Choose a lucky charm to complement your zodiac sign

Every year, luxury jewellery houses and watchmakers pay homage to the tale of the Chinese zodiacs with animal motifs that decorate pendants, jewelries and watches. But as Chinese beliefs would have it, keeping a close contact with these 12 zodiac animals can bless one’s year with great fortune and protection, provided that the right charm is worn to match his or her sign. Not just to adorn one’s features and add a touch of style to an outfit, lucky zodiac charms complement one’s personality and and ward off bad luck. Here’s how to pick out a lucky zodiac charm to match your sign. 

gafencu magazine chinese zodiac lucky charm piaget year of the ox watch
Piaget Year of the Ox watch

Established by feng shui masters, the compatibility of each sign is categorized by two grouping methods: The ‘six-harmony’ and ‘trine’ signs. They follow the theory of Five Elements and the concept of Yin and Yang to determine which zodiac animals complement each other the best.

gafencu magazine chinese zodiac lucky charm Paloma’s Chinese Zodiac Rooster Charm tiffany & co.
Paloma’s Rooster charm by Tiffany & Co.

The most compatible matches in terms personality, values and temperament are within the six-harmony groups. The bonds between the pairs in these groups are strongest and is the ideal match to boost one’s luck all-around.

Six-harmony compatible signs:

Rat & Ox

Tiger & Pig

Rabbit & Dog

Dragon & Rooster

Snake & Monkey

Horse & Goat

Year of the Ox necklace by Louis Vuitton

However, according to Chinese astrology, people in their zodiac year are believed to offend Tai Sui (the God of Age) leading to an unfortunate year ahead if you were born in the year of the Ox. It is also known by Chinese astrologists that there are five zodiac signs in conflict with the Tai Sui this year: Ox, Goat, Dog, Horse, and Dragon.

gafencu magazine chinese zodiac lucky charm tessa packard mr pig earrings
Tessa Packard ‘mr pig’ earrings

In this case, if any of these five signs are in your “six-harmony” pairing, it’s best to opt for another animal within the “trine” group. A trio of signs that get along well with one another in areas of habits and interests, and can boost one’s luck and happiness in life.

Trine Signs:

Rat, Dragon, Monkey

Ox, Snake, Rooster

Tiger, Horse, Dog

Rabbit, Sheep, Pig

gafencu magazine chinese zodiac lucky charm from boucheron Laïka, Le Husky’ ring
Boucheron’s Laïka-Le-Husky ring

Besides knowing your lucky animals, there are also charms that are best avoided. Following the Five Elements theory, creation and destruction are complementary processes in which the ultimate goal is harmony. Meaning that while some signs come together to create life, other signs with contrasting elements tend to be in conflict with each other. For instance, water (Rat) puts out fire (Horse), which can explain why the two are always butting heads with one another.

gafencu magazine chinese zodiac lucky charm chopard monkey ring from red carpet collection
Chopard monkey ring from Red Carpet collection

On the other hand, though Ox and Goats are both earth elements, their designated years are always six years apart. Coinciding with what feng shui states as the ‘circle of conflict’. Knowing the element of your sign, it’s safest to stir clear from wearing charms that feature zodiac signs that belong to elements that conflict with yours, as well as those that are three, six and nine years apart from you.

Conflicting pairs: 

Rat (Water) vs Horse (Fire)

Ox (Earth) vs Goat (Earth)

Monkey (Metal) vs Tiger (Wood)

Rabbit (Wood) vs Rooster (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) vs Dog (Dog)

Snake (Fire) vs Pig (Water)


Feature image from Fabergé

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign (Virgo – Capricorn)

Following last week’s list of exercises for zodiac signs Aries to Leo, we’ve returned with another set of effective exercises that align with your zodiac signs. In this second part, we cover the horoscopes Virgo to Capricorn. If you’re among these horoscope signs, give these workouts a try and let us know on our Instagram or Facebook page how well these workouts matched your personality.


The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu virgo


Those born to the zodiac sign Virgo often feel obliged to serve others, but can also be quite critical and picky of how things are done. Yoga is a great opportunity for them to release anxiety and relax. It guides the mind to quietly let go of worries and escalating thoughts by shifting complete focus on controlling the body’s breath and movement.


The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu aquarius

Aquarius: Community Workout

Those with the Aquarius sign have a strong sense of social conscience and are progressive and engaging people. Because of this, they are likely to lean towards team sports and community workouts. Alternatives to group workouts at gyms are outdoor community workouts like those organized by SundayShred where a strong sense of community and support system are huge parts of accomplishing the workout.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu pieces

Pieces: Swimming

Taking after the likeness of the fish zodiac sign, those born to the sign of Pieces are spiritual and they tend to focus on their inner journey. They spend their days dreaming of secret illusionary worlds which makes swimming a great activity for them to enjoy because of its quiet and solitary nature.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu libra

Libra: Barre

Unsurprisingly, a type of exercise that would best fit Libras is barre. This type of workout draws out elements from strength training, yoga, and pilates. It’s a bodyweight exercise that targets the whole body instead of individual muscle groups. This workout emphasizes on balance — a value Libras take hold great importance in.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu scorpio

Scorpio: Rock Climbing

Scorpios are investigative and resourceful people. Although they tend to see things in black and white, they are able to easily identify beginnings and endings of a process and work tirelessly to achieve their goals. This makes rock climbing a great workout for them as it has a clear start and endpoint which also offers an intense work out in the process. There are a few rock climbing gyms in the city such as Attic V and Verm City.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu sagittarius

Sagittarius: Crossfit

Those who are born to the Sagittarius sign have more of a wanderer’s spirit. They are much more inclined to venture out and speak with others to broaden their minds and seek out knowledge. Their interests tend to grow into areas of philosophy and religion. Although CrossFit might initially seem like an odd pairing for a Sagittarius, it requires a great deal of mental maturity and determination to perform CrossFit exercises. The movements typically involve high-intensity strength and conditioning workouts that use day-to-day functional movements that are quite fitting to a wanderer’s attributes. 

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu capricorn

Capricorn: Calisthenics

Calisthenics and Capricorns are like a match made in fitness heaven the way that Capricorns are dedicated and ambitious hard workers that don’t mind taking things one step at a time. This makes their characters perfectly suited for activities that require practice, like Calisthenics. This exercise differs in level, intensity, and rhythm and improves on strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination which are well-suited skill sets to work towards for Capricorns’ practical way of thinking.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign (Aries – Leo)

Progress has been painstakingly slow since we set our 2020 New Year’s resolution to stay fit. It doesn’t help that operations of gyms and other fitness centres across the city have been temporarily suspended Don’t despair though -the year isn’t over yet by any stretch of imagination.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign part 1 website

By chance, I came across a nugget of inspiration and what might be the most quoted line for strength on the internet. “Don’t push your weaknesses, play with your strengths”, said by one of Hollywood’s most sexiest performer and producer, Jennifer Lopez. Did you know that she is also a Leo? Interestingly, people with this Zodiac sign are often reputed for being ambitious and hardworking. Presumably, these traits account for Lopez’s massively successful career and great physique over the years. This article will help you play to your strengths with the most effective exercises in line with your zodiac sign and push you forward through the rest of 2020.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu interval training Aries

Aries: Interval Training

Those born to the zodiac sign, are said to have the tendency to initiate but not complete. However, their high energy also makes them keen on trying new things, making them versatile to exploring various types of workouts. Interval training best accommodates their short-attention span and energetic spirit.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu weight training taurus

Taurus: Weight Training

Bearing the likeness of a bull, the most distinguishable traits of a Taurus are their strength and breathing. They tend to focus on nutrition and reward which weight-training reflects as the successful results of weight-training is heavily reliant on diet and the strong-willed minds.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu gemini hiking

Gemini: Hiking

Those with Gemini zodiac signs are curious intellectuals who love to talk and enjoy the outdoors. Because they thrive on social interactions, exercises that involve a partner, like walking or hiking, enables them to chat on short trips outdoors making the activity enjoyable for them.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign boxing HIIT cancer

Cancer: Boxing / HIIT

Although working out at home in Hong Kong can be challenging due to limited spaces, it is actually a preference for those born to the Cancer sign. Rooted by home and family, they tend to be home bodies which makes home workouts that need little space, like boxing and HIIT, ideal for them.

The most effective exercises that align with your zodiac sign gafencu dancing leo

Leo: Dancing

Not surprising, a high-energy and cardio-heavy sport best reflects a Leo’s characteristics. They are creatives that enjoy attention, and their ambitions build up strength of purpose which drives their ability to succeed. There are a wide variety of apps and YouTube videos of dance styles that are great for breaking a sweat and exercising that creative mind.

If you didn’t read about your zodiac sign here, worry not —we didn’t forget about you. We’ll go through the remaining seven signs next Monday. In the mean time, drop us a comment on our Instagram and Facebook and share with us your sign and your favourite workout routine.

Zodiac tips for loved-up pairs ahead of Valentine’s Day

Are you and your partner a match made in heaven, or star-crossed lovers doomed from the start? Do your celestial signs align, both physically and emotionally? Let astrology be the judge.

Valentine’s Day has once again arrived, with swathes of loved-up pairs seeking to celebrate the day with a romantic rendezvous. Sometimes, though, a little extra-cosmological support is needed to make sure you and your lover are on the same celestial page. While some signs complement each other perfectly, others are less well matched, which could lead to emotional and physical strife.

When it comes to finding out how well suited you and your other half are – publically and behind closed doors – the zodiac’s pairings give a general idea of what to expect. Although no two people are the same, the various defining traits that are attributed to each sign can help guide you on your path to relationship satisfaction. Are you an attentive lover or is it adventure that you seek? Are you a passionate romantic or a coy wallflower? Perhaps it’s variety and the unexpected that you love the most? Read on for our comprehensive celestial compatibility guide to love, romance and everything inbetween…


March 21 – April 19
Relationship traits: Passionate, energetic, pursuer
Most compatible with: Leo, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio
Least compatible with: Cancer, Capricorn

Assertive Aries is the ram, the first sign of the zodiac and a fire sign. This makes you self-assured, extroverted and eager when part of a couple. More of an in-the-moment than a hearts-and-flowers sign, you like open, honest relationships with plenty of physical intimacy. You prefer to pursue rather than be pursued, and you’re not afraid to say exactly what you want. You are unabashedly fiery and confident which can sometimes come across as dominant; be gentle and thoughtful at times.

Aries Valentine’s Day Tip: Spoil your loved one with a special night just for them. It’s long overdue.


April 20 – May 20
Relationship traits: Traditional, sensual and romantic
Most compatible with: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Least compatible with: Leo, Aquarius

As a Taurian, you value sensual pleasures more than other signs and have a heightened sense of smell, sound and touch. You can be a bit picky when it comes to choosing a partner, preferring to wait until the right person comes along. You are thoughtful and considerate when it comes to loving relationships and will express great consideration for the needs of others. You love being wooed, so potential love interests should wine and dine you for romantic success. A well-thought out gift may be coming your way.

Taurus Valentine’s Day Tip: Be spontaneous. Make a bit more effort than you usually would and be open to new ideas.


June 21 – July 22
Relationship traits: Passionate, protective and elusive
Most compatible with: Taurus, Virgo, Pisces
Least compatible with: Aries, Libra

Known for their love of stability, Cancers seek faithful, loyal and loving partners. You are sensual and creative, but you’re also wary when it comes to new love interests. Once you feel secure, your confidence grows both emotionally and physically. You love romance and romantic gestures, especially dinner à deux. You are sometimes possessive of the ones you love, and often need lots of reassurance or loving words. Trust more and you’ll soon see how little substance your fears have.

Cancer Valentine’s Day Tip: Cook a romantic meal for two and shower your partner with praise.


July 23 – August 22
Relationship traits: Sensual, social and attentive
Most compatible with: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
Least compatible with: Taurus, Scorpio

Known for their high libido and fiery nature, Leos are one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac. You have an intense and powerful chemistry that draws plenty of attention from the opposite sex. You love intimacy and are extremely attentive when it comes to physical interaction. However you also need constant reassurance from your partner in private, as well as in social situations. Sometimes you can be overly demanding so take a step back once in a while.

Leo Valentine’s Day Tip: Let your partner know you’re thinking about them too, with a thoughtful gift or trip away.



May 21 – June 20
Relationship traits: Flirty, experimental and carefree
Most compatible with: Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo
Least compatible with: Virgo and Pisces

Geminis are renowned for their flirtatious side and are quite open when it comes to experimentation, or even mysterious trysts in new places. You have great communication skills and you look for fun, easygoing partners. In the past, you have flitted from one relationship to another, although you can also be loyal and loving. You can be somewhat indecisive at times, making it hard for your other half to address your needs. You need to be more assertive as it will help your relationship in the long run.

Gemini Valentine’s Day Tip: Spend time sharing thoughts, secrets and dreams with your partner.


August 23 – September 22
Relationship traits: Sensitive, loving and intimate
Most compatible with: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio
Least compatible with: Gemini, Sagittarius

Highly sensual, Virgos look for physical intimacy with their partners at all times. Forget fancy dinners or extravagant gifts, it is closeness with your beloved that you seek. You wear your heart on your sleeve and are immensely proud of your relationship. You often look for more extroverted star signs and love appearing in public as a Hollywood-perfect couple. Behind closed doors, however, you’re far more adventurous and ready to shake off your conventional image. Don’t be afraid to share your innermost thoughts.

Virgo Valentine’s Day Tip: Splash out and celebrate your loved-up status, perhaps at a special restaurant you’ve been meaning to try.


September 23 – October 22
Relationship traits: Coy, experienced and seductive
Most compatible with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius
Least compatible with: Cancer, Capricorn

The most refined sign of the zodiac, Libras seek sophisticated tête-à-têtes with distinguished lovers. You are hyper-aware of your surroundings, so the setting is as important as the person, especially if they are a new partner. You are flirty and seductive, but also a tad secretive when it comes to socially romantic situations. You prefer to be tucked away than in a public setting and like to keep things discreet. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings, you may find it strengthens your relationship.

Libra Valentine’s Day Tip: Spill your heart. Your partner is used to you being secretive, so open up for a change.


October 23 – November 21
Relationship traits: Fiery, communicative and experimental
Most compatible with: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio
Least compatible with: Leo, Aquarius

Many believe Scorpios to be untameable, thanks to their highly sensual, extroverted nature. Ardently amorous though you may be, you are also willing to listen to your partner – especially if they want to explore new avenues in your relationship. You also like to keep your lover on their toes, and aren’t afraid to let them know if you’re not satisfied. You like to give, but you also usually get what you want. Try to keep an open mind; your partner might be too shy to open up to you.

Scorpio Valentine’s Day Tip: Plan to do something with each other that you’ve never tried before.


December 22 – January 19
Relationship traits: Considerate, romantic and intuitive
Most compatible with: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Least compatible with: Aries, Libra

Stable without being dull, Capricorns are one of the most loving and reliable signs of the zodiac. You are prepared to spend time making sure you and your partner are on the same page physically, and you also enjoy making romantic gestures. Sensuality and trust are both deeply crucial to you, especially when it comes to forming a bond with someone. Make sure you are giving off the right signals to your loved one and don’t be afraid to share your inner thoughts.

Capricorn Valentine’s Day Tip: Keep doing what you do best! If you’re feeling particularly amorous, light some candles and enjoy a couple’s massage to get into the romantic mood.


January 20 – February 18
Relationship traits: Discerning, physical, receptive
Most compatible with: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Least compatible with: Taurus, Scorpio

Aquarians are notably fickle when it comes to giving bedroom preferences away. You pride yourself on your clear-headedness and rationale. Once you meet the right person, though, these scruples often fall by the wayside. You like to be mentally stimulated and that’s often the way to your heart. You like to explore, but you don’t like to be caged in. Finding the right physical and emotional match is important to you but make sure you aren’t being too judgemental about potential suitors – someone’s got their eye on you.

Aquarius Valentine’s Day Tip: Experiment more than you usually would. Your strict principles may be holding you back.



November 22 – December 21
Relationship traits: Adventurous, affectionate and flirtatious
Most compatible with: Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Least compatible with: Virgo, Pisces

Spontaneous Sagittarians are known for their affection and attentiveness. The perpetual wanderer, you love to meet new people and try new things. In relationships, you’re the one usually making suggestions and you are often flirty and, possibly, a bit promiscuous. You’re always up for an adventure, especially if it’s of a romantic nature. While your partner loves spending time with you, remember that alone time can also mean just enjoying each others’ company.

Sagittarius Valentine’s Day Tip: Harness your sense of adventure to your relationship by whisking your lover away on a romantic mini-break.


February 19 – March 20
Relationship traits: Discreet, thoughtful and mysterious
Most compatible with: Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Least compatible with: Gemini, Sagittarius

Playful Pisceans are a source of delight for their partners, and are keen to share interests and pursue adventures together. Moderately physical, you often rely on non-verbal communication with your other half, especially in intimate scenarios. You are very giving in your relationship and happiest when you are relaxing as a pair. You are also – at times – shy, as well as being incredibly loyal. Don’t be afraid to suggest new activities together, too. You need to make sure you don’t get stuck in a domestic rut; your partner may well think the same.

Pisces Valentine’s Day Tip: Vocalise more. Share you inner thoughts and you might be rewarded.

Written by Juliette Silver 

12 months, 12 star signs, one inescapable destiny

The year just gone was full of surprises and uncertainty…Trump… Brexit… volatility in the financial markets. Over the last 12 months, many have certainly been caught off guard, regardless of their star sign or astral awareness. Will 2017 be more of the same, another year where the apparently impossible comes to pass? Or can we expect a little sanity to reassert itself? Well, that all depends. It’s all down to how the planets align, for you. And that’s down to the month, the day and even the hour of your birth. Arm yourself with our annual insight as to just what the New Year has in store for you and yours…

March 21 – April 19
As with the year just gone, a few surprises will likely be in store for you again in the year to come. Your ascendant planet is Uranus, a planet that both shocks and stimulates, while also awakening long-dormant desires. How you will fare will depend on how emotionally prepared you are for this astral onslaught.

On the plus side, it’s a good year for travel, especially when business related, but beware of high expenses in March. For those hoping for wedding bells, September onwards augurs well for nuptial prospects.

As a fire sign, this year it’s crucial for Arians to temper their impetuous natures. While it can be quite liberating to tell others exactly how you feel, that sudden rush of emotions could leave you feeling regretful. You will need to learn how to channel your feelings constructively without hurting those close to you – be it at home or in the workplace – or else you run the risk of losing friends and gaining enemies.

Tip: The devil is in the detail. Being organised this year will pay off for you hugely.

April 20 – May 20
This is a good year for new career avenues to open up but the opportunities will take care of themselves. A proactive approach is needed to make the most of your chances. Embrace workplace challenges wholeheartedly and you will reap the benefits. You could receive an unexpected windfall around the middle of the year.

Relationships could be less straightforward this year. Friendships could become tangled and will require all your level-headedness and patience to limit the damage of misunderstandings. Your creative spark will ignite in the second half of the year, making it the ideal time to act on artistic or business ideas.

Those born in early to mid-May may experience a spiritual awakening around February or March. It is also the time for single Tauruns to pursue that love interest you have been so coy about.

Tip: Seize your opportunities, this is not the year to be resting on your laurels.

May 21 – June 20
A true air sign, you enjoy making intellectual connections with others and opportunities to do so abound, especially in the first half of the year. While at times your dualistic nature may have your new acquaintances confused as to your true character, your pervasive charm will win them over.

This is also an important year for you when it comes to keeping an eye on your health. Cut down on sweet or fatty foods and ensure you don’t overdo it with the alcohol.

The period between April and May could prove tricky for you, with an ego clash or a potential run-in with a rival looking likely to undermine your plans. Exercising persistence will deliver financial rewards in the second half of the year, while this is also a very well-starred period for those Geminis considering starting a family.

Tip: For those Geminis looking for romance, while flirting is fun, be careful you don’t miss someone with real long-term potential.


June 21 – July 22
Planetary alignments this year indicate that you can expect hurdles on both the work and domestic fronts. As someone to whom home is particularly important – even if you don’t always admit it – ignore these problems at your peril.

As the year progresses there will be an upward surge in your fortunes. A change in residence could be on the cards, with the possibility of the purchase of a new apartment, and possibly that new car you’ve been promising yourself.

It is likely 2017 will also be a year of change and frenetic activity. Be prepared to tackle this head-on or accept the likelihood of being overwhelmed. Around October or November someone from your past could re-enter your life and take it in a wholly unexpected direction.

Tip: Brace yourself for potential change and for an unusually active and dynamic year.

July 23 – Aug 22
Your big-hearted nature and leadership skills come to the fore this year, with many of those around you impressed by your role as a stabilising influence. The year, though, will prove to be something of a roller-coaster for you personally, so it’s essential to focus on where you want to be come 2018.

Overall, though, the next 12 months will shape up as a financially positive one for you and should see your stocks rise throughout the first half of the year. Watch out, though, for unexpected expenses around July or August. Resist the urge to splurge despite one or two unexpected gains.

You may also experience a letdown on the home front and, for Leo parents, a child could disappoint too.

Tip: Don’t get too immersed in the needs of others.

Aug 23 – Sept 22
Your year will get off to a slow start, but will build up a head of steam as it progresses. The first half of the year could prove quite demanding. Marriage and domestic issues are likely to test your patience, but things should start to pick up on the home front by early June.

Pay attention to your financial situation this year as it may not be all that you hoped for, so don’t fritter away your hard-earned gains on unnecessary frivolities. With Jupiter ascending in the second half of the year, luck will be on your side and this could be time to reward yourself. Possibly that long promised trip to visit a faraway friend? The second half of the year is the best time to pursue business interests and to capitalise on your good fortune.

For single Virgos, love may suddenly start to bloom in mid-May.

Tip: Preserve your energy for demanding times in the second half of the year.

Sept 23 – Oct 22
This year will kick off with something of a bang for you, with your renewed energy and optimism giving you the ability to take massive strides toward your goals. You are seeing things with unusual clarity, making this the ideal time to speak your mind and assert your financial rights or just to take that time off you’ve been promising yourself.

On the down side, with the undue prominence of Neptune this year, you may be feeling under the weather in May or June with an elusive ailment, one not easily detected by your medical practitioner. Adopting a holistic approach to your health and taking a step back from your hectic schedule will help remedy this.

This is also a good year to finally say goodbye to a role or individual that has been holding you back for some time. You may also have unexpected luck when taking a gamble in November.

Tip: Don’t be afraid to take a risk when the chance arises.

Oct 23 – Nov 21
Scorpios should have faith in their own talents this year. This is the time to take on any challenge you have been shying away from, possibly because you felt insufficiently qualified or gifted. Take heart, though. The results may astound you.

For single Scorpios, love is definitely in the air. Don’t be afraid to make the first move on that one special person you’ve had your eye on for a very long time. Travel to a far-off land is likely around July or August, so ensure your documentation is up to date.

Beware, though, this year could also have a sting in its tail, with an unexpected financial burden rearing its head around November or early December. Set aside a little something for this impending rainy day.

Tip: Muster the courage to face your challenges head on.

Nov 22 – Dec 21
Saturn is your dominant planet this year and, while it’s often seen as a malign influence, it may signal an opportunity to overcome a particular challenge that has long eluded you. The more you put into this year, the better placed you will be to reap the rewards of an upturn in your fortune from September onwards after your prospects begin to level out.

Work pressure will be high at the start of the year, so teamwork is crucial to weathering the storm. Use your considerable diplomatic skills to get colleagues on your side.

When it comes to romance, expect the unexpected. Don’t get yourself in trouble by settling for something you know is flawed. Instead, enjoy all the attention that comes your way, while awaiting that special person
to emerge.

Tip: The more you put into this year, the more you will get out of it.

Dec 22 – Jan 19
The period between April and August will sorely test your inner fortitude. In the workplace, mentally note those who help – and those who hinder – during this trying time. It is likely someone important to you will let you down, but don’t let your frustration show and resist the temptation of immediate payback. Their time will come.

On the bright side, you will have frequent opportunities to travel and explore new horizons. A business prospect may open up unexpectedly in February. Around October, a surprising new love interest may appear in your life, livening things up considerably.

You may be called to take care of an ailing loved one in the middle part of the year, but your charity here will be well rewarded in the long run.

Tip: Persevere through the tough times and keep focused on what’s truly important.

Jan 20 – Feb 18
The water carrier is going to be burdened by a high degree of responsibility this year, but don’t despair as this will prove to be a true learning experience and, ultimately, a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Time off around April will help you recharge your batteries after a demanding start to the year, with things suddenly getting a whole lot easier around mid-year.

You will feel like money is slipping through your fingers in November, with a number of bills seemingly coming at the same time. This short-term hit to your finances will pass. And quickly.

Overall, this is going to be an eventful year for you, on both the work and home front. A change of residence may be on the cards and, for married Aquarians, there is the real chance of an addition to the family.

Tip: Keep on your toes and deal with every task as it arises.

Feb 19 – March 20
Your year will get off to a bright start, largely on account of a surge in your creative energies. January through March is the time to consider new projects or to reassess key relationships. You will feel on a roll through the first half of the year, so ensure you make the most of any luck that comes your way.

Towards the end of the year, your altruistic tendencies will be tested by an unexpected betrayal by someone close to you. Seek to ascertain their deeper motives and you may see things more clearly.

Your love life is also in for significant change. Marriage prospects are likely to quicken and new relationships can fall quickly into place. A short trip around July may reap unexpected benefits.

Tip: Take things as they come and ignore the negativity of others.

Discover what the holiday season holds in store with our horoscope

MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 It’s time to sit back and relax, with your mind and body truly deserving a break after 11 months of hard work. Tie up loose ends and complete tasks at the beginning of the month, then allow yourself to indulge in a little luxurious pampering. You will thank yourself for it later. Aries of the Month: Lady Gaga (Singer-songwriter, 28 March, 1986)

APRIL 20 – MAY 20 Waves of nostalgia hit you this month, bringing back happy memories of times past. The end of the month, though, will be downright hectic, so plan ahead to stay ahead. It is also a time for romance between you and someone you suspect you should really stay away from. Taurus of the Month: Blac Chyna (Model, 11 May, 1988)

MAY 21 – JUNE 20 While this is certainly a busy month, you may find exciting opportunities opening up as you take on new responsibilities. Your belief in hard work, though, may not be helpful, with certain parties now expecting you to display a knack for leadership. You don’t want to be seen as a mere foot soldier after all. Gemini of the Month: Kanye West (Rapper, 8 June, 1977)

JUNE 21 – JULY 22 Your schedule is filling up quickly, so start being more selective or you may not have time for the truly important things. It’s okay to pass on an assignment to a colleague or to decline a Christmas party invitation from a friend of a friend. Cancer of the Month: Lionel Messi (Football champion, 24 June, 1987)

JULY 23 – AUG 22 Expect the unexpected. The universe will try to put a damper on your plans, and you may be subjected to illness, lost property, or other unforeseen circumstances. On the bright side, your confidence will allow you to set higher goals – and to accomplish them. Leo of the Month: Isoroku Yamamoto (Japanese Admiral, 4 August, 1884)

AUG 23 – SEPT 22 Playfulness and impulsiveness dominate your moods this month, signaling that it’s time to let loose and have a little fun – just watch out that you don’t sign up for anything too extravagant. A sudden burst of creativity will allow you to brainstorm a new business venture you’ve been tinkering with for way too long. Virgo of the Month: Jack Ma (Business magnate, 10 September, 1964)

SEPT 23 – OCT 22 If you’ve been feeling a little out of sorts of late, a simple fix is to take a trip or try an adventurous activity. You need the shock of the new to shake you out of that complacency. The 13th and 14th are ill-starred financially. Libra of the Month: Andy Lau (Hong Kong actor and singer, 27 September, 1961)

OCT – NOV 21 It’s time to give back to the community. You’ve been paying lip service to the idea for some time now, but a sense is creeping in that it’s all just been window dressing. Take on a real commitment with both your time and funds. The ultimate beneficiary of your altruism may actually be you. Scorpio of the Month: Lorde (Pop singer, 7 November, 1996)

DEC 22 – JAN 19 Trust your own instinct when it comes to making decisions, even if that means overhauling detailed plans someone else made long ago. Due to your heightened sensitivity at present, you may also find yourself overreacting to negative events. Remember that these issues inevitably tend to blow over quickly. Capricorn of the Month: LeBron James (Basketball player, 30 December, 1984)

JAN 20 – FEB 18 Be wary of those touting deceptively convincing quick fixes to a niggling financial issue. The cure is almost certainly worse than the malady. Wedding bells may also be ringing for Aquarians who have been in a relationship for more than a year. Aquarius of the Month: Oprah Winfrey (Television personality, 29 January, 1984)

FEB 19 – MARCH 20 Several situations are testing your patience at the moment. While the majority of them require a cool head and a wait-and-see approach, one of them will only be resolved by tactically blowing a gasket or two. The question is – which one? Choose your moment to act very carefully. Pisces of the Month: Chelsea Clinton (Presidential daughter, 27 February, 1980)

Happy birthday, SAGITTARIUS

NOV 22 – DEC 21 A well-deserved vacation is in order, but first, you must clear several hurdles in both your work and personal life. A number of new tasks appear to have your name attached, with at least one of them appearing hugely unsuitable for your skill set. Re-appraisal, though, will swiftly reveal that the challenge is not actually what it seems. Apply a little lateral thinking and employ some analogous skills and the solution will prove surprisingly simple – at least to you. Among others, your reputation for problem-solving wizardry will go up several notches.
A figure with a shared educational past will also emerge on the scene this month. Recalling the academic misdemeanors and misadventures of yesteryear may, in part, prove a little melancholic, but there’s a joy to be had too. This voyage of rediscovery may rekindle within you certain sentiments and aspirations that have been dulled by time. Turn them to your advantage with a degree of charm and joie de vivre.

Find out what the future holds with our horoscope

MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 The realisation that recent pursuits – especially those involving a love interest – may have been futile is somewhat disappointing. Allow yourself a little time to indulge your feelings of gloom and doom, but not too much. Big changes are on the horizon, and on the bright side, your work and finances are on the up this month.


APRIL 20 – MAY 20 At present, it seems as if you can accomplish anything you put your mind to and, with a little good old-fashioned hard work, you probably can. This newfound confidence lets you seize new opportunities. Now is also the time to make investment or career decisions. Single Tauruses may start feeling attracted to someone they know well.


MAY 21 – JUNE 20 Difficult choices will crop up for you, especially at work. Be firm in your decisions even when wrestling with self-doubt. Stand up for yourself when facing criticism but, at the same time, don’t sweat the small stuff. Geminis in relationships should be upfront with their partner about something that is troubling them right now.


JUNE 21 – JULY 22 Solutions to last month’s work problems are coming into focus and your social life is thriving. A strong sense of empathy for friends – and even strangers – will deepen relationships – both old and new. Give advice to those who seek it and, in turn, you may receive a boost from an influential figure.


JULY 23 – AUG 22 A heavy workload and tight deadlines are causing you undue stress. Teaming up with others will, though, help you accomplish your goals and in a manner that you could not deliver alone. Overall, emotions are heightened this month, so try to avoid impulsive decisions. Single Leos may meet someone who seriously piques their interest.


AUG 23 – SEPT 22 Virgos will finally reap the long overdue benefits of their persistent efforts at work. Recognition will be earned but, more importantly, that feeling of personal achievement will outlive any superficial acknowledgements. Many Virgo couples will reignite the flame with some passion and romance this month, with a significant anniversary proving the catalyst.


SEPT 23 – OCT 22 Work, work, work should be your maxim this month. A boost in energy and productivity will yield results, although the stress may put a strain on relationships. When it comes to love, try not to be too standoffish. While chasing goals, pause to reflect on the big picture and how you ultimately plan to get there.


NOV 22 – DEC 21 Bureaucratic red tape will be a difficult obstacle to overcome this month. Some rules may seem flexible and you may be tempted to bend them. Be careful, though, crossing that line could cause you problems. You will, however, find the inner courage to take on challenging and tasks and will feel hugely relieved once they are completed.


DEC 22 – JAN 19 Evaluate your life and eliminate any factors that are weighing you down or holding you back. It could be that it’s time let go of an unsuccessful project rather than wasting so much energy to try and fix something unmendable. You may feel the need to prove yourself at work, but displays of bravado will not impress others.


JAN 20 – FEB 18 A burst of truly creative inspiration will reignite a project that has been simmering on the back burner for some time now. Thankfully, your motivation is high, allowing you to breeze through both work and side projects. For couples, it is the perfect time to get away and take a romantic trip together.


FEB 19 – MARCH 20 A strict focus and hard work are of the utmost importance as one particular competitor is starting to gain on you. Time is of the essence and no second should be wasted on unnecessary fripperies Rest assured that any feelings of self-doubt you may be entertaining are the result of unrealistically high expectations rather than being down to your own inadequacies.


Happy Birthday, SCORPIO

OCT 23 – NOV 21 Lucky you. You might not need to too much divine intervention to make your wishes come true. This month will be brimming with opportunity and positivity in both your career and personal life. At work, any new deals signed, negotiations made or partnerships formed will result in long-lasting positive outcomes. As there will certainly be minor bumps along the way, it is important to remain detail-oriented and organised.
Networking opportunities should not be ignore, as they could lead to important introductions to potential future partners and clients. As for personal relationships, romance will bloom thanks in no small part to the Scorpio’s way of making his or her partner feel loved and appreciated. Whether it’s helping out more with household duties or giving a thoughtful gift “just because,” simple acts that show you care will go a long way. Those with a creative flair will feel extra inspired when it comes to taking on new projects.

Horoscopes (October 2016)


monkey-300x300RAT: The next few weeks represent the low point of the year, with obstacles emerging at every turn. Counter this volatility by exercising control and avoid confrontation in your professional life. Tread lightly and avoid making financial commitments. The adverse stress may also tell on your health. Rat of the Month: Siqin Gaowa, Chinese Actress, 20 January, 1949

OX: The difficulties you have been facing will reach a resolution this month, thanks to help from an unexpected quarter. With the decks cleared, you will find opportunities opening up in the workplace, while the recognition you have been denied will finally come to pass. Ox of the Month: Jacky Cheung, Hong Kong Singer, 10 July, 1961

TIGER: Displays of empathy and generosity will provide a timely reminder to those around you of the softer side of your nature, an aspect that has lain dormant while your grittier self has been to the fore. With tough decisions behind you, your more ogre-like tendencies can be put on hold. Tiger of the Month: Shia LaBeouf, American Actor, 11 June, 1986

RABBIT: Love surrounds you. Should you be single, there are signs that any new relationship will flourish. For those in existing relationships, a renewal of sentiment or a truly purple patch beckons, though someone new might provide an illicit distraction. Rabbit of the Month: Foluke Atinuke Akinradewo, US Volleyball Player, 5 October, 1987

DRAGON: Your ever-changing fortunes will find a degree of stability this month. Your months of hard work will deliver. For once, you can allow your more frivolous side to be in the ascendant, while you enjoy a celebration that you richly deserve. Dragon of the Month: Erik Aadahl, American Sound Editor, 16 September, 1976

SNAKE: Expect a month where nothing is quite as it seems. A friend has been harbouring a grudge and may have been the source of misfortune, while a one-time rival testifies to his admiration of your leadership, bequeathing you an advantage in a business beauty parade. Snake of the Month: Vivienne Westwood, British Designer, 8 April, 1941

HORSE: A calamitous month. Work will throw up an unexpected new challenge, which will seriously derail your mid-term masterplan. Take it on the chin and don’t let others see how irritated you are. It would be unwise for certain parties to discover how easily you can be vexed. Horse of the Month: Brigitte Lin, Taiwanese actress, 3 November, 1954

GOAT: While your fortunes take a slight dip this month, this is nothing but a hiccup within the grand scheme of things. Normal service will be resumed almost immediately, with any small loss quickly recovered. A holiday with a loved one is now long overdue. Goat of the Month: Evgueniy Alexiev, French Operatic Baritone, 5 May, 1967

MONKEY: A communication from a faraway friend triggers a yearning for adventure. However unappealing, moderation is important. The appetites of earlier times sit oddly on the more mature man of means and a reputation for wanton eccentricity is not one you want to embrace. Monkey of the Month: Jānis Ādamsons, Latvian politician, 3 November, 1956

ROOSTER: This October is a month for consolidation. You have more loose ends than days of the year and you need to start putting some of your affairs in order. Not that this betokens any valedictory obligation, more that a new phase is about to dawn. Rooster of the Month: Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese politician, 19 June, 1945

DOG: Moderation in all things should be your watch words this month. A hefty expense is waiting in the wings and any funds put aside now will ease a difficult transition for you. Focus on individuals who may not always be accessible to you. A spot of unusual honesty will benefit you around the 15th. Dog of the Month: Läjä Äijälä, Finnish Musician, 29 September, 1958

PIG: Having been tested severely of late, you are understandably a little disheartened and inclined to lose faith in yourself. Stay the course and you will find that there is indeed a light at the end of this particular tunnel. You will struggle health wise unless you take action. Pig of the Month: Hasnat Ahmad Khan, British Surgeon, 1 April, 1959

Horoscopes (September 2016)


monkey-300x300RAT: This is a month to be cautious, you will face many difficulties in your career path but your partner will help release the pressure by offering solutions. Take up a new outdoor hobby. The fresh air will improve your mood. Avoid signing contracts as there is a risk of a lawsuit. Rat of the Month: Tré Cool (German-born American Drummer, 9 December, 1972)

OX: This is a great time for you to fill your calendar with business plans and take a chance on those expansion plans that have been lurking at the back of your mind. Seize the chance to take a trip to a destination you desire to visit. It could prove to be a huge boost to your health. Ox of the Month: Chrissie Chau (Hong Kong Celebrity Model, 22 May, 1985)

TIGER: Attached Tigers should plan some adventures with their mates, let imagination and spontaneity be your guide. This is an ideal month for gatherings, such as fundraisers. Meeting new friends is high on the agenda, but be aware of remarks taken out of context. Tiger of the Month: Jeff Dunham (American Ventriloquist, 18 April, 1962)

RABBIT: Stay safe and don’t invest a great deal of time or money in risky ventures. Keep moving at a steady pace and you’ll find success your own way. Romance has a golden sheen with the New Moon at the start of the month, something that may give you a long-forgotten thrill. Rabbit of the Month: Momir Rnić (Serbian Handballer, 1 November, 1987)

DRAGON: You may have been feeling blue lately, but you may stumble across something that changes all that. Tough choices are necessary, almost any decision you make will prove beneficial. When encountering conflict, take care not to be too critical. Dragon of the Month: Petras Giniotas, (Lithuanian Politician, 2 December, 1952)

SNAKE: Blocked by a number of obstacles, you may feel your progress on the work front is permanently at risk, but this will soon change. Keep a low profile and many conflicts will be resolved. Meeting an old friend may brighten your mood and you might just learn something. Snake of the Month: Alex Ferguson (Scottish Football Manager, 31 December, 1941)

HORSE: Look to grab some golden chances this month as luck is on your side. Make an effort to get the exercise you need to boost your energy levels. Don’t invest your money into unfamiliar territory as better opportunities are about to emerge. Horse of the Month: Takeru Kobayashi (Japanese Competitive Eater, 15 March, 1978)

GOAT: Luck is on your side when it comes to finding love and any new relationship could well develop rapidly. Live in the moment, but be careful not to be too trusting. This month, you may face trouble with your wealth and career and it is important to keep a positive outlook. Goat of the Month: Tang Wei (Chinese Actress, 7 October, 1979)

MONKEY: Generally speaking, love, relationships, and married life are all stable at present. Careerwise, though, you should not set impractical goals. On the contrary, short-term objectives can be more easily achieved. Look out for financial opportunities that may arise. Monkey of the Month: Imran Ali (Pakistani First-Class Cricketer, 21 October, 1980)

ROOSTER: It may fall to you to take the lead in a surprising new project on the work front, but don’t worry – this is your chance to shine. Don’t be over-awed by a new presence that seems to loom large in your professional life. Time will show that substance is lacking. Rooster of the Month: Odwa Ndungane (South African Rugby Union Player, 20 February, 1981)

DOG:  A chance encounter in a public place will stir buried emotions this month. Be prepared to confront a side of yourself you considered long buried. The outcome of this could be very good or completely disastrous, depending on a key decision you make around the 15th of the month. Dog of the Month: Ethan Juan (Taiwanese Actor, 8 November, 1982)

PIG: Accidental damage on the home front will draw rather more on your personal energy reserves than you have allowed for. Give it your all, though, as any shortchanging will come back to haunt you in the year to come. A family pet may also cause trauma to someone close to you. Pig of the Month: Brian Williams (American Journalist, 5 May, 1959)

Horoscope (August 2016)


RAT: Things look a little brighter this month and, indeed, this could be a fortuitous time for you. Careerwise, though, it’s slow and steady that wins the race, with help likely to be on hand from a colleague you wouldn’t normally turn to. Your health might cause you a little concern after the 17thRat of the Month: Richard Stuart Linklater, American Film Director, 30 July, 1960

OX: This is the time for you to invest. There are some funds you have kept aside until the right project comes along. It’s just about to. Don’t show your interest too early with your best poker face now in order. This time you are needed far more than you have need. Ox of the Month: Faludi Mubarak Amish, Bahraini Professional Football Player, 27 February, 1985

TIGER: Solo tigers, this is the month when you might actually be tempted to finally change your relationship status on Facebook. Your intimacy with one individual is deepening. What was just a bit of fun is now more serious. For those in relationships, temptations are high, but indiscretion has never suited you. Tiger of the Month: Kevin Tsai, Taiwanese Television Host, 1 March, 1962

RABBIT: Whether participating or spectating at a sporting event, someone else’s rash action could have repercussions for your wellbeing. On the weekend of the 20/21, a change of plan is recommended as this might see you avoid a potentially embarrassing reunion with someone you thought you had seen the last of. Rabbit of the Month: Anne Suzuki, Japanese actress, 27 April, 1987

DRAGON: Be extra careful when signing contracts this month as not everything is as it seems. Legal issues surround you, with the consequences of one particular suit far from what it might initially seem. Travel is also in the offing, with visiting a one-time favorite locale likely to stir more than just nostalgia. Dragon of the Month: Yu Goings-on, Taiwanese writer, 21 October, 1928

SNAKE: The anxiety levels associated with one particular relationship are set to soar. While it has been of concern for some time, you have always seen it as manageable, but you are deluding yourself. Unfortunately, you have little choice but to calm the situation. Extricating yourself – though desirable – would be the nuclear option. Snake of the Month: Ross Cronje, South African Rugby Union Footballer, 26 July, 1989

HORSE: Your financial prospects are well-starred this month and it could be that a significant increase in your net income is on the cards. Don’t let these monetary preoccupations distract you unduly, however. Somebody close to you has need of your attention at the moment, but is unwilling to flag up their situation. Horse of the Month: Mao Asada, Japanese competitive figure skater, 25 September, 1990

GOAT: Heart or head is your choice this month, with a real loss inevitable whichever way you ultimately commit. You could also see it, though, as a choice of two winning routes. Thank hard, though, your choice will be irrevocable and the losing party will be a stranger to you once you decide. Goat of the Month: Tie Yak Na, Hong Kong table tennis player, 13 May, 1979

MONKEY: Rein in the more out-going aspects of your personality for a few weeks at least. You are starting to get something of a reputation for being more noise than substance in certain quarters. While it suits some people to represent you in this way in terms of their own agenda, it’s best that you frustrate their attempts with a more statesmanlike approach. Monkey of the Month: Susan Woodcock, American Entrepreneur, 5 July, 1968

ROOSTER: An unexpected phone call will change the whole course of the next three months. While bad news is not necessarily in the offing, there is a surprising development that will see you faced with a tough decision. An opportunity you thought long lost will resurface, though this really will be the final window. Francis Ceridian, French Contemporary Perfumer, 14 May, 1969

DOG: There is an anniversary looming and it may be one that you have forgotten. If so, you are the only one that has. Play it down and riff on the uncertainty of others before pulling off a surprise commemoration. Recapture the spirit of that time with one special musical number. Dog of the Month: Rob Van Dam, American Professional Wrestler, 18 December, 1970

PIG: The time is right for a leap of faith. You are looking for a certainty that won’t materialize and you will have to trust to instinct and the benevolent aspect of another’s star sign to convert one particularly cherished dream into something far more tangible. Pig of the Month: Carlos Ismael Noriega, Peruvian Former NASA Astronaut, 8 October, 1959)