Here is your August 2024 Horoscope

As August arrives, the zodiac shifts into the sign of the bold and regal Leo. This fire sign season encourages self-expression and a focus on creative pursuits. While Leo lions bask in the spotlight, the other signs find unique ways to shine during this extroverted time of year.

LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

august 2023 astrology

Leos are likely to experience a very eventful and transformative year ahead. There will be significant changes and new opportunities that arise, both personally and professionally. You may face some job insecurity or changes in their professional lives.

There could be shifts in your responsibilities, workplace dynamics, or even your employer. However, these changes are ultimately paving the way for new and better opportunities. You can expect promotions, new job offers, or the chance to start their own business venture. Your earning potential is likely to increase significantly. Be open to taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone professionally.

Your social circles and romantic relationships may go through some turbulence in the first part of the year. There could be conflicts, misunderstandings, or the need to set new boundaries with friends and loved ones. However, you will emerge from this period with stronger, more authentic connections.  

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

august 2023 horoscope

Cancerians will feel a strong pull towards home and family in the coming weeks. You may find yourself more introspective and nostalgic, desiring comfort and security. It’s a good time to tend to your domestic life, whether that means home improvements, quality time with loved ones, or simply creating a cozy sanctuary. (Cancer of the month: Ariana Grande, American Singer, 26 Jun 1993)

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

august 2023 horoscope

Geminis can expect a lively and communicative period ahead. Your mind will be buzzing with new ideas and you’ll be eager to connect with others. Take advantage of this by networking, learning new skills, and exploring different interests. (Gemini of the month: Anderson Cooper, American Broadcaster, 3 Jun 1967)

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

august 2023 astrology

The coming weeks will be marked by a practical and analytical mindset. You’ll be inclined to focus on details, organization, and improving efficiency in your life. It’s a great time to tackle tasks, clean up messes, and streamline your routines. (Virgo of the month: Blake Lively, American Actress, 25 Aug 1987)

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

august 2023 astrology

You can expect a period of heightened social activity and relationship focus. You’ll be drawn to harmonious and diplomatic interactions at all times. It’s an excellent time to network, collaborate with others, and nurture your closest bonds and connections. (Libra of the month: Gwen Stefani. American Singer, 3 Oct 1969)

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

monthly horoscope

Scorpios are in for an intense and transformative time ahead. Your intuition and desire for depth and authenticity will be heightened. You may find yourself delving into your psyche, uncovering hidden truths, and undergoing personal metamorphosis. (Scorpio of the month: Caitlyn Jenner, American Media Personality, 28 Oct 1949)

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

monthly horoscope

For Sagittarians, the coming period will be marked by a spirit of adventure and exploration. You’ll feel a strong urge to expand your horizons, whether through travel, education, or simply embracing a more open-minded perspective. This is an excellent time to pursue new opportunities. (Sagittarius of the month: Janelle Monae, American Singer, 1 Dec 1985)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

monthly horoscope

You can expect a time of increased focus on your career, finances, and long-term goals. You’ll be driven to work hard, increase your productivity, and solidify your position. It’s a great period to tackle ambitious projects, seek promotions, or make strategic investments. (Capricorn of the month: Kate Middleton, British Royalty, 9 Jan 1982)

AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)

monthly horoscope

Aquarians are in for a period of heightened social consciousness and humanitarian concerns. You’ll be drawn to progressive ideas, collaborative efforts, and causes that align with your values. This is an excellent time to get involved in community projects. (Aquarius of the month: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese Footballer, 5 Feb 1985)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

monthly horoscope

For Pisceans, the coming weeks will be marked by a dreamier, more introspective outlook. You may find yourself more in tune with your intuition, emotions, and spiritual side. It’s a great time to engage in creative pursuits, practice self-reflection, and seek moments of solace and serenity. Take a breather. (Pisces of the month: Eliot Page, Canadian Actor, 21 Feb 1987)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

august 2023 horoscope

This is an energetic and ambitious time for you, Aries. You’ll feel motivated to tackle new projects and challenges. Just be sure not to burn yourself out – make time for rest and relaxation as well. Your passionate nature may lead to some impulsive decisions, so try to think things through before acting. (Aries of the month: Pedro Pascal, Chilean Actor, 2 Apr 1975)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

august 2023 horoscope

You’ll be focused on financial and material matters. It’s a good time to review your budget, pay off debts, and look for ways to boost your income. However, be careful not to get too caught up in accumulating possessions. (Taurus of the month: Joe Kerry, American Actor, 24 Apr 1992)

Here is your July 2024 Horoscope

As the calendar turns to July, the zodiac shifts into the sign of the nurturing and intuitive Cancer. This water sign season encourages emotional expression and a focus on domestic comforts. While Cancer crabs retreat into their shells, the other signs find unique ways to shine during this introspective time of year.

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

august 2023 horoscope

While it may be flattering to see so many people set on celebrating your birthday, it’s worth working out how many are keen to commemorate your passing of another year and how many just fancy being wined and dined at your expense.

While you might enjoy this particular lesson in arithmetic, it will help you revaluate just who has slipped into your entourage of late, with some arriving uninvited and some you have had to grudgingly admit out of consideration for the feelings of others.

Take this as an opportunity to whittle down your inner circle, gradually easing out those that are neither valued nor ornamental. It may seem difficult initially to separate the wheat from the chaff, but this strategic paring down will serve you well in the months to come, focusing your attention on those who merit and dispensing with those too inclined to share your secrets.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

august 2023 horoscope

A loved one may confide a surprising secret to you this month, a problem of their own creation and of long gestation. Withhold any judgment, though, and listen sympathetically and with as open a perspective as you can possibly muster, and you may find the solution hiding in plain sight. (Gemini of the month: Xi Jinping, Chinese president; 15 Jun 1953)

LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

august 2023 astrology

A potential health issue may come to the fore this month, so tread with caution and avoid any over-exertion or a minor ailment could require a hospital visit. Prioritise your wellbeing by giving your diet a complete makeover and adhering to a more rigorous fitness regime. (Leo of the month: Sarah Geronimo, Filipino singer; 25 Jul 1988)

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

august 2023 astrology

Your crowded social calendar may trigger your more anti-social side, but resist any hermitesque inclination. Instead, focus on a prime opportunity that has long been in your peripheral vision, although, until now, you’ve always lacked the key to properly unlock it. (Virgo of the month: Rupert Grint, English actor; 24 Aug 1988)

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

august 2023 astrology

With the stars aligning in your favour, you may experience an unusual surge of boldness and self-belief. Avail yourself of this sudden energy top-up by swiftly revisiting one investment opportunity that you maybe declined far too peremptorily. Careful scrutiny could transform so-so returns into a real long-term wallet-filler.  (Libra of the month: Mae Jemison, American astronaut; 17 Oct 1956)

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

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An unresolved family issue could see tempers flaring this month as you clash with loved ones on how to make good in one particularly complex scenario. Resist the temptation to give your emotions full rein and try to see the issue from the perspective of one particularly unwilling participant. (Scorpio of the month: Seth McFarlane, American comedian; 26 Oct 1973)

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

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After successfully navigating a spring fraught with unexpected problems, July will see you entering a period of comparative calm. Make sure you make good use of this respite, as this may be the only emotional downtime you will be granted this year. (Sagittarian of the month: Kwon Yu-ri, South Korean singer; 5 Dec 1989)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

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While the days are getting longer, your temper is getting noticeably shorter. But try to affect a nonchalance that you far from feel, your apparent lack of concern alone may suffice to dampen down the resentment of a former friend who no longer has your best intentions at heart. (Capricorn of the month: Haruki Murakami, Japanese author; 12 Jan 1949)

AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)

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Something legally nasty lurks on the horizon and you may get caught in the crossfire when someone seeks to settle a score with a former colleague. It’s perhaps best to assume the worst and plan accordingly, while still hoping to be pleasantly surprised. (Aquarian of the month: Elizabeth Olsen, American actress; 16 Feb 1989)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

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The surprise emergence of a blast from your very distant past may see you getting swept away on a wave of nostalgia and condoning actions – many of them your own – that you would never normally give house space to. While there’s no reason not to enjoy this reconnect, remember just why you moved on in the first place. (Pisces of the month: Brian Cox, English physicist; 3 Mar 1968)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

august 2023 horoscope

After a rather uneventful summer, it may seem like you’re suddenly being bombarded with unanticipated challenges and unwanted opportunities. The danger is you will feel obliged to pursue them out of a misguided sense of etiquette, while in your heart of hearts you can see them for what they are – every bit as lame as they are unlucrative. (Aries of the month: Amancio Ortega, Spanish businessman; 28 Mar 1936)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

august 2023 horoscope

Despite your best efforts, a setback at work proves inescapable, leaving you feeling a little Cassandra-like among colleagues who didn’t see it coming. While you can take some comfort from your perspicacity, sadly that won’t diminish the tedium of the clean-up operation. (Taurus of the month: Madhuri Dixit, Indian actress; 15 May 1967)

Here is your June 2024 Horoscope

June ushers in the ever-changing Gemini season, a time when the zodiac’s social butterflies spread their wings. As Gemini indulges their curious minds and diverse interests, the spotlight turns to how the other signs express themselves during this lively time.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

august 2023 horoscope

Geminis, June is your time to shine, and it’s easy to do with so many friends willing to help celebrate your birthday. Remember to keep an open mind when social interactions bring new people into your life, however, and you might just find an unexpected ally or a new life-long friend.

Professionally, new opportunities are on the horizon but you’ll have to put in some extra hours to see these come to fruition. Don’t just opt for the easiest path as the hard work will certainly pay future dividends. Some tempting investment opportunities may also come your way, but make sure all due diligence is completed before committing to anything that seems too good to be true.

Avoid any romantic endeavours until the middle of June or you could experience a seriously unwanted tangle. After the 15th, though, the stars will align. Take this as the time to whisk your loved one away for a romantic trip, or, if you’re single, reach out to that special person who’s long caught your eye.  

LEO (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

august 2023 astrology

Other people might have a hard time navigating through the day, thanks to the intensity and corruption that it’s likely to surface. You have nothing to worry about because your adapatable nature is perfectly suited to dealing with the stubborn forces. Throw away unnecessary things. (Leo of the month: George Soros, Hungarian businessman; 12 Aug 1930)

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

august 2023 astrology

Secure your bunker and make sure it’s fully stocked with heavy artillery because there is bound to be a battle. You need to be fully prepared in order for you to enter the fight. There are some battles you actually like – the ones that get things rolling and produce results. (Virgo of the month: Pippa Middleton; British socialite; 6 Sep 1983)

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

august 2023 astrology

You tend to get quite emotional about things even though you don’t always show it prominently to the outside world. The difference is that more people are likely to be openly acting out their emotions, so you, in return, could feel safer about expossing your true feelings to the people around you. (Libra of the month: Serena Williams, American tennis champion; 26 Sep 1981)

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

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If situations get too hot and heavy, your first instinct is to run away or jump to the next subject before anyone notices you’re avoiding the serious ones. That’s one way to deal with the intensity, but deep down you know it isn’t the best. Dig deep to take care of things. (Scorpio of the month: King Charles III, British royalty; 14 Nov 1948)

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

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Your actions could take an investigative approach. You’re able to probe much more deeply than usual as you search people’s eyes for the answers you seek. Feel free to take aggressive action based on your gut instincts. Use your powerful emotions as a tool instead of something that holds you back. (Sagittarian of the month: Vanessa Paradis, French actress; 22 Dec 1972)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

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Your strength and desire to take a leadership role may be threatening to others. Be careful of automatically assuming the dominant position before learning what other people feel about the situation. You could make some drastic mistakes if you don’t watch out for the well-being of others. (Capricorn of the month: Jim Carrey, Canadian actor; 17 Jan 1962)

AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)

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You can cut through the truth quite easily, so don’t hesitate to do so. If you come to an intersection and no one seems to know who should go next, take the initiative to go. It’s not a bad idea to signal your intentions to the other drivers before you make your move. (Aquarian of the month: Park Shin-hye, Korean actress; 18 Feb 1990)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

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All your hard work may finally start to pay off this month, but not if you appear too much of a glory hunter. Step back from the spotlight and reward yourself with a well-deserved trip abroad instead. Reach out to people you might have neglected recently and seek to soothe any bruised egos. (Pisces of the month: Oscar Isaac, Guatemalan actor; 9 Mar 1979)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

august 2023 horoscope

Resist the temptation to jump in and fix apparently tricky situations or they may end up backfiring on you. You will also be feeling an abundance of energy, but make sure you put it to good use and attend to a number of pressing issues you’ve ignored for too long. Don’t overdo it, though, and remember you also need to prioritise your own well-being. (Aries of the month: Nancy Pelosi, American politician; 26 Mar 1940)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

august 2023 horoscope

If you’re mulling over a major life decision, enlist the help of friends and family. Seek their advice before moving forward. Feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps it’s time for a break. Plan some downtime or even a spontaneous weekend getaway and you’ll come back refreshed. (Taurean of the month: Jet Li, Chinese actor & martial artist; 26 Apr 1963)

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

august 2023 horoscope

You may have the intellectual side of the equation completely set in your head. You’ve collected all the facts and have all the dates worked out in a way that it’s impossible for anyone to fault your calculations. Don’t think you’re done, because emotions are left to consider. (Cancerian of the month: Sundar Pichai, Indian Google CEO; 12 Jul 1972)

Here is your May 2024 Horoscope

Taurus Season is in full swing! The steady, reliable Taurus is known for their love of the finer things in life – good food, comfortable living, and indulging their senses. But how do the other zodiac signs stack up?

Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

august 2023 astrology

If you feel like you’re trying to push a square peg into a round hole, you’re probably right. There are times when it just doesn’t pay to try so hard. It is often a sign that there is something fundamentally wrong with the relationship. Try to make a philosophical attitude, Leo. If it is meant to work, it will. (Leo of the Month: Hwasa, South Korean Singer, 23 July 1995)

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

august 2023 astrology

Things aren’t always as they first appear. People you thought you knew well and circumstances that you thought you understood thoroughly now seem anything but straight forward. It’s time to direct this altered vision inward. You’re ready for a change. Dust off that CV! (Virgo of the Month: Felix, Australian Rapper, 15 September 2000)

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

august 2023 astrology

Difficult as it may be for you to face all those projects you’ve left undone. Know that you’ll be free to move on once they’re complete. People from your past figure prominently now. Don’t abandon your dreams. (Libra of the Month: Alicia Vikander, Swedish Actress, 3 October 1988)

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

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You could have a eureka moment this month as events from your past unexpectedly bubble to the surface of your mind and crystalise in a surprising new way. Suddenly, you have a clear understanding of how these past events affect your present behaviour. Use this new knowledge to bring about change. (Scorpio of the Month: Aditi Rao Hydari, Indian Actress, 28 October 1986)

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

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Sometimes it’s easier to tend to life’s mundane details rather than lift your eyes and see the big picture. Busying yourself with trivia isn’t the way to avoid answering the question. It’s imperative that you face it head on. (Sagittarius of the Month: Yoshitomo Nara, Japanese Artist, 5 December 1959)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

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Change is in the air. Whether it’s a dramatic change of faith or a major shift in your life’s goals, prepare yourself for a profound transformation. It’s likely due to the fact that you now have more freedom to do what you want, when you want. (Capricorn of the Month: Indya Moore, American Actress, 17 January 1995)

AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)

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It’s time to refill the well of your soul. You spend so much of your life in service to others that it’s only natural that you feel drained sometimes.Admit if you’re feeling unappreciated. You’ve spent too much time putting the happiness of others before your own. (Aquarius of the month: Jeff Koons, American Artist, 21 January 1955)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

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You would make an excellent judge. You’re able to consider all aspects of a situation. This is a bit of a blessing and a curse, because it can make it difficult to come come to a decision. Prior commitments need reevaluation. This is tiring but neccessary if you’re to move forward. (Pisces of the Month: Jeff Satur, Thai Actor, 6 March 1995)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

august 2023 horoscope

Just because one person is no longer a part of your life doesn’t mean that all people are unreliable. People change, as do situations. It’s possible that this person was no longer a healthy influence on you, in which case the departure is for the best. Be more adoptable. (Aries of the Month: Choi Woo-Shik, Canadian Actor, 26 March 1990)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

august 2023 horoscope

If you have been feeling a little under the weather, this month’s planetary configuration will make you feel a whole lot better, Taurus! In a few days you’ll have the strength to pick up where you left off on the projects you perhaps began last month. A lot of things are changing in your life. Your motivations are evolving and your ambitions could be taking a different direction.

Love is scary and so exhilarating, as you don’t know what to expect from your first date with someone new. But the current position of the planet indicates that it will leave you wide-eyed and eager to find out more. You will adore the way that they do not care to conform and the way they express their tenderness, with such sweet and unusual gestures that touch your soul.  

     Activity in your house of groups and politics urges you to stop hiding behind emails and texts to get business done. The phone is fine sometimes, but in order to be remembered, it’s best to press the flesh.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

august 2023 horoscope

You always suspected that your job was making you crazy. Is it worth it Gemini? You may be asking yourself this question this month. Fortunately, your talents apply to several positions. Why not take a closer look at other fields?. (Gemini of the Month: Natalie Portman, Israeli American Actress, 9 June 1981)

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

august 2023 horoscope

Just how long has it been since you indulged in a big helping of your favourite guilty pleasure? It’s time to let the youngster in you come out and play this month. Eat that chocolate, watch those mindless reels or skip down the sidewalk.  (Cancer of the Month: Margot Robbie, Australian Actress, 2 July 1990)

Here is your September 2023 Horoscope

Mercury may be in retrograde this September but that is not going to change the fact that this Virgo season will be filled with exciting opportunities. Moreover, as Venus retrograde ends on September 4, you can also expect to see your love life take a better turn. Read your September 2023 horoscope to know what this Virgo season has in store for your star sign.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

astrological predictions

Born under the Virgo star sign, you are great at thinking with practicality and logic. While this has made you appear less compassionate around others, this September, some incidents will change the way people perceive you. They will begin to appreciate your thought process and even ask for your opinions and actually take them seriously.

While this sudden change, especially from your partner, may confuse you at the beginning, you should try not to overthink and go with the flow. Your needless suspicions can only have a negative impact but accepting them could benefit your relationship. So, though it may be in your nature to think critically, it is best to set aside that characteristic of yours, at least for the time being.

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

astrological predictions

While your past self might have felt discouraged by the many hurdles you have to overcome to taste victory, you are more mature now, so you understand that success does not come easily. This month, you will find happiness in knowing that you have put in your best efforts in the things you do. (Libra of the Month: Atthaphan Phunsawat, Thai Actor, 4 October 1993)

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

astrological predictions

September could turn out to be the most exciting month for you, as you will find yourself involved in projects that you are highly passionate about. In fact, a certain person may be amazed by your expertise and give you an opportunity to advance in your career. If it feels right, just go for it, Scorpio. (Scorpio of the Month: Ryan Gosling, Canadian Actor, 12 November 1980)

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

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You are feeling a sense of despair but now is the time to stay optimistic, Sagittarius. Life can be more exciting for you if you learn to pay attention to the new beginnings in life rather than pondering over what has ended. September is the right time for you to unwind and focus on your health and personal life before you become busy. (Sagittarius of the month: Sebastian Croft, British Actor, 16 December 16)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

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Given the planetary alignment this month, you will find September to be less exciting but you may not be very concerned about feeling bored on some days. Your priorities will completely lie in knowing that you have passed each month without any troubles and that you were not involved in any minor or major arguments. (Capricorn of the Month: Kim Taehyung, South Korean Idol, 30 December 1995)

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

astrological predictions

You will come across a couple of hurdles that would initially discourage you from continuing to work towards your goals. Do not let those minor troubles stop you from focusing on your aspirations because when you see the bigger picture, these recent obstacles will have actually taught you some valuable lessons. (Aquarius of the Month: Tom Hiddleston, British Actor, 9 February 1981)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

September 2023 horoscope

Communication is going to be the most vital thing for you, Pisces. Whether it is at work or at home, reminding yourself and letting the people around you know what your true feelings are, will help you and the people around you to resolve issues. September brings you the opportunity to fix any past misunderstandings. (Pisces of the Month: Emily Blunt, British Actress, 23 February 1983)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

September 2023 horoscope

You may feel like there is something holding you back, not allowing you to go ahead and do the things you planned. Such intuitions are mostly just in your thoughts. Learn to put your self-confidence in the forefront and it will be easy for you to see significant progress in your life, but try not to get overconfident because that might just work negatively for you. (Aries of the Month: Jim Parsons, American Actor, 24 March 1973)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

September 2023 horoscope

Now is the right time to look at events from this year and reevaluate your past which may give you an awakening that will encourage you to look forward to a better future. If you have been procrastinating certain discussions to avoid conflicts, September will make it easy to have such difficult conversations. (Taurus of the Month: Andria Tayeh, Jordanian Model, 9 May 2001)

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

September 2023 horoscope

Previously, you might have reclined from chatting with strangers in fear of being judged or coming off as unlikable. But, this month, you will let go of that shyness and find yourself networking with new people and focusing on growing your career. Besides, you do know how to talk in a way that impresses everyone. (Gemini of the Month: Troye Sivan, South African Singer, 5 June 1995)

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

September 2023 horoscope

In the last couple of weeks, you were probably focusing on all the things that are missing from your life and that has only made you feel low. Fortunately, your stars are pushing you to be more optimistic and look at all the simple yet great things that you have overlooked recently. Sometimes, bliss comes from within you, Cancer. (Cancer of the Month: Camila Queiroz, Brazilian Actress, 27 June 1993)

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

September 2023 horoscope

September may feel more stressful than you expected it to be, so planning out in advance and following a strict schedule will be both necessary and beneficial for you, Leo. Your proper time management may even make the last week of September much more relaxed and raise your desire to go on a weekend trip to a new destination. (Leo of the Month: Dulquer Salmaan, Indian actor, 28 July 1983)

Here is your August 2023 Horoscope

August is quite a special month in astrology as the month brings not one but two blue moons which can have a unique effect on each zodiac sign. Scroll down to read your August 2023 horoscope to learn what this month has in store for you.

Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

august 2023 astrology

Individuals born under the Leo zodiac sign are natural leaders who attract attention with their flamboyant presence. This August, you may be inclined to make changes in a specific matter that affects you and those in your proximity. Do not hesitate to take the first steps, even if no one has taken any action in the past. Your initiative can inspire others to follow your lead, and the ultimate result will provide a sense of relief.

Fortunately, you have a supportive partner by your side to help you on this journey. Remember that it’s normal for them to expect the same support, even if they don’t ask for it. With this mutual understanding, your relationship can continue to thrive and maybe even improve.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

august 2023 astrology

You are having second thoughts about the people around you, especially because you feel they don’t encourage you as you do for them. You may be inclined to hang out with new people but keep in mind, it is better not to have high expectations from others. (Virgo of the Month: Zendaya, American Actress, 1 September 1996)

LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

august 2023 astrology

You have a certain charm to you that attracts new people leading to new opportunities too. This August, your amicable personality will have people wanting to collaborate with you and if it interests you, you can look forward to the success of these projects. (Libra of the Month: Thanawat Rattanakitpaisarn, Thai Actor, 13 October 1998)

Also Read: The most anticipated movies released this August

SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)

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Though you may not be ready for it, the universe calls you to make certain decisions. With both your options being equally pleasing, you are worried about the loss that comes with not choosing the other. It is time to focus on what would make you happier so pick the one close to your heart. (Scorpio of the Month: Björk, Icelandic singer-songwriter, 21 November 1965)

SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)

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When you rethink why you made some choices in life, you would realise that you are onto something productive and though you may not see its outcomes immediately, you will surely one day. Don’t let this dull phase in your life make you feel agitated and discouraged from working towards your goals. (Sagittarius: Jung Wooyoung, South Korean Singer, 26 November 1999)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

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You are actually your strictest critic, Capricorn. Some incidents in August may have you thinking that you are not showing your full potential but it is better not to be very hard on yourself and understand that it is essential to prioritise your mental health. (Capricorn of the Month: Ryuichi Sakamoto, Japanese composer, 17 January 1952)

AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)

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On a positive note, you, things are going to go undisturbed on the career aspect. However, your love life may see a downfall unless you learn to express your love towards your partner and being subtle is just not enough at least for the time being. (Aquarius of the Month: Alexander Glantz, American Singer-songwriter, 23 January 1995)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

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You have found an environment that is ideal for you to succeed and that has allowed you to work without any worries. While such circumstances have pushed you to work hard, so that you can see victory, you may want to slow down and remember that using all your energy now will leave you hopeless in the future. (Pisces of the Month: Catherine O’Hara, Canadian-American Actress, 4 March 1954)

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

august 2023 horoscope

This month’s planetary position pushes you to have high expectations of yourself and though it may feel daunting at first, it can become your own dose of encouragement once you see that you are more capable than you think you are. Take full advantage of this new-found hope to win big in life. (Aries of the Month: Tristan Tzara, Romanian Poet, 28 April 1896)

TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)

august 2023 horoscope

August could feel like the longest month and it will test your patience as you will find yourself waiting for things to happen. Look at it optimistically and all that extra time gives you more room to prepare better and perform better. (Taurus of the Month: Miranda Kerr, Australian Model, 20 April 1983)

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

august 2023 horoscope

You are feeling like you are stuck in a slump with nothing happening the way you planned. Don’t let this despair stop you from working towards your ambitions. Diverting your mind from any negative thoughts you may have, will benefit you significantly. (Gemini of the Month: Ranganathan Madhavan, Indian Actor, 1 June 1970)

CANCER (21 June – 22 July)

august 2023 horoscope

You have discovered your true potential but this turned out to be a double-edged sword for you, Cancer. Now, you are pushing yourself to work even harder and not giving the rest you most certainly need. August could be the right time to take a break and then swing back with full force. (Cancer of the Month: Sofia Vergara, Colombian-American actress, 10 July 1972)

Also Read: Things to do this August in Hong Kong

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022

A prosperous year is in the stars – though some animals are likely to prosper more than others. Generally, though, the Year of the Tiger is billed to be an auspicious one, setting an even playing field for all 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Yet, as the balance of energies between yin and yang shifts, unpredictable and often challenging circumstances will arise in the wake of a changing landscape.

The year ahead will find finances, romance and health in flux, but those who are cautious in their investments and choose their friends wisely will be better positioned to profit down the line. If you have the patience and resilience to weather the rocky road ahead, the later months will bring monetary reward and, yes, luck in love.
Here’s what’s on the slate for each animal sign of the Chinese zodiac…

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - tiger

1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Since it’s the Year of the Tiger, the self-confident, competitive feline will be in conflict with Tai Sui, the Guardian God of the Year, meaning major life changes are expected for those born under the sign. If marriage and children were not on the cards last year, 2022 may bring a proposal – or a break up. But the fierce feline has also been blessed by the powerful relationship star, which offers hope to singletons looking to settle down. Issues may also arise over health and finances; be cautious, Tigers, when you decide to travel or invest.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - rabbit

1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Under the star of temporary relationships, those born in the zodiac sign of the Rabbit are likely to enjoy a sudden shift in positive attention from colleagues and superiors. This may enable these gentle, skilful creatures to work more efficiently, boosting their career prospects or business ventures to immediate reward. But Rabbits should be wary of temptations this year. Their increased popularity and positive influence on those around them could elevate their luck in love – or it might backfire. Avoid any potential messy situation as a possible love triangle will only end messily.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - dragon

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Dragons are in a distant union with the year’s guardian god, implying that fortune will appear in the form of aid or support from afar. There’s a good chance that foreign investments and international partnerships will prosper. Business travel is likely to result in a successful deal, but hard work will be required before any discernible pay off. Dragons shouldn’t be afraid of asserting themselves to control their destiny this year – which is no huge leap for these intelligent, ambitious creatures.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - snake

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
While Snakes enjoyed seamless social interaction last year, the tide has now turned and they are likely to be plagued by gossip and trivial disputes. Although career and finances will not be heavily affected by this negative energy, if small matters are not settled promptly, they may become weighty and troublesome, affecting mood, temperament, memory and relationships. The insightful Snake might find it helpful to cut back on outside entertainment and spend quality time with family and those who’ve always had their back.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - horse

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Horses are in harmony with the guardian god of the year, affording them greater stability and improved relationships at work and home. Reaping the benefits of a helpful support system, these active, energetic animals should be able to ascend their respective social and career ladders, thus expanding their inner circle and boosting their reputation. However, success may also spawn jealousy and petty disputes. Don’t be blindsided; stay competitive yet humble so you can canter smoothly through the year.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - goat

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
2021 was a turbulent year for the shy, amicable Goat, but their luck is about to turn. A change in relationship, career and / or living environment will provide a more comfortable building block. New partners, children and homes will be sources of joy, while a profitable return affords a surer footing. So, if you have been putting off that large, indulgent purchase, this year would be the best time to treat yourself, though bear in mind that the larger the sum, the heavier the bill.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - monkey

1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Last year the witty, adventurous Monkey was blessed by the relationship star, but now a shift in fortune may prompt a proposal, pregnancy or even a break-up. For the uncommitted, this is the year to discuss long-term matters like marriage or children. While this instability may have Monkeys scrambling for solutions, they are advised to pace themselves lest they make decisions they live to regret. Outside such matters of the heart, though, the lucky stars are aligned with their sign; big problems should get smaller, and small problems disappear.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - rooster

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
2021 was an exciting year for the talented Rooster. But come 2022, their happy rollercoaster of life will slow down, perhaps too much so. They might experience a sudden dip in motivation and energy as they hit a career bump, or their personal or relationship goals stagnate. While these resourceful, courageous creatures are often itching for change, they are advised to proceed with caution and consider each decision carefully, since it could determine their fortune for the rest of the year.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - dog

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
More money, more time and more capital – Dogs are blessed with abundance and prosperity in 2022, although personal circumstances and health issues may tell a different story. These loyal, prudent creatures are advised to avoid gossip and adopt a healthier diet to stay lucky and energetic. Business affairs abroad may also reap rewards, while local opportunities wane. Stay connected to the latest trends in order to build stronger professional relationships; there is no limit to Dogs learning new tricks this year.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - pig

1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The diligent, amiable Pig is fortunately in sync with the guardian god of 2022, meaning they are less likely to face major upheaval in their romantic, career or home life. They may bask in the glow of this auspicious energy for the next couple of years, thanks to their habit of sticking to routine, especially when confronted by unexpected events. While it’s best to avoid changing jobs now – the economy may not improve until the second half of the year – push for that promotion you’ve been eyeing, or strengthen your existing network to boost the chance of your lucky star turning mishap into marvel.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - rat

1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Rats will find it harder to get along with others as they undergo a major upheaval, either in terms of living space – it is said to be an auspicious year for Rats to move house – or travelling to a new place. Though they are likely to be on unstable ground for the first few months of the year, there will be no significant downturns in their situation. Liberated by the change in scenery, these quick-witted, versatile souls are advised to learn a new skill and hone it – before further shifts befall them towards the end of the year.

Your fate this Year of the Tiger 2022 chinese zodiac predictions gafencu - ox

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Love is in the air for Oxen this year. The relationship star is shining over them, boosting interpersonal liaisons. Good fortune and abundance hover on the horizon as well; all these dependable, decisive animals must do is push past the mishaps and misfortunes lingering from last year. With the way then clear for luck to work its magic, the Ox will be led to bigger and better wins in their personal and professional lives.


Year of the Tiger: Lucky colours to wear according to Feng Shui

Lai see, mandarins, red lanterns are all back! 2022 – the year of the Water Tiger – a symbol of strength, ambition and competitiveness. According to Feng Shui masters new opportunities, career change, relationships and fresh ventures or even a return to long-standing pending projects is due. Let’s hone in all this auspicious energy the year has to offer by match your lucky colours with zodiac signs. 

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 Gafencu Chinese zodiac
Yang Zodiac Animals: Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Rat, Dragon and Horse

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 Gafencu Chinese zodiac (1)
Yin Zodiac Animals: Ox, Snake, Rooster, Rabbit, Goat and Pig










Those born in the year of the Tiger, Monkey, Rat, Horse, Dog and Dragon are considered to be of Yang energy and possess  traits that align with masculine energy. On the other hand, those who belong to the Rabbit, Pig, Snake, Ox and Goat are more aligned with feminine energy, Yin.

While Yang animals enjoy an extra boost of luck through more cooler, neutral and metallic hues such as white, gold, silver, black, grey and blue; Yin animals are said to gain more from dressing in warmer and brighter tones – red, orange, purple, green and turquoise, for example.

Year of the Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 year of the tiger gafencu chinese zodiac
Burberry FW21 Coat; Buccellati Hawaii 18K gold earrings; Balenciaga Hourglass XS croc-effect leather tot; Dodo Bar Or Dodo Bar or Gabrielle HW Metallic Knit; Alexander McQueen Neoprene ankle boots

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism 

Year of the Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the rabbit gafencu chinese zodiac
Gucci FW21 blazer and trousers; Aquazzura Carrie 75mm leather mules; Giorgio Armani handbag; Ananya Scatter Energy 18-karat rose and white gold, diamond and ruby ring; Buccelati Prestigi silver cuff

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 year of the dragon gafencu chinese zodiac
Tom Ford black floral-lace high neck blouse; Versace Virtus quilted leather clutch; JIMMY CHOO Aveline 100 bow-detailed mirrored-leather sandals; Alberta Ferretti high-waisted flared trousers

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours: Pink and Yellow

Year of the Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the snake gafencu chinese zodiac
Salvatore Ferragamo cropped top and pants; Christian Louboutin Hot Chick 100 patent-leather pumps and Red Show refillable lipstick; Breguet Reine de Naples watch; Hourglass Scattered Light glitter eyeshadow

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Horse (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the horse gafencu chinese zodiac
Versace jacket and pants; Jimmy Choo Zania 65mm mules; Bottega Veneta Octagon-frame gold-tone metal sunglasses and The Snap clutch; By Pariah The Sabine large recycled gold vermeil clip hoops earrings;

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Goat (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the horse gafencu chinese zodiac
Ferragamo FW21 sweater; Victoria Bekham Cropped crepe flared pants; Palm Angels scalloped cossbody bag; Shiseido Camellia Compact Limited Edition

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 year of the monkey gafencu chinese zodiac
Giorgio Armani cropped floral jacket and high waist pants; Jimmy Choo Spruce 110mm pumps; Saint Laurent Sade puffer envelope clutch bag

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Also Read: Go with the Flow! How best to apply Feng Shui to the Home

Year of the Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the rooster gafencu chinese zodiac
Gucci top, pants, medium top handle bag with Bamboo and Link to Love rubellite ring; Burberry Checked canvas and rubber rain boots

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Dog (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Tiger 2022 year of the dog gafencu chinese zodiac
Burberry Metallic Paillette-embellished Mesh Asymmetric Dress, Bullion Fringing Paillette-embellished Silk Flag Bag and Paillette-embellished Heel Stretch Tulle Sock Boots

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the pig gafencu chinese zodiac
Fendi men’s FW21 jacket and pants; IWC Schaffhausen Big Pilot’s Spitfire Automatic 43mm Bronze and Leather Watch; Gucci Logo-Embellihed leather belt; Valentino Garavani Roman Stud Quilted Leather Messenger Bag

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Also Read: Thierry Chow – An In-depth Interview with a Feng Shui master

Year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the Rat 2022 year of the dragon gafencu chinese zodiac
Tom Ford blue velvet blazer and trousers, Loro Piana Andre Garment-Dyed Silk Shirt; Blacpain Villeret Quantieme Complet; Balenciaga 4cm Leather and Silver-Tone Belt; Gucci Jordaan leather loafer

Lucky Colours:

White: Fertility and Creativity

Gold / Yellow: Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Silver /Gray: Social Support, Harmony, Wisdom and Adventure

Black: Career

Blue: Social Interaction, Wisdom and Calmness

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

Year of the Ox (1937 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Lucky colours to wear this Year of the tiger 2022 year of the ox gafencu chinese zodiac
Giorgio Armani FW21 jacket and shoes; Yves Saint Laurent latex leggings; David Koma embellished candy crop top; ALAÏA Angèle 20 XS laser-cut leather tote

Lucky Colours:

Red: Courage, Passion, Fame and Reputation

Orange: Abundance and Good Fortune

Purple: Wealth, Spirituality and Abundance

Green / Turquoise: Family, Growth, Energy and Prosperity

Neutral Colours:

Pink: Love and Relationship

Yellow: Happiness, Warmth, Focus and Optimism

How to choose the right birthstone for you

A birthstone is a gemstone that represents a person’s period of birth. They were historically believed to hold mythical powers that benefit the wearer, whether in terms of healing, protection or promoting joyfulness. Contrary to popular belief, picking a gemstone doesn’t have to be limited to one stone or colour, rather one can choose a birthstone according to zodiac signs, or their month, day and season of birth. Worn alone or in combination, these gemstones are often fashioned as a jewellery or as a pendant on a necklace. Here are a few different ways you can choose the right birthstone for you…

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you different characteristics

What each stone means
According to ancient astrologers, wearing birthstones were believed to deliver good luck, good health, and protection against bad energy. Certain gemstones were attributed supernatural powers such as mindfulness, concentration and magnetism for positivity in love and friendships. For example, ruby stones offered its wearers vitality while amethysts increased wisdom and pink tourmaline promoted healing.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by month of birth

Choosing a birthstone based on the month of birth
For every month of the year, there is one or multiple gemstones attributed to it. For months with different birthstones, the have the option to choose between traditional birthstones and modern birthstones, standardised by the US National Association of Jewellers. For example bloodstones were traditionally attributed to those born in March, though according modern birthstones, it is Aquamarine.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by horoscope zodiac sign

Choosing a birthstone according to zodiac signs
Other than choosing a birthstone based on the month of birth, birthstones can also be selected based on the western astrological sign of the person, also known as their zodiac sign  or horoscope sign. For example, Leos match well with onyx stones while Pisces are compatible with amethysts.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by day of birth

Choosing a birthstone based on the days of the week
Alternatively, birthstones can also be selected based on the days of the week of which the person is born.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by seasons

Choosing a birthstone according to seasons
In addition, to the days and months, the seasons also play a role in attributing a gemstone for each season of the year, more particularly, the four big gemstones: emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond.


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What the 2021 Year of the Ox has in store for you

While the Year of the Rat certainly lived up to the less salubrious associations of its namesake, it is hoped that the boldly muscular incoming Year of the Ox will set right much of what’s gone wrong. Join us as we take sneak peak at just what the next 12 months have in store…
gafencu magazine Ox Tales What does the incoming lunar year have in store for you and yours - ox

Years of the Ox:

1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

With the Year of the Ox said to be supremely unlucky for those born under the same sign, a challenging year awaits you on many fronts, not least of all financial. You are best advised to postpone anything with more than a hint of risk and focus on consolidating all of your interests into a comparatively safe haven. If you can ride out the immediately forthcoming tough times, you will be well placed to begin next year in a far more advantageous position than many of your peers. Look to investing in the education of someone close to you come autumn. 

gafencu magazine Ox Tales What does the incoming lunar year have in store for you and yours - tiger rabbit

Years of the Tiger:

1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

With the blessings of Tai Yang, the powerful star of relationships, upon you, this is the time to change the power dynamics of a key relationship. One particular partner – whether personal or business-related – has been pushing you to take things to the next stage for quite some time now. If you postpone your decision much longer, you may well find the choice has been made for you. Chances are, the outcome will not be the one you most desire, so it would be far better for you to seize the initiative and take control of your own destiny.

Years of the Rabbit:

1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Your long-suppressed desire to travel will eventually resurface and be fully indulged, but not until the new year turns old. Someone far away has been keeping the faith throughout the travails of the past 12 months, but their hope of you doing the same is beginning to waiver. It’s best you reaffirm your commitment virtually at the earlier opportunity; this will reassure both of you that you really are doing the right thing. Use your vacation time sparingly, as you will have a lot of catching up to do come late autumn.

gafencu magazine Ox Tales What does the incoming lunar year have in store for you and yours - horse snake dragon

Years of the Dragon:

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragons truly get to take flight this year. While you spent much of 2020 hunkering down, the time is now right for you to return to the fray with a vengeance. Although others have grown soft and indecisive during the months of relative inactivity, you have taken the opportunity to regroup, reassess and plan. However, remember to keep a level head as the inauspicious auspices of Yang Ren entering your sphere may have you experiencing sudden, inopportune bouts of temper. 

Years of the Snake:

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Snakes know a turncoat when they see one and you have long suspected the loyalties of someone who has enjoyed all the advantages of being privy to your inner circle. Now, inadvertently, they are poised to show their true colours, giving you all the justification you need to exile them from you and yours. While they are bound to backpedal and look to mitigate, you know this is but cosmetic bluster. Stick to your convictions and make the break.

Years of the Horse:

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 2002, 2014

Love is all around you this year, with the admirable qualities you showed over the last 12 months having endeared many to you. Your leadership on many fronts has led to family, friends and work colleagues reevaluating you in a universally favourable light. Be careful, however, as this outpouring of affection could impair your objectivity when tough decisions need to be taken. While flattery is always welcome, it is never going to sustain you financially or help you reach any of your key life goals.

gafencu magazine Ox Tales What does the incoming lunar year have in store for you and yours - monkey rooster sheep

Years of the Goat:

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

An event early in the year forces you to reassess much of your philosophy of life, particularly on the environmental front. While you have long given tacit support for action on the climate change front, you may well soon feel compelled to take a more strident approach. This is largely down to your growing sense of stewardship and your increased awareness that the wellbeing of future generations is already in your hands.

Years of the Monkey:

1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

It has often been said that you can resist anything but temptation. Given the kid-in-a-candy shop sentiment that is tiding over you at the first hint that the wider world may be about to return to something approaching normal, this may become an issue. While you’ve been abstemious and restrained for the best part of 10 months, there is now an inner dam approaching breaking point. Discretion is your watchword as the sins of older folk are always less becoming than those of their younger counterparts.

Years of the Rooster:

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Very rarely has the New Year presented you with quite such a blank page. In this instance, given the Rooster’s harmonious relationship with the ruling Ox sign, that’s very definitely a positive prospect. While you’ve spent the past few years constrained by the expectations and demands of others, suddenly you are off the leash big time, free to explore new directions both personally and professionally. While this has, unfortunately, been triggered by something of a loss, there is also an awful lot to be gained.

gafencu magazine Ox Tales What does the incoming lunar year have in store for you and yours - dog pig rat

Years of the Dog:

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Gossip will be dogging your every move in the first half of the year. While much of this is down to jealousy on the part of certain people within your professional and social circles, there’s no denying it’s also been fuelled by your habitually opaque behaviour. Although no-one is suggesting complete transparency, keeping secrets for the sake of keeping secrets doesn’t really become you. You could just try explaining yourself every once in a while.

Years of the Pig:

1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

With the lucky star of mobility, Yi Ma, smiling on you, a golden career opportunity is starred for you this year. It may, however, be best to keep the celebrations on a low burn – after all, everyone’s gain has to be someone else’s loss. You may find that some people are more inclined to mourn the latter rather than applaud the former, so it’s best all round if you share any good news sparingly. A grand charitable gesture may help to dispel any negative karma heading your way.

Years of the Rat:

1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

A year of fine balance awaits you, one where you manage to keep all of your plates – personal, professional and spiritual – spinning rather nicely. Many will look on wistfully as you dexterously keep all of your affairs in order, with few realising just how much hard work it has taken for you to arrive in such an enviable position. If you can maintain your current priorities and keep your hand firmly (but sensitively) on the tiller, this is a situation that could yet hold steady for several more years.