Horoscope (July 2016)


RAT: This could be your month for love. Re-examine one of your key relationships. You might find that elusive soulmate right under your nose. While the romantic stars are clearly aligned, they might not be pointing where you expect. Be wary of some outdoor adventures. Rat of the month: John McCain (American Politician, 29 August 1936)

OX: This is a month for hard work, as things are looking good for you career-wise. Take the opportunities as they arise and you may find yourself on a rollercoaster ride to greater success. Be wary when signing contracts, however, and keep an eye out when travelling by road. Ox of the month: Barack Obama (American President, 4 August 1961)

TIGER: The coming weeks are brimming with luck for you. Challenges that seemed insurmountable now seem easy. Petty squabbles might arise with close friends or with a once-staunch work ally and be extra careful not to over exert yourself physically as the month draws to a close. Tiger of the month: Peter Gabriel (English Musician, 13 February 1950)

RABBIT: This should be a pleasant if unremarkable month for you. In fact, you might feel like something of a bystander, looking on as dramatic events befall someone close. Rejoice in your non-combatant role, as the story you are witnessing won’t end well for some directly involved. Rabbit of the month: Jet Li (Chinese Actor, 26 April 1963)
DRAGON: July is a good time to work on relationships with your peers. Take this opportunity to identify those individuals who will be most important to your future. Take extra care of your health. You’ve ignored some twinges of late – continue at your peril. Dragon of the month: Vladimir Putin (Russian Politician, 7 October 1952)

SNAKE: Solutions to old problems will present themselves this month. Show a bit of courage and you could end a current logjam that has long been sideling a project. Shun the social side a little as your reputation is becoming a little too informal given the gravity you deserve. Snake of the month: Bob Dylan (American Musician, 24 May 1941)

HORSE: This is a potentially difficult month. There is an explosion waiting to happen – not a literal detonation. The after-shocks of one particular individual, pushed too far, will linger far longer than anyone might expect. Run for cover at the first tremor. Horse of the month: Salma Hayek (Mexican Actress, 2 September 1966)

GOAT: This is your month to step from the shadows. Credit for one of your long-cherished projects is set to go elsewhere, with one minor player eager to steal your glory. Nothing goes live until you pull the trigger. Ensure those that need to know realise you’re still in charge. Goat of the month: Bill Gates (American Business Magnate, 28 October 1955)

MONKEY: This month is all about stability. Dispense with anything likely to distract you or cause a wobble. Perception is all and you need to be seen as the ever-steady hand on the tiller. Keep any doubts well-hidden and your mask-like expression will convince all-comers that all is well – and it will be. Monkey of the month: Diana Ross (American Musician, 26 March 1944)

ROOSTER: It’s a difficult time for health in your household and you won’t be the only one that’s under the weather. It’s not a time to be a martyr. Cancel appointments, batten down the hatches and recuperate. Next month you’ll have to be on your best game. Make sure you are.. Rooster of the month: Eric Clapton (English Musician, 30 March 1945)

DOG: This is not the month to make major financial decisions, so postpone all feasible money matters. Commitments made now may prove more of a lead weight than a gold mine. Humour is important to you right now. If you make a certain someone laugh, it could transform your relationship. Dog of the month: Tina Fey (American Comedienne, 18 May 1970)

PIG: Your luck is in. You may want to bring a simmering deal to a conclusion while the stars are so favourably aligned in your direction. Despite this, it may still require a small degree of sleight of hand to ensure the exact outcome that you have been hankering for. Pig of the month: Arnold Schwarzenegger (Austrian Actor, 30 July 1947)

Horoscope (June 2016)

monkeyRAT: Though certain aspects of your life may be moving more slowly than you’d like, things may accelerate this month. Keep your spirits up as a romantic encounter may be on the cards and you’ll need to be on your finest form to make the right impression. Rat of the Month: Svetlana Alexandrovna Alexievich, Belarusian Investigative Journalist, 31 May, 1948

OX: Your talents and self-interest might best be served if you take things a little more quietly in the coming weeks. Let people come to you in private, rather than making any more public pronouncements. You are at your best in smaller groups. Ox of the Month: Shane Love, Australian Politician, 30 August, 1961

TIGER: Now is the time to focus on your spiritual well-being as a period of introspection is clearly in the offing. Embrace this as a real opportunity to do a little emotional house-keeping and to resolve a number of issues that have concerned you for some time. Tiger of the Month: Zhou Xun, Chinese Actress, 18 October, 1974

RABBIT: Explore a number of recreational opportunities for both pleasure and business. This month is ripe with possibilities, but stay grounded. Don’t get caught up in your own myth. Take special care with pressing financial matters.Rabbit of the Month: Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen, Norwegian Composer, 11 January, 1964

DRAGON: With chance developments at home and work, your routine is out of kilter this month. Although frustrating, this may be to your advantage. Rethink your timetable and remain flexible. Thinking on your feet will pay dividends.Dragon of the Month Stephen Curry, American Professional Basketball Player, 14 March, 1988

SNAKE: A grand adventure beckons. Be ready to move beyond your comfort zone and widen your horizons. This could be the re-boot you’ve been craving, but beware false friends. Not every invitation is an opportunity and not every opportunity is necessarily welcome. Snake of the Month Jim Chim Sui-man, Hong Kong Stage Actor, 27 May, 1965

HORSE: Challenges are afoot, so get all your ducks in a row and prepare to play a waiting game with one particular individual. In the end, it will come down to who blinks first. Keep focussed, avoid distractions and the prize is there to be had. Horse of the Month: Takehiko Inoue, Japanese Manga Artist, 12 January, 1967

GOAT: Right now may well be the best time to invest. Financial good fortune is unusually well-starred for you. Don’t let the notion of a windfall over-excite you, however. These funds will be needed to plug a hole elsewhere, one that could prove destabilising if ignored. Goat of the Month: Joe Chen Chiau-En, Taiwanese Actress, 4 April, 1979

MONKEY: It’s health, health, health this month. Put all other considerations aside and focus on your personal well-being. One niggling ailment is a warning sign of a more serious underlying problem. If addressed now, then no lasting damage will have been done. Ignore it at your peril. Monkey of the Month: Tamás Szalai, Hungarian Footballer, 1 October, 1980

ROOSTER: Reach out to someone you normally avoid before the 17th. An opponent will become an ally and concerns over your more callous side put to rest for a while. Consider a trip over water with friends as leisure time conversation may prove a gold mine. Rooster of the Month: Karl Lagerfeld, German Fashion Designer, 10 September, 1933

DOG: A new idea fascinates you. Looked at from a number of different angles, it seems to provide a win-win solution to a seemingly unsolvable predicament. Don’t be hurried into implementing, however, as sometimes the cure is worse than the malady. Dog of the Month: Thomas Rhys Thomas, Welsh International Rugby Player, 23 April, 1982

PIG: Take time out to re-figure your work environment. Stale décor breeds stale thinking, lassitude and indifference. A modest revamp will signal a change and confirm your long-term commitment to doubters. Check your diet too. A few too many past indulgences are coming home to roost. Pig of the Month: Finn Aabye, Danish Film Producer, 7 July, 1935

Horoscope (May 2016)

monkeyRAT: Your social life will be rather busy this month. Take care not too over-commit too early, though, as better options are on the horizon. One such interaction may result in a surprise, but not necessarily welcome, reunion. Be sure to plan an escape route. Rat of the month Louis Cha Leung-yung, Modern Chinese-language Novelist, 6 February, 1924

OX: This month is the optimum time to get your finances in order at last, and you may even find something of a windfall in a forgotten detail. While not a life-changing sum, it will allow you to fund a particular project you have had on hold for a little bit too long now. Ox of the month: Heidi Klum, German Model, 1 June, 1973

TIGER: It’s time to take charge. You’ve allowed others to make their own mistakes for a few months, but a crunch point is coming and you can’t afford to fumble the ball. Initial resistance will fade away as a positive outcome becomes apparent. You can retire to the back benches by late summer. Tiger of the month: Juri Ueno, Japanese Actress, 25 May, 1986

RABBIT: Stay calm. It’s going to get emotional soon and you’ll be in the eye of this hurricane. Don’t be tempted to intervene too dramatically as a far lighter touch is called for. As all starts to settle, a new landscape will emerge. Things may never be quite the same again. Rabbit of the month: Julian Schnabel, American Painter, 26 October, 1951

DRAGON: A little self-analysis would help right now as a less-desirable aspect of your personality is too much in the ascendant. Your reputation may suffer if you don’t rein it in, precluding you from a particular opportunity that’s waiting in the wings. Dragon of the month Chan Kwong Beng, Malaysian badminton player, 2 June, 1988

SNAKE: You’re finding it hard to focus this month. A maelstrom of plans, concerns and emotions are jostling around. There’s no simple solution. You need to ride it out while some of the issues resolve themselves. Don’t intervene. In your current state of mind, any action could prove wholly counter-productive. Snake of the month: J.K. Rowling, British Novelist, 31 July, 1965

HORSE: People are relying on you this month, and this is no time to shirk your responsibilities. An appealing diversion must be resisted if you’re to deliver all that is expected. With head and heart set on different directions, you will need to be stoic and let your rational side prevail. Horse of the month: Jeon Hae-rim, South Korean Actress, 28 June, 1978

GOAT: Developments are on the cards for your love life this month. Something within will be reawakened and a familiar need will be rediscovered. This will disconcert many around you, with some never having seen this aspect of your personality. Tread carefully. Goat of the month: Attila Simon, Hungarian Footballer, 9 October, 1979

MONKEY: You’re having issues reconciling your aspirations with those of some family members. You’ve never been too adept at compromise but now is not the time to be too stubborn. Let them get their way and you may feel resentful. Equal disqualification all round is the answer. Monkey of the month: Kandyse McClure, South African Actress, 22 March, 1980

ROOSTER: Others want to pamper you this month. Just go with the flow. Someone close is feeling rather guilty about neglecting you and you must let them make peace with themselves. Enjoy the attention and support. You’ll be glad of this respite later when your energies are needed elsewhere. Rooster of the month: Parinya Charoenphol, Thai Boxer, 9 June, 1981

DOG: The chance of finally achieving a particular financial goal is now nearly in sight, although some obstacles still stand in the way. None of these are in anyway insurmountable, and a steady hand on the tiller should bring this project to an entirely satisfying conclusion. Dog of the month: Ben Ashkenazi, Australian Cricketer, 5 October, 1994

PIG: Creativity is required this month. Luckily, your imagination is in fine fettle. New solutions are needed and you are well positioned to deliver. Trust your judgment and don’t dismiss your more outré inclinations. If the answer isn’t obvious, maybe the question has yet to be properly defined. Pig of the month: Fruit Chan Gor, Hong Kong Filmmaker, 15 April, 1959

Horoscope (April 2016)

monkeyRAT: A missing piece in an ongoing puzzle weighs on your mind at present, but don’t let this become too much of a pre-occupation, events unfolding around you require your immediate attention. The key to this mystery will present itself. Patience is your ally. Rat of the Month: Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei (Iranian Politician, 16 November, 1960)

OX: You’ve been considering branching out, and this could be just the right time to do so. Nonetheless, choose your new adventure carefully. Timidity could lead to more of the same, while boldness could see you floundering somewhere that will never be yours. Ox of the Month: Wong Kam-po (Hong Kong Racing Cyclist, 13 March, 1973)

TIGER: Your creativity is to the fore this month, and you will feel emboldened to reassess some tested solutions. While perhaps not universally welcomed, there is one aspect of your business empire that could be transformed. It could be the most profitable thing you do all year. Tiger of the Month: Eiichiro Oda (Japanese Manga Artist, 1 January, 1975)

RABBIT: Your normally adroit thinking may become short-circuited, as a tsunami of information overtakes you. Be careful, someone’s hoping to bury something important in all the distractions. Break your habit and methodically plough through everything. It will pay dividends. Rabbit of the month: Sia Furler (Australian singer, 18 December, 1975)

DRAGON: Idle gossip may contain an unwitting truth this month, so make sure few rumours pass you by. You may have to act unusually sociably lest it eludes you. Your patience will be rewarded – something long in abeyance can finally be triggered. Dragon of the Month: John Lone (Hong Kong-born American Actor, 13 October, 1952)

SNAKE: This is a month of overwhelming passion for the Snake, and your intended might feel a little overawed by your feelings. If you’re not in a committed relationship, you might be soon. If already involved, discretion is very important for you this month. Remain level-headed at all times. Snake of the Month: Jordan Belchos (Canadian Speedskater, 22 June, 1989)

HORSE: Bad financial news is on the horizon, so get your house in order and prepare for the worst. An associate may bring you into their confidence but you may be tempted to misuse this information. Best decide what’s more important – your reputation or the bottom line? Horse of the Month: Jimmy Wales (U.S. Internet Entrepreneur, 8 August, 1966)

GOAT: While your enthusiasm is at a high, you are lacking a little on the application side. Your tendency to overdo things may also cause some stress, while your social life is on the cusp of spiraling out of control. Step back to gain some perspective. It will pay off in the long-term. Sheep of the month: Rob Liefeld (American Comic Book Creator, 3 October, 1967)

MONKEY: Avoid long trips this month. Travel is ill-starred, with delays, diversions and lost luggage virtual certainties. Contemplate your home and those closest to you. Both will flourish from your aditional attention, refreshing you more than any time away. Monkey of the Month: Jacklyn Wu Chien-lien (Taiwanese Actress, 3 July, 1968)

ROOSTER: A fascinating month, especially as you’ll be the centre of attention, which never fails to please. Be receptive to new people, as one or two of them are about to enter your life permanently. A new order is emerging – pick your team carefully. Rooster of the Month: Linus Benedict Torvalds (Finnish-American Software Engineer, 28 December 1969)

DOG: This month is all about your relationship with others, much more so than you are accustomed to. You might initially feign interest, but then find you are caught up in the rising swirl of someone else’s emotions before the month is up. Be composed enough to handle the fallout. Dog of the Month: Morshedul Islam (Bangladeshi Film Director, 1 December, 1958)

PIG: You may feel a little over-shadowed this month, with the spotlight off you and your recent achievements. Remember, a lot can be done when no-one is looking. Some behind the scenes tinkering may set the scene for that monumental move you’re planning for early summer. Pig of the Month: Charles Thomas Munger (American Businessman, 1 January, 1924)

Horoscope (March 2016)

monkeyRAT: You might be a tad run-down lately, maybe because people are relying on you too much. You need to take some time out to recharge, even if it means letting some folk down. A little R&R will ensure you are ready to face a particularly big challenge coming your way in April. Rat of the Month: Haruki Murakami (Japanese Author, 12 January, 1949)

OX: Ideas of a constructive and creative variety seem to be emerging this month, with your enthusiasm only stymied by a lack of opportunity to put them into practice. Persevere, as a window opens after the 17th and your fecund imagination will find considerably more fertile soil. Ox of the Month: Arsène Wenger (French Football Manager, 22 October, 1949)

TIGER: Your opinions, while forcibly expressed, are not being heeded this month, thus sparking feelings of underappreciation. Upping the volume may be your knee-jerk reaction, but let others come to understand the wisdom in their own time. Vindication is just a week or two away. Tiger of the Month: Bak Sheut-sin (Chinese Opera Star, 1 April, 1926)

RABBIT: This is the month when being the quietest in the room could prove to be counterproductive. The Monkey Year is traditionally a time when louder voices land the laurels and you may need to be more aggressive. This more extroverted outer shell may even prove a real asset. Rabbit of the Month: Raymond Wong (Hong Kong Politician, 1 October, 1951)

DRAGON: Your emotional resilience remains your greatest asset and you’ll need to maintain it this month. As accusations fly, both at home and at work, keep your head down and your wits honed. When the air clears, it won’t be you with the regrets. Dragon of the Month: Muhammad Yunus (Bangladeshi Banker, 28 June, 1940)

SNAKE: You are not, perhaps, being the best friend you could be to one of your inner circle. You are letting a degree of vanity and jealousy compromise your giving nature. A show of support for the advancement of others will give you statesmanlike repute. That’s never a bad thing. Snake of the Month: Hong Un-jong (North Korean Gymnast, 9 March, 1989)

HORSE: Your famed flexibility – in temperament, not physique – will serve you well this month, though not everyone wants to see you prosper. Stay alert for an offer that’s too good to resist; it’s far from what it seems. Someone is hoping you will take this poisoned chalice. Horse of the Month: Maddie Ziegler (US Dancer and Model, 30 September, 2002)

GOAT: It’s time to get serious. You started the year on a frivolous note but more somber times now beckon. Be wary of those whose enthusiasm is rather too infectious, for they may lead you into a world of hurt. Seek medical advice around the 23rd. You know why. Goat of the Month: Bill Gates (Philanthropist and Microsoft Mogul, 28 October, 1955)

MONKEY: Consider deeply a proposal that’s coming your way this month. Ask yourself who’s really likely to profit. Probably not you. Clear the decks of lackluster prospects and search out what truly merits your attention. It might not be what you’d expect, however. Monkey of the Month: Adriana Villagrán (Argentine Tennis Player, 7 August, 1956)

ROOSTER: Don’t spend too much time in a circular dialogue with one particularly closed-minded individual this month. There is no persuading to be done here. More receptive minds are just an office door away. Going direct will clearly pay dividends, but ensure it’s the right door. Rooster of the Month: Julian Barnes (British Novelist, 19 January, 1946)

DOG: Someone is pulling an associate’s strings and this individual is proving all too willing a stooge. While the situation is apparent to you, play dumb. You’ll soon be able to implement your own counter-strategy, but don’t enjoy the process too much. By the end, someone’s career may be over. Dog of the Month: Miguel Olivera (Cuban Former Sprinter, 5 July, 1946)

PIG: Travel is on the cards this March – either figurative or actual. A certain degree of blue sky thinking might actually convert into lots of Air Miles later. There’s a international dimension to your future prospects, but it may be romantic rather than commercial. Pig of the Month: Stefan Johannesson (Swedish Football Referee, 22 November, 1971)

Horoscope (February 2016)

monkeyRAT: Time is not on your side and things are piling up at a rate that good sense alone cannot address. Both in your work or home life, now is a good time to manage your priorities and see whether certain situations require outside intervention – or even a fresh start. Rat of the Month: Martin Yan (China-born Hong Kong-American Chef, 22 December, 1948))

OX: Your advice is much heeded this month – though you don’t know why. Don’t worry about the details, but make the best of the situation. The New Year will usher in a range of possibilities and this is the perfect time to set plans in motion or to make new ones. Ox of the Month, Nadia Elena Comaneci (Former Romanian Gymnast, 12 November, 1961)

TIGER: The inner you is in a quandary this month, as you take on a number of responsibilities you’d rather not. You may find yourself distinctly out-of-sorts on account of certain unwelcome developments at home. Think laterally in order to turn bad situations to your advantage. Tiger of the Month: Chiung Yao (Chinese Novelist, 20 April, 1938)

RABBIT: There’s something unsatisfying at the back of your mind right now, and while it may seem to preoccupy your waking hours, it is not as serious as it might seem. New opportunities are emerging daily – and if you can start to focus on those that best suit you, 2016 will be very much your year. Rabbit of the Month: Tse Kwan-ho (Hong Kong Actor, 23 March, 1963)

DRAGON: You could benefit from a much-needed recharge this month, helping you enter the social fray with a vengeance. Ensure you maintain ownership of a particular initiative you’ve been nurturing. Travel is in the offing but this is not a good time. Dragon of the Month: Jack William Szostak (Canadian – American biologist, 9 November, 1952)

SNAKE: Romance is ill-starred this month as your usually appealing personality takes a somewhat disaffected turn. Keep a low profile lest this depiction of you is taken too much to heart. The issue may be you are feeling neglected in certain quarters and are looking for easy remedies elsewhere. Snake of the Month: Aamir Khan (Indian Film Actor, 14 March, 1965)

HORSE: Don’t neglect matters financial this month. Many long-postponed expenses require require simultaneous attention. Don’t overly concern yourself. This is more an issue of cash flow than cash crisis. Expect an unexpected windfall late in the month. Horse of the Month: Sam Wills (New Zealand Comedian, 28 August, 1978)

GOAT: This is a transitional stage between your own starred year and the next astral phase. A weight has been lifted from your shoulders and hard work you put in last year will be recognised in the coming days. This reward has been unduly long in coming but may be too short to be truly satisfying. Goat of the Month: Zhang Ziyi (Chinese Actress, 9 February, 1979)

MONKEY: The Monkey Year is still in flux, so assert yourself and take control of your own fortunes. A situation involving a close friend and a delicate financial arrangement also threatens to take up a disproportionate amount your free time unless you are very careful. Monkey of the Month, Joseph Koo Kar-Fai (Hong Kong Composer, 1 January, 1933)

ROOSTER: Insights are few and far between right now. You may feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. A well-deserved break is set to be your best course mid-month. Absenting yourself from one particular situation may also offer a degree of perspective. Rooster of the Month: Julie Delpy (French-American Actress, 21 December, 1969)

DOG: You have a sense that something is lacking but no clear idea of exactly what. A search for this element may lead to a long-neglected locale. This may stir a memory of a pledge or plan that could prove the key to your current ennui. Redemption may well be found by making good on that promise. Dog of the Month: Hyun Bin (South Korean Actor, 25 September, 1982)

PIG: Bad luck – though of a trivial bent – trails you in February. Expect nuisances to come with comic regularity. Ride them out. They are a side-show, as your year-long upward trend proves definitive in terms of both your lifestyle and legacy. Things you begin this year may be set in stone. Pig of the Month, Hou Hsiao-Hsien (Taiwanese Film Director, 8 April, 1947)

Horoscope (January 2016)

ramRAT: You’re finding yourself under considerable pressure right now and looking to let off a little steam. Consider carefully before you vent too freely. Others have long memories and any untoward outbursts may well come back to haunt you. Take your frustration down the gym. Rat of the Month: Shaquille O’Neal (American Basketball Star, 6 March, 1972))

OX: Building your network is a priority over the coming month, but you can afford to be choosy. Note well, though, there are some looking to ally themselves to you who may well be deterred if you’re seen in the wrong company. Keep your eye on the bigger prize ahead. Ox of the Month: Keira Knightley (British Actress, 26 March, 1985)

TIGER: Following rules and guidelines is proving more than a little tiresome for you at present. Your tiger nature thrives on a little unpredictability. A new creative avenue is called for and you may find it in the performing arts, with one of your talents having lain dormant all too long. Tiger of the Month: Masaki Kajishima (Japanese Artist, 16 March, 1962)

RABBIT: This month is a time for fresh ideas. Your creativity is well-starred, so take careful note of any new insights, especially those that arrive at unexpected moments. A few well-chosen observations will head off a challenge in the work environment before it has time to mature. Rabbit of the month: Anson Chan (Hong Kong Politician, 17 January, 1940)

DRAGON: A run of bad luck is, sadly, set to continue. Your reverse-Midas touch is even noticed by certain colleagues, with one of them only too keen to capitalise on your misfortunes. Tactical inertia is the order of the day until your stars align more favourably. Dragon of the Month: Keanu Reeves (Canadian Actor, 2 September, 1964)

SNAKE: Exercise, a healthy diet, eight glasses of water a day – none of these are proving of particular benefit to you right now. Something preoccupies you and you have more than a niggling concern about your health. Have it properly checked out, if only to restore your peace of mind. Snake of the Month: Brahman Bros (Twin Japanese Wrestlers, 5 July 1977)

HORSE: You are a walking harbinger of disarray at present, but this is to be welcomed. Too many things in your life have settled into ruts, with their endless reiterations seeing you phoning in your emotional commitments and business decisions. It is time for a shake-up. Horse of the Month: Wang Xiaoshuai (Chinese Director, 22 May, 1966)

GOAT: Despite a certain upbeat sheen to your surroundings, you may feel a touch apprehensive. For you, 2016 will be a decisive year, a time when plots and sub-plots reach their inevitable resolutions. While it won’t be a turbulent year, certainties will vanish from your life. Goat of the month: Umberto Eco (Italian Novelist, 5 January, 1932)

MONKEY: Issues of a romantic nature are front of house, though not necessarily relating to yourself. Someone close to you is clearly infatuated and you have the feeling that this particular entanglement will not end well. You may be right and it will fall to you to pick up the pieces. Monkey of the Month: Casper van Dien (American Actor, 18 December, 1968)

ROOSTER: Either as a result of hard work or a simple stroke of luck, you’re enjoying a purple patch at the moment. Inevitably this will spur a little resentment among less fortunate colleagues. Ignore any negativity you encounter and just go with the flow for now. Rooster of the Month: Stuart MacBride (Scottish Author, 27 February, 1969)

DOG: If work starts to feel something of a chore at present, perhaps it’s a sign you have been risk-averse too long. With the Year of the Monkey hoving into view, it’s high time to reassess life. While living dangerously is not necessarily recommended, living a little less predictably can do you good. Dog of the Month: Lo Hsiao-ting (Taiwanese Softball Player, 8 May, 1982)

PIG: You are very close to success on a long-cherished project, but failure still remains a possibility, Don’t assume a good result until every box has been ticked – for a moment’s neglect could result in a very different outcome. Keep calm, stay focused and all should be well. Pig of the Month: Candice Yu (Hong Kong Actress, 22 October, 1959)