View Panoramic: Horace Pan, award-winning designer and founder of Panaroma Design Group

As the founder of Panorama Design Group, Horace Pan explores exciting new domains in interior architecture. As a university educator, his mission is to help the next generation of designers build a distinctive Hong Kong identity…

Tell us about your early years.
I’m Indonesian-Chinese, though I was born in China as my parents had emigrated there from Indonesia in the ’60s. Because of all the uncertainty during the Cultural Revolution, they wanted to relocate to their homeland via Hong Kong. Ultimately, they never made it all the way, and I’ve pretty much spent my whole life here. The international influences of my childhood have really left their mark on me, giving me a unique perspective that informs my work as an interior designer.

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What led you to found Panorama Design Group?
I practised interior design for seven years before starting Panorama. Then I had a gut feeling that I should explore new domains of interior design and new methodologies, taking a different approach to what I was already doing. I thought the best way to accomplish this was to found my own company.

Does your firm have a particular area of speciality?
Panorama is headquartered in Hong Kong, with branches across Chinese cities such as Shenzhen and Chengdu, as well as an upcoming location in Malaysia. We specialise in many different domains of interior design across the region. We do hotels, club houses and F&B venues, for example, and health- and wellbeing-oriented spaces, so we are pretty multi-disciplinary and also cover many different topologies of space.

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What would you say are the unique selling points of Panorama?
It’s really in the name itself, and for us ‘Panorama’ means ‘wide-angled’ and ‘full-spectrum’, so I would like my team to have a different, unexpected approach to any projects and initiatives we collaborate on. Let’s take a hotel, for example. We don’t want to follow the traditional precepts of design, but rather focus on creating a kind of crossover experience. This is exactly what we did for MeeHotel in Shenzhen last year, a project that’s garnered us 12 international awards so far, with several judges praising us for breaking new ground in the boutique hotel domain. I think its success is largely down to the fact that we combined a keen understanding of the local culture and bamboo materials with a unique spa-like overall concept for what is actually a business hotel.

Ultimately, whether you call it a surprise, a breakthrough or a point of difference, our design firm is known for creating something unexpected. We’re famous for conceiving this kind of branding or commercial design strategy before we come up with any proposal. This leads to another of our strengths – research – which is critical to any successful project.

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How has the ongoing coronavirus pandemic affected your business?
The biggest issue is that we can’t cross the border into mainland China, where the bulk of our projects are located. Right now, we can only see the sites virtually through apps like Zoom, which some clients are understandably not thrilled about. Though our ongoing projects have adjusted to the new normal, it’s with new proposals that we encountered the most challenges. For Chinese clients, we are considered a foreign consultancy, so we really had to go the extra mile to persuade them that they should choose us rather than, say, a local contractor who can oversee everything in person. The onus has been on us to prove – be it through past success stories or a cohesive agenda that outlines the entire design and construction process – that we can still produce a superior product for them despite our location.

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Do you have any exciting new projects in the pipeline?
Absolutely. We are in the midst of designing new elements and experiences for luxury brands in department stores in China, which we will be rolling out soon. In the first of these, we’re exploring a crossover of the spheres of art, technology and fashion to set a new benchmark for how consumers experience high-end brands.

Your projects have earned more than 150 international accolades. Which one is particularly close to your heart?
That would have to be my first award-winning project, the one that won me top honours in the Living Space category of the 2000 Asia-Pacific Interior Design Awards. This was roughly around the time I started Panorama. I was the only one of the five finalists who was an independent entry, and I got the shock of my life when my name was called as the winner. Interestingly enough, the project – Pan House – was actually my own home. It was a small three-storey village house sandwiched between two other similar structures. I think the reason why it garnered such critical acclaim is because I successfully transformed the traditional space into an entirely new domain. Each floor features a uniform grey cement motif, but I fitted different coloured filters to the windows to create separate atmospheres for each level.

Horace Pan Gafencu Sep

How do you rate Hong Kong’s interior design industry on a global level?
I think our biggest strength is that we are used to delivering projects within a short time span, with capabilities of revamping restaurants, residences and the like within a few short months. This is our unique edge, because other countries can’t match our fast-paced work ethic.

Having said that, there is one serious shortfall in that we don’t have a true ‘local identity’ per se because a lot of our cultural heritage and architecture has pretty much been erased. This is no good for local designers. You need to have roots and craftsmanship traditions that inform your designs, as they have in other countries like Japan and Sweden. There’s no such thing as a ‘Hong Kong style’, I think, and I feel conflicted about this and try to address it in my capacity as an Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Finally, could you tell us something people don’t know about you.
I was approached by Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai’s team to lend Pan House as the set for the romantic drama film 2046, starring actres Faye Wong. Ultimately, I declined, as I didn’t want too many people in my personal space.

Thank you.


Interview by: Tenzing Thondup
Photos: Jack Law
Videography: Kingsley Lau
Styling & Art Direction: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Venue: Panorama Design Group office


Stitching Sustainability With Innovation: Will Lam, MD, High Fashion International Group


Picking up on a family passion, Will Lam has raised the bar in intelligent, responsible garment manufacturing. The Managing Director of High Fashion International Group cuts to the chase, advocating innovation, education and the occasional game of chess…

gafencu magazine people interview will lam high fashion centre WDistrict office

Your family has more than 40 years of experience in the fashion industry. What does fashion mean to you?
From a business perspective, I think fashion, simply put, is to fulfil desires. It’s about understanding the constantly changing market and what customers want ­– listening to and meeting those demands. 

Fashion is ever changing and I’ve had time to build up my knowledge of the industry. Both my parents started fashion businesses, so I was exposed to it early on in life. From a young age, I spent a lot of time watching my parents gain insight into the world of fashion; even our Sundays were spent together visiting brands for a better understanding of the market.

What path did your education take, and how has it impacted your professional life?
I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong before completing my Master’s at one of the most prestigious institutions in the United States, Princeton University. Both experiences were very beneficial to my personal and professional growth. I was especially impressed by the engagement and interactive discussions between students and professors when I was in Princeton University. The students were very intelligent and the professors were supportive; this helped mould how I run my own company.

For the past decade, you’ve been the top management of High Fashion, the company founded by your father. Did you have other career aspirations growing up or did you always see yourself within the family fold?
I was quite heavily influenced by both my parents. They were both entrepreneurs, and I think witnessing them build their businesses from scratch inspired me to run a business myself. 

But beyond the fashion industry, I love the technology industry. In fact, our company – as well as my family and I, on a personal level – has invested in several start-ups. We develop ecovation programmes that help young entrepreneurs aspiring to start big businesses. I love new ideas that contribute to innovative business models to transform industries – not only in fashion but every sector of the economy.

gafencu magazine people interview will lam high fashion centre WDistrict

What have been the major contributing factors to your company’s success?
High Fashion is the global leader in silk manufacturing and one of Asia’s leaders in sustainability and providing affordable, luxurious garments. We are also a fully vertical supply chain. We provide a one-stop service for all types of customers from all over the world, from textiles to garment production.

I believe that innovation has been the most important factor in our success. Our clients are some of the most well-known brands in the world, and they are constantly looking for unique and creative ways to meet the demands of their consumers. At High Fashion, we seek out new fabrics, new ways of servicing, new re-engineering processes, as well as forms of technologies that allow us to produce a consistent flow of innovative products.

But on top of that, our diverse team has been key to the growth of our business. I believe that having an office culture that nurtures creativity is another important factor for a company’s success. We encourage staff to share new ideas and be open to collaborations, and embrace trial and error as part of the learning process.

Could you give us an example of how creativity and innovation have boosted your business?
I am always grateful to our staff and their support in growing a successful company. In turn, I feel that it is my responsibility to provide them with the best environment in which to perform and grow. We offer platforms that allow them to continue learning, which is especially important now that we see new businesses disrupting traditional organisations. We like to promote a fast-learning culture that encourages staff to learn about new market trends, visit different exhibitions, take part in seminars and network with other professionals. We also guide them through three to five years of career planning, organise management programmes and sponsor Executive MBA programmes outside of our company.

This allows the team to consistently contribute new and diverse ideas in meetings. It’s a very effective process that we focus on in order to deliver a continuous stream of innovative products. I believe this is one of the reasons why the majority of our staff have stayed loyal to the company – most of them have been with us for more than 20 to 30 years. 

gafencu magazine people interview will lam high fashion centre WDistrict innovative manufacturing

You’re known as a supporter of intelligent garment manufacturing. Can you tell us how this has changed and benefited the company’s productivity?
I think intelligent garment manufacturing is a trend that will last long into the future. Everyone is talking about the new economy, implying how technology plays a huge role in transforming traditional businesses. Because the garment industry is quite labour intensive, technologies like robotics and digitalisation offer businesses a leg up.

We look for ways to capture different ideas that are imbedded in technologies and apply them to garment manufacturing. In the past few years, we’ve spent a lot of time on automation. We were able to increase our productivity by 30 to 40 percent without having to reduce our labour force. And this is just the beginning: we will continue to learn about integrating automation into garment production. New companies are already adopting automation and advanced technology, which is why I believe technology will be an inevitable transition for the garment business, and will transform traditional companies into faster-growing entities.

Sustainability has become a hot topic in fashion. Could you share your thoughts on the subject?
Sustainability is the key to a more secure future for the generations to come. We hold great value in the initiative to help our customers transition from less sustainable into more sustainable products. This is where my belief in education comes in. Whenever we work with clients and consumers, we inform them about the importance of sustainability and how we can provide them with sustainable products. For example, incorporating sustainable production processes such as recycling and up-cycling. 

Our factory is one of the best known for sustainability; it holds a green-level certification – the highest level in China – and we are one of the few garment factories that uses solar power to recycle energy throughout the production process. Thinking two or three decades into the future and how our business affects the planet, we will introduce new elements of sustainability in our production process and supply chain wherever possible – ensuring more eco-friendly production that avoids excessive waste and reduces the carbon footprint.

gafencu magazine people interview will lam high fashion centre WDistrict shared space

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has also been a priority for High Fashion. Why do you feel it’s so important to give back?
I think education is very important; I’m very grateful that I had the opportunity to learn a lot when I was at university. Which is why I feel that it’s important to provide that same exposure to youngsters who have limited resources and avenues in which to develop their interests and career path. We strongly support education by providing opportunities for university students to join exchange programmes overseas. We have also built schools in Asia – China, mainly – such as the High Fashion Women’s Institute in Hangzhou that has offered tertiary fashion education for over 10 years.

What upcoming projects or new initiatives are you most excited about?
Since 2020, we have been working on WL District, a newly renovated, open shared space that allows CEOs and creatives to collaborate and network. Whether hosting an event or holding an exhibition, we aim to provide a space that allows like-minded individuals to come together with their unique backgrounds, expertise and skills. From the concept to the interior design, we’ve put careful consideration into every aspect of creating a venue that inspires creativity, collaboration and innovation.

What’s your favourite way to relax? Do you have any hobbies?
My favourite sport is tennis. Before I joined the company, I didn’t do much exercise, but I found that exercising helps me both mentally and physically – I feel more energised and focused. You need to be quite determined and disciplined to do well at tennis, and it’s helped me stick to my routine and improve my efficiency.

I also like chess, a game my father introduced me to when I was a child. Not only does it help with my concentration and problem-solving skills, it’s an activity that I enjoy doing with friends, as we can catch up over a game. Although it might seem mentally strenuous, I actually find it relaxing: it offers me mental clarity.

Thank you.


Interview: Roberliza Eugenio
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Andy Wan
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma

Also Read: Interview with Big Honor Entertainment’s Veronica Lam on continuing her father’s legacy whilst finding a groove of her own

The Chemistry of Beauty: Founder and skincare formulator of Skin Need Christal Leung on the secret to less-is-more skincare

With the opening of her Hong Kong lab next month, cosmetic chemist Christal Leung is on a mission to simplify skincare and bring it closer to home, while delivering supremely customisable skincare products through her brand, Skin Need.

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In your opinon, where did your personal passion for skincare stem from?
It began at a very young age. When I was a teenager, my mum ran a beauty salon and I was there every weekend to help with bookings and scheduling. Seeing her approach to skincare – customising products with fresh fruits and vegetables – and watching the way she brought joy and confidence to her customers, I realised that this was what I wanted to do as well, to create this kind of positivity and joy no matter which industry I would dedicate myself to. Unsurprisingly, that turned out to be the beauty industry.

How did your skincare label, Skin Need, come about?
Actually my mother was the one to start it. A lot of the products she used in the salon were manufactured and imported from the United States and other Western countries, which meant they were geared more towards Caucasian skin types and environments. She wanted something that was specially created for the humidity and temperatures of Hong Kong, something that would suit the lifestyles of the city’s residents. So, she worked with cosmetic chemists in the States and brought over her own products for customers in her salon. When I became a cosmetic chemist and joined Skin Need 12 years ago, I began evolving, reformulating and upgrading them.

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What do you think sets Skin Need apart from other brands in the market?
I think what makes Skin Need unique is that we didn’t come from a commercial approach – we weren’t thinking of what kind of gap we wanted to fill in the market or what ingredients we’d use to make it different. Our philosophy evolved from the experiences and skincare problems that my mother encountered over her career, and how she felt beauty products should actually be addressing those needs.
A lot of companies promote a hero product, a one-size-fits-all that everybody should be using, be it a serum, a cream or a sunblock. But my mother felt – and I concur – that our skin is always in a very dynamic environment of external and internal change, based on factors, such as weather, stress levels and hormones. So, at Skin Need we aim to create a skincare regimen that can really evolve with the needs and changes of your skin.

For example, when hormones cause the dermis to become dehydrated or oily, you need to customise your cream immediately to boost its moisture levels. On the other hand, when your skin is very dry or sensitive due to stress, you have to add emollients to nourish and rejuvenate it back to full health. Ultimately, the strength of Skin Need is our ability to create customised skincare regimens that can meet a customer’s unique needs. What’s more, we also empower users to observe changes in their skin daily, and offer a range of oil-based and water-based serums and different active ingredients that can be blended into their creams to suit their exact needs on any given day.

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Do you have any upcoming projects on the horizon that you’re excited about?
Yes, I’m currently in the midst of a very hectic and exciting project, which is set to open its doors next month. I’m building a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified lab in Kwai Chung, which will have five clean rooms and assembly lines for the bottling and filling of cosmetics. We’ll also have homogenisers and production capabilities to produce skincare that are ‘Made in Hong Kong’. Ultimately, while our products are still manufactured in the States, we’ll ship them en masse to the city to be packaged here, so we can greatly cut down our carbon footprint and fuel consumption.

Can you share one or two common mistakes people make in their daily skincare regimen?
The issue I face most often is that customers use too many products too often for no good reason at all. Because of all the information that is so readily available on the internet – you know, ‘you have to use retinoids, it does magic for your skin’ or ‘the salicylic acid concentration has to be one percent’ – everyone feels like they need a bit of everything. This, in turn, drives suppliers to produce in higher amounts than needed without educating consumers on which products should be used in tandem and which shouldn’t be used together at all.

So, one of the most common problems I encounter is users layering an amalgam of products like acids with highly purifying clay masks, and adding retinoids as a last step and so forth. It’s just crazy because ultimately, you’re compromising the barrier protection of your skin. You harm it by ignoring the fact that you need a balanced skin pH level so that it can fend off bacteria. Not only are you not going to get the results you want, you’re damaging your skin in the process, which leaves you open to a plethora of problems in the future that didn’t exist in the first place.

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So, what’s your tip for simplifying skincare?
I think hydration is important for everyone. If your skin is dehydrated, then using humectants such as hyaluronic acid and natural moisturising ingredients like Vitamin B5 in your daily routine are a must. For those suffering from an oily dermis, these hydrants also help balance oil production. In fact, our body can’t produce its own water, so when it gets dehydrated, its automatic response is to create an oily barrier instead – this is what causes blocked pores and blackheads. Studies show that hydration can help counteract the effects of ageing skin and sensitive skin too, so I really can’t stress enough the importance of moisturising your skin properly.

As a balance to your busy schedule, how do you like to relax during your down time?
To be honest, work is pretty much my hobby. It’s something I feel so passionate about and find so much joy in that I don’t feel like it’s work. Having said that, last year my sister told me that I was too much of a workaholic and needed to find a pastime, so I joined the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. It’s a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who come together not so much to talk about potential opportunities and connections but rather to share and reflect on the hurdles that come with running your own business, and also to expand our collective horizons through learning opportunities conducted by experts. I was invited to their board this year and at the moment I’m spending my spare time curating learning experiences for our members.

Finally, what is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Junk food. I absolutely love tucking into a bag of chips or a box of chocolates, so I’m really lucky that I have skincare products that can counteract their side effects!

Thank you.


Interview: Tenzing Thondup
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Kingsley Lau
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Jewellery: No. Thirty Three Joaillerie
Location: WULT, Central


Eternal Bloom: A new line of exclusive gifting products at Mohlia’s brand new outlet


Billed for their timeless luxury preserved Infinity Flowers, Mohlia now offers its customers a wide range of gifting products. We caught up with Simran Mohinani, the founder and CEO of Mohlia, at her new K11 Musea store to get all the exciting details:

Mohlia is known for its innovative Infinity Flowers. We’re intrigued, tell us more…
Infinity Flowers are boxed real flowers of the finest quality, grown in the mountains of Ecuador. They are hand-picked and carefully arranged piece-by-piece into an elegant gift box and then treated with our special rose oil formula – this allows their bloom to remain eternally beautiful.

gafencu mohlia flagship k11 infinity flower roses

What led you to create Mohlia?
I really love this collection because it seamlessly bridges the gap between luxury and innovation in the flower industry. Even though Hong Kong is usually at the forefront of technology, we didn’t have this concept in Asia, my home continent. It was a missing piece of luxury and I was really passionate about bringing the idea here.

Initally, the intent was to make it a side business. Little did I know that the demand will grow so rapidly that within a week, I would take the decision of making it my full-time job. Looking back, it all turned out to be amazing… It’s something I love, more than anything in this world.

gafencu mohlia flagship k11 infinity flower luxury gifting

Who is Mohlia for and what makes your products unique?
We have a lot of different facets to our brand — we’re not just selling long-lasting flowers anymore – we do luxury gifting and collaborate with big global and local names to give customers the bespoke high-end gifting experience.

Mohlia is for anybody in the world. We are a global brand that ships to 93 different countries and provides customised gifting options for clients of different genders and age groups.

So, whether it’s something quirky and unique like a pet shrimp in an aquarium or something more standard like your everyday teas and candles, or a forefront pushing innovation like CBD products – we like to cater to different tastes and styles. Thinking of gift options for a colleague, a buddy, your best friend, or even yourself — we’re great with ideas and options for absolutely anybody.

 gafencu mohlia flagship k11 infinity flower simran mohinani

You’ve just launched your flagship store in K11 Musea, what can we expect with the opening of the new location?
With our new location, we have taken everything to the next level. There are plenty of surprises waiting for our loyal and potential new customers, a slew of new limited-edition products, exclusive deals and several new brands available in the store. It truly warms my heart to be working with the most incredible people and the most fascinating products every single day.

We’ve worked with several luxury brands like Fortnum and Mason, Patchi, Sugarfina, Malabar Baby, Milk It Baby and Lekker Stuff CBD. Now, we have exciting collaborations with Kush Crystals, an amazing crystal-based skincare brand, Aspala tea, artisan fragrance creators The Blomstre and vegan and cruelty-free artisanal candle brand Clair De Lune, who makes uniquely shaped candles.

On top of that, we are also have been constantly putting out great products from Anvi Candles and Moana Shrimps, which are literally tiny pet shrimps swimming around in an aquarium.

Big Honor Entertainment’s Veronica Lam’s creative spirit shines bright

As Executive Director of Big Honor Entertainment, Veronica Lam continues her father’s legacy as an innovative promoter of musical talent. She looks back at life with dad and forward to creative new ventures in the future.

What was it like growing up in such a prominent family? Would you say that your childhood was pretty normal?
It’s difficult to say whether my childhood was normal, as I don’t have anything to compare it to. It wasn’t the standard upbringing, since I was raised by my maternal grandmother, while my younger brother lived with my paternal grandmother. It wasn’t until my teens that I started living with my dad [the late Lam Kin-ming of Crocodile Garments fame], which I can say gave me a more independent frame of mind than many of my peers. One thing that I do remember fondly is being surrounded by a lot of relatives.

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Veronica Lam Big Honor Entertainment Hardbit Music record label
Button shirt and trousers by Germain Paris

What path did your education take, and what aspirations did you have growing up?
I completed my high-school years at a boarding school in the UK, and that really left an impression. While I was living in Hong Kong, my father was pretty strict, and we had to come straight home after school every day. We weren’t allowed to hang out with our friends much at all. So, going to boarding school suddenly afforded me the freedom to branch out and explore new things. I always had a creative bent, so when I graduated, I applied for an art course, but ultimately gave that up to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business statistics at the University of Reading.

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Veronica Lam executive director of Big Honor Entertainment Hardbit Music
Turtleneck by St. John; Heels by Giuseppe Zanotti

You’re the Executive Director of Big Honor Entertainment, the business founded by your father. Why did you join the family firm, and what are your responsibilities?
I tried my hand at banking for a couple of years after university, but quickly realised it wasn’t something I wanted to do. I felt pretty lost and rudderless, so my dad asked me to join him at Big Honor Entertainment. At first, it was meant to be temporary, with me following my father to his various meetings and commitments, but 10 years later, I’m still here.

Big Honor is comparable to an investment company, albeit one that focuses on investing in musical events and shows. We do create our own, but with so many acts circulating, we also pick and promote those that fit our company profile. For the past decade, we have targeted Korean and Japanese talents, but with the ongoing pandemic, none of them can fly to Hong Kong, so we’ve refocused more on local bands, investing in movies and themed events. As Executive Director, it’s my responsibility to evaluate whether or not certain projects are worth investing in, as well as introduce fresh entertainment propositions to the city, and even instigate and implement new musically-focused initiatives of our own.

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Veronica Lam Big Honor Entertainment Hardbit Music art photography
Outfit by St. John; Heels by Giuseppe Zanotti

When did you discover your passion for the arts and photography in particular?
I remember one day when I was in high school, my dad came home with a pocket-sized, credit card-thin camera. This was advanced technology at a time when mobile phones couldn’t take photos. I took the camera wherever I went, and started documenting inspirations for my high-school art projects. I was completely hooked. There are so many special moments happening all the time, and taking photos is the quickest, most logical medium to retain those precious experiences.

Tell us a little about your photography work under VL Visuals.
I founded VL Visuals to display my photography artworks. The seeds for the idea came about when I helped promote the Yan Chai Hospital charity by producing a picture booklet detailing the hospital’s various services using photography as the key medium. Then, I collaborated with fresh young illustrators in the city on the photos I shot. The picture booklet was very well received, and it gave me the confidence to continue exploring my passion for photography. Not long after that, I stumbled upon gold leaf art while travelling in Japan, and that led me down a whole new avenue of creativity. That’s when I started doing exhibitions and presenting my works at art fairs around the world, including Hong Kong, London and Paris. The reception these received gave me the ego boost to continue.

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Veronica Lam Big Honor Entertainment Hardbit Music art
Cardigan and pants by M.D.M.S; Heels by Giuseppe Zanotti

Where do you find inspiration for your photos, and what are the challenges of capturing a truly great image?
Most of my inspiration comes through my travels. While I feel some people seek to capture stunning sunsets, I much prefer scenes with fog or haze, as I like moody, dark tones. What I enjoy, however, requires a lot of strength, for example, waking up at 4am in the morning to clamber up a mountainside with heavy equipment. Being a woman with weak arms doesn’t help much, and I’m basically a night owl, so I do understand and admire those who put so much effort into taking gorgeous photos!

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Executive Director of Big Honor Entertainment Veronica Lam Hardbit Music
Nordek Blazer and pants by Acler, courtesy of Lane Crawford

What led you to found Hardbit Music?
I was already involved in signing and handling musical talent at Big Honor, and my brother and I both enjoyed attending DJ shows, so we thought, why not branch out and try that as a side project. DJ events have a certain image though, and there were some concerns that this might negatively affect our company name, so we created a new brand – Hardbit Music – to host large-scale DJ-led musical events in the city.

How do you feel the ongoing coronavirus pandemic affected this business?
Honestly, the entertainment industry was one of the sectors hardest hit by Covid-19. Obviously, we couldn’t hold large-scale events or fly in musical acts to the city anymore… it was a serious challenge in every sense of the word. Looking back, it definitely taught us to become more creative with our ideas and to think outside the box in terms of coming up with innovative new solutions and concepts. In particular, it inspired me to start my latest project, which is called the B.Live app.

Gafencu Magazine Interview with Veronica Lam Big Honor Entertainment Hardbit Music
Turtleneck by St. John; Heels by Giuseppe Zanotti

What’s this new app all about?
At a time when in-person musical events are all but non-existent, we have to keep creating new spaces for musical acts within the entertainment industry. B.Live is a streaming app that offers viewers multiple angles during broadcasted events, so they can decide how they take in their favourite acts. Not only does the app allow people to enjoy music in the comfort of their homes, it also features chat rooms so users can interact with friends while experiencing the shows. That’s not all: in addition to musical content, we’ll also be uploading theatrical shows, tutorials and more. The app is slated for release in August, so watch this space…

Gafencu Magazine cover Interview with Executive Director of Big Honor Entertainment Veronica Lam Hardbit Music
Stow blazer dress by Acler, courtesy of Lane Crawford

As you juggle your various responsibilities, how do you like to unwind?
When I get stressed, I take to the treadmill to work up a good sweat, or I blast music out loud and dance by myself in front of the mirror. I used to unwind by editing photos at home, but these days I have so much editing to do that this has lost its shine a bit.

If you could go back and relive any moment of your life, what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to go back to the day I got married. I wish I could relive the moment where my father walked me down the aisle. It’s an especially poignant memory for me, as he passed away recently, and I’d like to hold his hand tighter and truly thank him for being there.

Finally, what’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
I’m the biggest SpongeBob SquarePants fan, and I love collecting SpongeBob paraphernalia. I’ve got T-shirts, plush toys, vinyl figures, stickers… you name it, I’ve got it. Every time I see those big, watery eyes, it just reminds me of how silly he is and how he doesn’t take himself seriously, a bit like my husband. It instantly lightens my mood!

Thank you.


Interview by: Tenzing Thondup
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Kingsley Lau
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Hair and Make-up: Heti Tsang
Cover: Stow blazer dress by Acler, courtesy of Lane Crawford

Jimmy Yu of Royal Catering on carving his own compelling path in life

Exquisite canapés and fish and chips do mix for Jimmy Yu. The sociable founder and CEO of Royal Catering is also on a mission to bring new tastes to China – and aid to communities in need through his charity, Smile With Us.

Could you tell us a little about your upbringing and education?
I was born in Hong Kong and moved to UK when I was 12, attending boarding school at Stamford [in Lincolnshire]. I wasn’t always the most well-behaved student and often got into trouble. When I was at university, I got caught in an incident that resulted in my house arrest for 12 months. Because I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, I spent the first few weeks ordering takeaway, but eventually grew tired of it. It was then that I decided to take up cooking.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips leicht

What are your fondest childhood memories, and how did your family impact the person you are today?
As I mentioned, I wasn’t always on my best behaviour growing up, but I was fortunately blessed to have very supportive parents who encouraged me to explore my curiosities and pursue every venture. After the incident, which my parents were obviously not too happy about, I realised how phenomenal they were to remain supportive and extremely patient with me despite my wrongdoings. I turned over a new leaf and things started to get better from there. I’ve been able to do and experience a lot of different exciting things in my life, as well as explore my own path and start my own business.

Now that I am a father myself, I’m motivated to work harder and give the best I can to what I do. And similar to how my parents were with me, I want to support my daughter and give her the freedom she needs to explore the things she wants to do, while, of course, keeping a close eye on her.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips AT LEICHT SHOWROOM

What led you to found Royal Catering? Did you always want to be in the food and beverage industry?
Although I had my fair share of misdemeanours during my school days, academically I did pretty well. Ever since I was in secondary school, I knew I wanted to start my own business. After boarding school, I enrolled at Regent’s Business School [part of Regent’s University London], where I received a full scholarship.

Upon returning to Hong Kong, I spent almost six years working as a Society Editor at an English luxury lifestyle magazine. But having spent half a decade in the industry and witnessing the transition of publications from print media to digital platforms, I felt it was the right time for me to move onto something new.

My entry into the F&B industry was, admittedly, unexpected, but it made the most sense to me. My years as a Society Editor, travelling the world, trying a range of new cuisines and indulging in some of the best canapés each region had to offer, not only allowed me to build a huge network of professional connections and industry friends, but also helped me realise what I loved doing – eating. Towards the end of 2015, I founded Royal Catering Hong Kong, which provides high-end catering services for luxury brands and private clients including Rolex, Ferrari, Lamborghini and D&G.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips DOLCE GABBANA

You’re very involved in the F&B industry. Why is the food business meaningful to you?
I am a big believer in doing what you love and loving what you do. For me, it’s eating. In Chinese there’s a saying that implies that the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the place you live in and the places you travel are the four pillars that make a good life. I felt that being involved in F&B was the best way for me to help give people a taste of the good life. And catering, unlike restaurants, is never limited to set menus and a particular cuisine, so every single client, season and meeting presents a new challenge to develop something different and unique. In my opinion, it’s not just about the food itself but also about presentation and the value of the entire experience for the client and their guests.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips dolce & gabbana

You’re also the CEO of China Royal Food Culture. Could you tell us more about this?
With Royal Food Culture, we try to bring the best of Western cuisine to China. Contrary to its culinary landscape in the past, China is becoming more modernised. People are excited to try new things and explore different cultures. The F&B market has been growing rapidly in the last couple of years. For instance, when I franchised Scotts Fish & Chips diner in Chengdu two years ago, I found that the people there were very hip and trendy; they hold onto the local culture while embracing the Western culture.

Although going to McDonald’s and KFC have become commonplace, and dishes like spaghetti are no longer exotic, the dining scene in China is still lacking in terms of Western varieties, which I want to bring into the country. I want to bring the best of the West to the East in areas where people would appreciate it the most.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips

Do you have any exciting new projects?
I’ve always found China to be an interesting place. I travel to many different places around the world, yet China still impresses me. Following the successful opening of our first – as well as China’s first – British fish and chips diner two years ago, I’ve been returning to the country in the last few months, preparing to open a new location. Though the pandemic put much of my business plan on hold, it is set to open very soon.

Gafencu Magazine interview people Jimmy Yu Founder and CEO of Royal Catering China Royal Food Culture Smile With Us Scotts Fish and Chips dolce & Gabbana in leicht showroom

Aside from your work, you also co-founded Smile With Us. What led you to start that charity, and what is its mission statement?
My parents instilled in me the values of kindness and helpfulness so I have always felt obligated to give back to the world. Before I started this charity, I would take a week or two off every year to volunteer in a different country. I’ve been to Botswana, Cambodia, the Philippines and several places in China to help underprivileged children and their families.

Although it’s impossible to help everyone in the world, through Smile With Us we try our best to help different communities facing various challenges. In our first year, we helped those with hearing and vision disabilities. The following year we tried to reach out to people suffering from mental illnesses, and during the pandemic, we helped to distribute masks to the needy and sanitise their homes.

Finally, what is the most interesting thing that you’ve ever done?
I’ve done lots of crazy things from sky diving to bungee jumping. I’m big on sports, too, so I enjoy anything from golf and badminton to tennis and snowboarding. Back in the UK, I used to go camping and I backpacked through Spain. That’s something interesting I’d like to do again in the future – to backpack around the world, meet people and learn new cultures first hand.

Thank you.


Interview by: Roberliza Eugenio
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Kingsley Lau
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Location: The Leicht
Wardrobe: Dolce & Gabbana


Minted: Founder and CEO of Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal is making waves

As the founder and CEO of Synergy Distribution Limited, Daniel Zigal has made a successful career of bringing innovative new products to Hong Kong…

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (3)

What can you tell us about your childhood in Hong Kong and its impact on you?
I’m extremely grateful to have grown up in Hong Kong. My childhood was really fun – everyday was a different adventure. This city is one of the most amazing places in the world, a place where you get to be exposed to so much diversity at a very young age. Even as a child, I realised that the city has so much to offer if only you knew how to take advantage of the opportunities at hand.

My family has been in Hong Kong for three generations. So, our home was really rooted here, which explains how I grew up with more of an Asian sensibility than a lot of my Western friends did. The experience I had growing up here also taught me to be independent at an early age. This, as well as having my father as a role model, served as the cornerstones of my entrepreneurial path.

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (4)

You were educated in Hong Kong, too?
Well, I spent my kindergarten and primary school years in Hong Kong, but I then moved to the United States to attend boarding school. This led me to study for a degree in Economics at the University of Southern California. It proved a great way to broaden my perspective on the world and ensured my thinking never became too limited.

You then returned to Hong Kong and launched Rio, your first business…
Looking back, while I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to expand my horizons outside of the SAR, I always knew that my love for this city would one day bring me back home to start my first business. When I returned after graduating, though, my parents tried to nudge me towards a more traditional career path, even though I knew I wanted to follow a very different course. In fact, I had always envisioned creating something of my own. Between 2003 and 2006, when I was working on a product intended to add value to the mint market, I realised that there was a real opportunity there. At the time, the variety on offer was limited, while the packaging was plain and lacking in appeal. I decided I wanted to break the mould and that’s how Rio came about.

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (5)

Were there any particular challenges you faced back then?
In the very early stages, I was a one-man band, doing everything alone and having to learn new things every day. While I didn’t have a team, resources or any real knowledge as to how to raise capital, I was sure this was something I loved. Passion drove me through every challenge as I set about building the brand, whether personally bringing the products from the factory back to Hong Kong, driving to the warehouse to pick up stock, attending buyer meetings or taking care of the marketing. In the end, it took several years for the brand to grow, with being both the brand owner and the distributor the most difficult part. I did, however, learn valuable lessons, which helped me understand the business from the ground up.

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (7)

That then led on to your current business, Synergy…
In the beginning, we were trying to find distributors and someone to manage Rio, but that proved to be difficult. As with any new company, it wasn’t easy to get people to believe in the business. So, in 2007, Synergy was formed as the distribution company for Rio, which allowed the brand to officially launch that same year.

Once I got Synergy up and running, I realised that we could bring more products into Hong Kong by utilising the company’s network, which extended to all of the city’s major retailers and distribution pipelines. There is such a wide array of amazing brands and products that I, myself, love but are unknown in city. As a result, I wanted to bring these cool, innovative products into Hong Kong and work with them just as passionately as I did with Rio.

Today, Synergy actively scours the market, looking for exceptional products and new trends. We either invest in them or partner with brands and help them realise their full potential via our brand building expertise. Essentially, we act as an incubator in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) space and guide them through their “to-the-market” plans, which include sourcing, production and communication strategies, as well as spearheading their distribution efforts.

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (6)

What are the exciting new projects you’re currently working on?
Well, I wanted to go back into creating our own brand once again. While I enjoy working with other brands, I particularly love the creative process that goes into building a brand from scratch. One of the projects that my business partner and I are most excited about is a fun new ultra-premium pre-mix alcoholic beverage, which we are calling Chateau Highball. It is a pre-mix gin and tonic in a champagne bottle and it foams and pops like a champagne. We are confident it will disrupt the champagne and celebratory beverage market. We are also working on a revolutionary new concept in the seafood space, of which you will probably be able to see later this year.

What do you see as the secret of business success over the long-term?
A lot of Hongkongers would say it’s down to having a good Feng Shui master, joking aside, though, as your business grows and requires more support, I think the most important thing is the people you work and surround yourself with. It’s critical to have people who function well as a team and who have your – as well as the company’s – best interests at heart. Secondly, I try to make sure I hire people who are smarter than me. It’s important to be aware of your own weaknesses and to employ people who can fill those gaps. Lastly, though, it’s smart to listen to other people, it’s even more important to believe in and trust yourself.

gafencu people interview Minted Rio Mints Synergy Distribution Limited Daniel Zigal (2)

How have you weathered the challenges of the recent turbulet times?
I think the past two years have been extremely difficult for everyone in Hong Kong. The retail business was hugely affected by the effects of the social unrest and the Covid-19 pandemic that followed. Despite that, I think the biggest change has been the move to online sales. We adopted an online business model early on and, as we had firm relationships in place, that helped us survive when the market moved more in that direction.

What now – if anything – remains at the top of your bucket list?
Well, I would dearly love to explore life being based outside of Hong Kong, as I’ve been here for so long. Travel and exploring the world are so important to me, so I’d love to be able to do that while still building brands, which also remains a passion. To do that, I would love to have businesses that I can run without having to be tied down to one place.

Thank you.


Interview by: Roberliza Eugenio
Photographer: Jack Ngai
Videographer: Kingsley Lau
Art director and styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma

The many tales of Keith Griffiths, founder of Aedas architecture and design firm

World-famous architect and educator Keith Griffiths, founder of the Aedas architecture firm, on his small-town Welsh roots, design journey, opinions on Hong Kong’s infrastructure and more…

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong (7)

You were born a world away from Hong Kong in Wales…
Yes. I’m completely a country mouse. I grew up in a tiny village called Merthyr Tydfil on the west coast of Wales. Home to just 1,400 people, it’s as far west as you can go before you drop into the Atlantic Ocean. It was very barren but also very beautiful. Set on a peninsula measuring six miles by one mile, that was my whole life while growing up. Although the education I received and the atmosphere were great, frankly it was an extremely boring place to be young. In the end, I couldn’t wait to get away.
It was a seminal experience, though, and it taught me how to communicate. Given its tiny size – our school had just 300 children – I had to learn how to deal with any situation, how to problem-solve and how to see the best in people. After all, you need to deal with them in any case. Leaving there, when I was 17, was a relief, though.

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong

And where did you leave for?
I ran east, initially to Cambridge University, where I spent six years. It was a great introduction to wider society and I really enjoyed the experience. I then moved to London – finally a big city with a rich culture, architectural traditions and international influences. I was there for five years until famed British architect Norman Foster sent me to Hong Kong in 1983 to look after the HSBC project. I’ve been here ever since.

What made you decide to settle here?
It was down to two factors really. First of all, in 1985, when the HSBC Building project was completed, Hong Kong was just recovering from the 1982 economic collapse. There was a lot of optimism in the air and a surplus of work opportunities. It was very different to the UK, where the economy had all but stagnated. At the same time, the Falkland War was going on and I had a real issue with what I saw as a political conflict and a gambit for Margaret Thatcher to hold onto power. Removed from the situation, I could see things dispassionately and perceive it as the humanitarian crisis it truly was. Ultimately, then I decided Hong Kong was my best option when it came to creating a life for myself.

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong (2)

This all led, eventually, to you founding Aedas, your own architectural firm…
I founded Aedas about 30 years ago and we’ve since spread out across the world. When we first started we were very small, but we grew quickly. This was partly because we took on a lot of infrastructure projects such as railway and airport work, which, in the ’80s, saw us move into South East Asia, then the Middle East and finally China. We now work across the board in every area of design, including mixed-use infrastructure, museums, hotels – you name it, we do it as we’re now a big group. Overall, we have about 1,200 staff, most of whom work either in China or Hong Kong.

What do you see as your USP?
One of the factors in our success is that we like our architecture to be relevant to the city we’re designing for. In order to accomplish this, we really need to understand the culture, the people and the climate. So, every time we pick up a major project we set up a local office, which is why we are now active in 12 locations around the world. It’s this desire to really understand the place we’re designing for – rather than just importing a generic international style of building – that makes us different.

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong (6)

What are the challenges that come with running such a multinational business?
Actually, running Aedas is surprisingly easy. We’re designers and designers communicate through design. If you try to run designers through management tools, you’ll fail – it would be like herding cats. So, instead, we use design tools. We don’t have any professional managers as everyone at Aedas is either an architect, an interior designer or an urban planner. Our directors are also similarly qualified, so everyone speaks the same language, regardless of their background. This really enhances our communication capabilities, which in turn yields big rewards in terms of our completed projects.

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong (5)

Over the years, have there been some project that were particularly close to your heart?
In our three decades of operation, we’ve designed many, many buildings. It is, however, true to say that you always believe the building you’re currently working on is going to be the best. If it’s not, then you’ve done something wrong as you should be looking to improve all the time. So in terms of the buildings I’m particularly proud of, it’s always going to be the most recent ones – most notably, the West Kowloon Train Terminus, a world-class building and the gateway between Hong Kong and the mainland.

How do you decide which projects are right for you and Aedas?
Architects tend to be very humble, so we rarely turn a project down. Generally, though, we have a business development team whose job is to source our projects. Sometimes they bring direct commissions – which account for about 40 percent of our overall business – other times they propose we participate in design pitches, which make up another 40 percent of our work, with the balance coming from work for previous clients.

gafencu people interview keith griffiths aedas architecture and design company hong kong (3)

Focusing more locally, what do you see as Hong Kong’s unique architectural challenges?
The thing to remember about Hong Kong is that it was the world’s first extreme high-density, high-rise city, making it all but inevitable that a number of issues are going to arise. Among these, the biggest problem is land use. In total, just 25 percent of its land has been developed, with only seven percent allocated to residential buildings. By comparison, Singapore has used 30 percent of its available space for or residential properties, a move that is reflected in its bigger apartment sizes and wider availability of property.

Moving to architecture, we’ve had some significantly good developments over recent years, including such world-leading designs like the new M+ project and the revamped Tai Kwun compound. Hong Kong was also the first to introduce live-work hubs as the norm, as embodied by such neighbourhoods as Central, Soho and Shatin, while also being in the podium-and-tower style of design. We are, however, still stuck in an infrastructural mindset that was first introduced in the ’80s, and I think we need to evolve and produce new types of buildings, which can better meet the needs of this high-density, high-rise city.

Looking to the future, what projects are you particularly anticipating?
We actually have a number of exciting projects in the pipeline. We’ve been very successful recently in securing several government projects in Shenzhen. We’re also working on a number of headquarter buildings in its business district, which are truly world-class creations. The regulations in Shenzhen are rather different from those elsewhere in China, so we’ve been able to do some really interesting architectural designs. We’ve also been working on a new border-crossing facility at Huanggang – between Hong Kong and the mainland – which is a very large building and something I’m definitely proud of. In all, we have about 100 live projects in China, though, so it’s hard to single out just a few.

Thank you.


Interview by: Tenzing Thondup
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Photos: Jack Law
Videographer: Andy Wan

Jewel Purpose: Elegant entrepreneur and multi-tasking mum, Melinda Zeman does it all…

Aiming to spread joy through her jewellery designs, Melinda Zeman shares her inspirations behind Bouchier and what keeps her going as a strong career woman and loving mother…

gafencu people interview melinda zeman bouchier fine jewellery (6)

Wardrobe: Earrings, necklaces, rings by Bouchier, available at On Pedder; Oversized blazer top by Magda Butrym, available at Joyce; Heels by YSL

As the founder, can you tell us what led you to launch the Bouchier jewellery brand?
As a jewellery lover myself, I was inspired to start the company because it was hard to find the kind of items that I felt conveyed my personality. I was looking for something that was a little contemporary and playful as I don’t really take myself too seriously. Ultimately, this led me to create fine jewellery pieces that reflected those values. 
Before I started, some two-and-a-half years ago, I was designing pieces for myself as a hobby. Then, one thing led to another, and I started producing items for friends and then for their friends. Eventually, through word of mouth, Bouchier organically grew into the brand it is today.

What do you see as your brand’s unique qualities?
Well, we have a strong emphasis on happiness, playfulness and bright colours, which makes us quite distinct compared to a lot of other fine jewellery brands. With everything that’s going on in the world right now, everyone needs a little happiness and colour in their lives. With that in mind, we give our clients something they can look at that we hope will always bring them joy and automatically lift their spirits. 

gafencu people interview melinda zeman bouchier fine jewellery (2)

Wardrobe: Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings by Bouchier available at On Pedder; Crop blazer by Christopher John Rogers, available at Joyce; Skirt by Molly Goddard; Heels by Amina Muaddi

Fruit Hoops is your best selling collection, where do you find the inspiration for your designs?
Fruit Hoops is our signature collection and, when I first came to devise it, I was aiming to create a very clean and classic line. As I love stacking different pieces, I try not to over-complicate designs and look to keep them timeless and elegant. I also knew I wanted to inject some fun into the collection, so I experimented with a number of different designs and came to love the symbolism of the knot. For me, it very much represents the bond between people, whether a partner, friend or child / parent.
 Personally, it’s definitely my favourite collection as there are just so many variations to the look you can create. It can be worn with a casual T-shirt or with a suit to make a certain impression. You can also wear one piece on its own or play with few pieces together, making for a process that’s really quite fun. 

What are the challenges of running a company like Bouchier now that it has a truly global footprint?
When it comes to being genuinely international, one of the core values I always try and adhere to with my brand experience is inclusivity. In many ways, I see it as similar to social media in how it allows like-minded women, irrespective of age, location, religion or race, to come together. I want people to feel that Bouchier is a brand that can speak to anyone wherever they may be.
Honestly, when running a business, though, every day is a challenge. I do, however, feel lucky that I live in a world and time where there are so many amazing female entrepreneurs and leaders, people who are really addressing women’s needs and concerns. I genuinely feel there is a sense of sisterhood like never before and that is something that inspires me every day.
In addition, as a mother of four, I find it’s a constant struggle to balance my home and work life. Despite that, I feel blessed that I have been able to turn my passion into a full-time job, something that makes me cherish my children all the more as I never take my time with them for granted. 

gafencu people interview melinda zeman bouchier fine jewellery (3)

Wardrobe: Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings by Bouchier, available at On Pedder; Blazer by Alexander McQueen, available at Joyce; Bag by Alexander McQueen, available at On Pedder; Heels by Amina Muaddi

How did your own experience growing up impact you?
My mom was in finance and worked very long hours and that was something, as a child, that I didn’t really understand. Looking back now, though, I appreciate all the hard work she put into raising me and realise what an exceptional role model she was. Her dedication inspires me to this day and is a constant reminder to me that it is possible to balance your career and role as a mother. I have also come to believe that being a stay-at-home mum is truly one of the hardest jobs in the world – most men wouldn’t last a day! As with many things in life, quality is just as important as quantity so I try to make every moment with my children count. 

What is the most important piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
I think, without a doubt, the most important piece of advice I have ever been given is to remember that “No one knows everything”. I think it’s so important to bear in mind that no matter where you are in life or how successful you are, no one person truly knows everything. So, it’s important to keep an open mind and listen to the people around you. If ever you get to a point where you start to believe that you actually know everything, that’s when you’ll stop learning and you’ll miss out on so many opportunities to improve yourself. I am genuinely convinced that the key to ultimate success in life is to never stop learning and to try and be a better version of yourself everyday – not just for you as an individual, but also for the people around you.

gafencu people interview melinda zeman bouchier fine jewellery

Wardrobe: Earrings and rings by Bouchier, available at On Pedder; Turtle neck and blazer by Marine Serre, available at Joyce; Heels by Amina Muaddi

If you could meet any person, past or present, who would it be and why?
I’d love to meet Michelle Obama. I feel like she redefined what it meant to be First Lady. She has been a truly great inspiration and a role model for so many young children across the world. She was the voice of a whole generation of young girls who had previously gone unheard. In this way, she gave many young people the motivation and confidence they lacked and no doubt changed the lives of many of them forever. 

gafencu people interview melinda zeman bouchier fine jewellery (5)

Wardrobe: Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings by Bouchier, available at On Pedder; Dress by Molly Goddard, available at Joyce; Heels by Amina Muaddi

What item is at the top of your bucket list?
I did a safari with my husband a few years ago and would love to go back with my kids for an extended family jungle wilderness holiday. Not only was it an amazing bonding and learning experience, for me, personally the thing I loved the most was the incredible opportunity it gave me to see so many animals in their natural habitat. It really put things into perspective and reminded me how comparatively small we really are in this world… It’s something that humbles you and makes you question your purpose on Earth, while also prompting you to think how to give back – and that’s definitely a lesson I want to teach my children.

Finally, can you share with us a secret, something that most people don’t know about you?
I really enjoy Canto pop and Mando pop. While that’s not wholly a secret, it’s definitely something that surprises a lot of people! 

Thank you.


Interview by: Roberliza Eugenio
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Kes Lei
Hair and Make Up: Angel Arlen Pasco
Art director and styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma

Do Yenn: Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group

Introducing different gourmet traditions to discerning diners is all in a day’s work for Yenn Wong, founder and owner of multinational F&B company, JIA Group…

What do you recall of your early days in Singapore?
It was quite a simple and normal time. My dad was a businessman and always travelled for work, while my mum, a housewife, was the hands-on one with my older brother and myself. I grew up to be somewhat independent, largely because my brother was a bit of a troublemaker, meaning my mum spent more time on him. I was the one who didn’t cause any problems and – although I wasn’t an A-star student by any means – I managed to finish school without any real problems. I was educated in Singapore until I finished high school. I then enrolled at The University of Western Australia in Perth, ultimately graduating with a degree in Economics, with a
major in marketing. 

gafencu magazine people interview Do Yenn Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group

Were you always going to gravitate toward the hospitality sector?
When I was just a kid, it wasn’t like I was dying to open a restaurant or anything. While I was at university, though, my father wasn’t keen on me doing nothing every summer break, so I would work for KPMG, the Anglo-Dutch accounting firm. From then on, I knew a nineto-five paperwork job was definitely not for me and that I wanted to do something a little more on the creative side…

Was it this impulse that brought you to Hong Kong?
Well, my father has always been something of an entrepreneur, so when I joined his company after graduating, he had just bought a hotel in Causeway Bay. As he had no fixed plans for that property, he asked me to redevelop it into something new. Even though I was just 23 at that time and had absolutely no idea what I was doing, I packed my bags and moved to Hong Kong, taking up the challenge of creating what would ultimately become the J Plus Hotel. 

gafencu magazine people interview Do Yenn Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group louise (4)

How did you go about making that transformation a reality?
The pre-existing three-star hotel had mainly catered to mainland guests, but my remit was to create a greater value proposition. As it involved a very steep learning curve, it was fortunate that a friend of a friend put me in touch with Philippe Starck, the renowned French architect. Together, we came up with the idea of converting the property into the city’s first real boutique hotel. Unfortunately, the J Plus launch took place just as the SARS outbreak was at its height, which was incredibly stressful. It was a truly transformational experience and one that I’ll never forget. In the end, it all worked out well and, a few years later, we sold the hotel and made a substantial profit.

“A fter interning at KPMG, it became clear that a nineto-five job was not for me”

Today, you’re the head of the JIA Group. Can you tell us more?
The group currently consists of 12 restaurants, which embrace an array of culinary concepts. We pride ourselves on providing a range of gourmet experience, ranging from casual to fine dining, all of which place equal emphasis on the quality of the cuisine and the dining environment. Our outlets not only aim to satiate a customer’s appetite, but also deliver a visual feast. It’s a formula that resonates with our guests and one I take a great deal of pride in.

How has the group coped throughout the course of the Covid-19 outbreak?
Actually, the real struggle started in mid-2019 with the civil unrest, followed closely by the pandemic. As with the rest of the F&B sector, we had to react very quickly and prioritise flexibility, while being obliged to create new ways to drive revenue. One of solutions was to ensure all our fine-dining establishments offered take-away and home delivery. At Duddell’s, one of our Michelin-starred restaurants, for instance, we had never before contemplated any delivery options. Now, though, not only have we partnered with Deliveroo, we’ve also created such tempting menu items such as our Peking Duck Set, which has been specially devised with home dining in mind. Similarly, Louise, one of our other Michelin-starred eateries, now offers such innovations as a Chicken Set Dinner, which comprises our famous roast chicken, caviar pasta and a series of starters, and has gone on to become one of our
most in-demand menu options.

gafencu magazine people interview Do Yenn Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group louise (2)

Last year also saw the launch of JIA Everywhere, a digital platform we devised in order to overcome the challenge of the social distancing requirements. This particular initiative, allows us to offer a wide range of services, including the provision of high-end chefs to cook in a customer’s own home, a variety of delivery and pick-up option and even access to our cocktail and wine resources – all of which can be directly accessed via the JIA Everywhere website.

Ultimately, as Hongkongers could not dine out any later than 6pm until recently, we put an infrastructure in place that ensures they can enjoy luxury gourmet experience in the comfort of their own home. In addition to serving genuinely delicious dishes, we also ensure they’re presented in a memorably beautiful fashion – that’s a major reason why the service has become so popular.

gafencu magazine people interview Do Yenn Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group louise

Looking ahead, what’s currently in the works that you can tell us about? 
The past year has been a time of great change for the group and has seen us adopt a far more aggressive approach. Basically, we have been in survival mode. Despite this, we’ve still opened several new sites and revamped a number of existing establishments in order to ensure they remained viable business propositions. A good example of this is Central’s Tai Kwun compound, where we had the Old Bailey Chinese restaurant, a business almost solely reliant on hosting the kind of events that have been virtually non-existent over the past two years. With this in mind, we consulted the Jockey Club, which has oversight of this heritage location, and decided to reinvent the site as  something more daytime-friendly that had greater appeal to locals. This resulted in the creation of Between, a unique artisanal coffee shop. 

gafencu magazine people interview Do Yenn Yenn Wong, cuisine queen of JIA Group louise (5)

Another project we’ve been working quite actively on is an extensive refurbishment of the central kitchen supplying food to Hong Kong International Airport, which also  hasn’t enjoyed excessive demand over recent months. Our goal here was to transform it into a cloud kitchen – essentially a ‘dark’ kitchen with no seating service or  restaurant space – which provides several different culinary options. To make this a functioning reality, we’ve partnered with Deliveroo to deliver across the Sha Tin and Science Park areas. Over the coming year, we’re hoping to open cloud kitchens in a number of additional locations, allowing us to both expand our coverage area and introduce an extended range of cuisine options.

Aside from that, we’re also exploring the possibility of opening up a number of new restaurants. We’re still primarily an F&B business company, after all, and we pride ourselves on our high level of design and the quality of our customer experience. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the Covid-19 outbreak has actually opened up several interesting new spaces and boosted the availability of premium talent, a development we’re more than keen to take advantage of. Watch this space…


Thank you.

Interview by: Tenzing Thondup
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Photos: Jack Law
Video: Kes Lei
Salvatore Ferragamo, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Roger Vivier & The Outnet.