Lauder’s Revitalizing Supreme Anti-Aging Power Soft Emulsion
Estée Lauder’s Revitalizing Supreme Anti-Aging Power Soft Emulsion

Rather than rebooting, Estée Lauder’s Revitalizing Supreme Anti-Aging Power Soft Emulsion takes a slightly subtler approach. Its judicious use of stem cell extract is said to unlock the skin’s lost lustre, while burnishing its natural moisture barrier.

Sisleÿa L’Intégral Anti-Âge Contour Cream by Sisley
Sisleÿa L’Intégral Anti-Âge Contour Cream by Sisley

For those looking for a more targetted zap, though, there is Sisleÿa L’Intégral Anti-Âge Contour Cream. According to Sisley, its Paris-based maker, it’s an anti-ageing solution that’s all but guaranteed to smooth out those wrinkles and leave you laughter line-free.