For Pain, Not Pleasure: Are CBD oils and edibles really effective?

Cannabidiol, a chemical found in the cannabis plant, has turned from a taboo into a trend. CBD, as it is popularly known, is now considered desirable, not dangerous. From yoga studios, cafés, tinctures, topicals, gummies, pet treats and even tampons, it has infused its way into people’s lives the world over. It is ingested and applied to ease all sorts of ailments including anxiety, pain, depression and insomnia, and is a star product in some beauty routines. Ultimately, though, despite its prevalence in the health and beauty industries, the jury is still out on whether CBD is effective.

CBD products can now be found in everything from coffee and skincare products to cosmetics. Sceptics may worry about its potency and question its potential for good, but there is no doubt that its popularity was kickstarted by the 2018 Farm Bill in the United States, which legalised CBD derived from the hemp plant (but not the cannabis plant), spawning product upon product in its wake. The surge in the availability of these products soon trickled down to other countries where this ingredient is legal, such as Hong Kong.

hemp plant cbd benefits gafencu wellness pain relief medication


Legality and regulation are two different matters. Legally, hemp is defined as a cannabis plant that contains 0.3 percent or less of the psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, while marijuana is a cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3 percent THC. However, there is no guarantee that hemp-derived products won’t contain THC, due to factors such as cross-pollination and a lack of industry regulation. The risk of CBD products containing THC poses a number of concerns, not least that you may test positive for drug usage. In work environments or sports, where drug testing is part and parcel of life, it is possible that THC could show up when a person has not used marijuana but has ingested cannabidiol.

It is a common misconception that CBD produces a high. Marijuana users seeking an altered state of mind have THC to thank for that. Cannabidiol is non-psychoactive, accounting for its greenlit for use in many countries. Thus, in Hong Kong it is not prohibited under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, though local sellers of CBD products are still required to ensure that their products are THC-free.

Also Read: Unusual wellness therapies to try in Hong Kong.

cbd beauty benefits gafencu wellness pain relief

Cannabidiol interacts with the body’s own endocannabinoid system through two known receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are present in the brain and the central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are abundant in the immune, gastrointestinal, brain and peripheral nervous systems. The exact way in which CBD affects us is unknown, but scientists speculate that it encourages the body to produce more endocannabinoids, which could potentially reduce anxiety, pain and inflammation.

The coveted ingredient has been praised for numerous benefits, but the strongest evidence of its medical effectiveness has been in the treatment of epileptic disorders such as Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. In several studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases stop them altogether. It has also been used medically to tackle depression, anxiety, insomnia, inflammatory conditions and chronic pain.

cbd beauty benefits gafencu wellness

Although it has become a go-to substance for consumers seeking pain alleviation, most scientific studies of CBD have been conducted on animals. Two studies published in the European Journal of Pain using animal models found that applied topically, CBD can help lower pain and inflammation from arthritis, and lessen inflammatory and neuropathic pain respectively. Further human trials, however, are required to vindicate claims that cannabidiol is effective in controlling pain.

Beyond pain control, CBD has become a leading ingredient in many beauty products. With the resurgence of natural and sustainable beauty, consumers have become hyper-aware of what lies within their everyday make-up and skincare potions. Natural ingredients like CBD score brownie points for cosmetics companies.
The bigger question at hand, though, is whether CBD effectively boosts beauty or is just another beauty trend. Many consumers claim that CBD has been the saving grace of their daily regimen, but is this anecdotal evidence supported by factual proof? Although the benefits of using CBD beauty products are largely unproven by science, there is a rationale for their application. Skin issues and ageing are caused by damage to the epidermis, and skin inflammation results from irregularities in the endocannabinoid system. CBD acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and as such is credited with regulating oil production, reducing inflammation and hydrating dry skin.

Also Read: Five surprising ways hypnotherapy can benefit your health and well-being.

hemp plant cbd benefits gafencu wellness CBD coffee CBD tea

For adventurous locals seeking to get their hands on some CBD, Lane Crawford is a great place to start. The department store carries the popular brands like Treaty, Saint Jane Beauty and Nature of Things. Online, there’s Gentle Bro, a Hong Kong CBD lifestyle store that sells a wide range of said products, including goodies for your canine companions.

CBD has also become a defining ingredient in many food and beverage items too. Acclaimed Hong Kong craft beer manufacturer Young Master recently launched the CBD-infused HEA line. Oh CBD Beer, another Hong Kong brand, can also be bought online, or at pop-ups at the likes of Famaland. Going beyond beer, Found is Hong Kong’s first CBD café. In addition to tempting customers with cannabidiol-infused coffees, drinks, pastries and chocolates, it also sell oils, capsules and creams. Coffee Analog is another café that serves seasonal CBD coffee – a brew to match its relaxing wood interiors. Famed Hong Kong chocolatier Conspiracy Chocolate offers vegan chocolate bars in which CBD isolate and hemp seeds add to the 75 percent cacao content. This chocolatey rush is available from its online shop or at a host of local retailers.

cbd oil benefits gafencu wellness

Whether for pain relief, to beautify or just for the taste, the buzz about cannabidiol is gathering pace. Yet, despite a plethora of positive reviews and testimonials, it is an experience that remains a personal choice and may not be suitable for everyone. The fundamental question remains unanswered: is CBD really an effective all-purpose ingredient, or just another fleeting trend that will soon fade from the public consciousness? Certainly, it would benefit from additional human trials and more diligent regulation. If you do try it, discuss it with your doctor beforehand and ensure you conduct adequate research on the product, and the brand that has piqued your interest.

Also Read: Eye Yoga: Is this latest wellness trend a gimmick or godsend?

(Text – Nadia Ho)

Eye Yoga: Latest wellness trend but is it gimmick or godsend

I spend my days switching between my laptop and desktop screens and peering at Twitter for news updates – sometimes for hours without a break. During the evening, screens are my only point of contact with high-school friends and family – virtual happy hours, reading emails, scrolling Instagram while the TV is on; I am surrounded by bright, glowing screens.

gafencu wellness eye yoga benefits well-being better health
Sound familiar? It is not just you and me. The work-from-home situation has blurred the lines between home and office, with overuse of screens often leading to red, watery eyes and blurred vision – classic red flags of digital asthenopia, or even just eye strain. So, when legendary musician Paul McCartney announced that he had practised eye yoga since a trip to India in the early 2000s and was living without glasses at age 78, my interest in the routine was piqued. I am determined to give this centuries-old practice a try: it may just be the ticket to cure my Zoom-fatigued eyes, and if nothing else, will surely sharpen my eye-rolls. What’s the harm?

gafencu wellness eye yoga benefits well-being the workout

What Is Eye Yoga?
When we stare at screens for too long, we don’t blink enough, which tends to dry out the cornea. Over a prolonged period, dry eyes lead to itchy, prickly and blurry vision. In eye yoga, rather than flowing through the chaturanga, you stretch, condition and stimulate the muscles around the eye to enhance energy in this area. These exercises are billed not only to eliminate eye fatigue, but also to soothe tension headaches and neck stiffness caused by prolonged deskwork.
gafencu wellness eye yoga benefits well-being stress relief

The Benefits
Eye yoga has been around for centuries. Back in the day, it was a therapeutic tool for yogis to strengthen their vision, engage the brain and build brain health.
Yogis claim that like regular yoga asanas, the more you practise these eye movements, the stronger, more lifted and more awake your eyes become. And the benefits are not just cosmetic; the routine is said to brighten the eyes, combat deteriorating focus due to ageing, reduce tension headaches and eye strain, temporarily alleviate dry eyes and even improve vision.

gafencu wellness eye yoga benefits well-being

The Workout
Eye yoga can be done from your couch or office chair and takes only five to 10 minutes a day. You can do one, all or a combination of these exercises:

1. Eye-rolls
If eye-rolling is not a natural part of your facial repertoire, make it an exercise. Teenagers commonly excel at it, but scientists find that for some strange reason, our upward gaze reduces as we age. Sit straight to elongate your spine. Shift your eye focus in a circular manner to the left and then to the right. Relax after a couple of motions, then repeat. Do this for one minute.

2. Focusing
Sit upright, extend one arm in front of you and make a fist. Elevate your thumb and focus on its tip with both eyes. Move your thumb closer to your nose until you can no longer focus on it. Pause for a breath or two and repeat the entire cycle five to 10 times.

3. Looking near and far
Find one object close to you and another at least 20 feet further away. Focus for one minute at the closer object and then fix your gaze afar. Repeat 10 times. For heavy screen usage, it is recommended that this exercise is practised every 20 minutes.

4. Blinking
Blinking forms a layer of tears and the secretion of meibum, an oily, lipid-rich substance, onto the surface of the eye to ease dryness or discomfort. Touch your cheekbones with your index fingers, make an ‘O’ with your lips and blink rapidly for 30 seconds. Rest for two long exhales and repeat the blinking process again.

5. Palming
Practised by Tibetan monks, this exercise involves cupping your hands gently over your eyes and focusing on darkness. The guiding principle is that we need darkness to recover from light. So, sit comfortably, cup your eyes and focus on the dark. Once those flickering lights (caused by optic-nerve irritation) vanish, you can gently open your eyes. Repeat, but don’t stare at bright objects right after opening your eyes.

gafencu wellness eye yoga benefits well-being exercise

Does It Work?
There may not be any robust scientific evidence that crossing your eyes up, down, sideways and diagonally improves age-related vision loss or sharpens sight, but the eyes, like any muscle in the body, need exercise to stay healthy.
As someone who has been blessed with good eyesight, I can’t vouch that there’s been any change in my vision, but since I started practising eye yoga 10 days ago, I’ve never been more aware of my eye muscles. There is an apparent shift in the level of eye strain; I doubt very much that you would be able ditch your glasses or contacts, but expect a noticeable reduction in fatigue, headaches, eye twitching and watering.
Will I continue with my regular eye-exercises? Probably. I am already spending less time on eye creams and it’s a soothing experience. Plus, if it’s good enough for Sir Paul, then it’s good enough for me.


(Text – Nikita Mishra)

Ten meditation apps to calm your mind in 2021

The perfect tool for the fidgety busy bees, meditation apps offer you a quick and easy solution to calmer, more mindful days.

No time for an hour-long meditation or too anxious to sit still in silence? — No problem!

Whether on-the-go or taking five, Gafencu’s list of 10 meditation apps will help you squeeze in a variety of customisable guided meditation and therapeutic soundscapes into your hectic schedule. Read on:


Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app headspaceFor better sleep:
There’s nothing better for your overall well-being than a good night’s sleep; And with this meditation app, you get just that. Browsing through their library of guided meditation, soundscapes and storytelling sleepcasts, you’re bound to find one that helps you de-stress and snooze fast. 

Rating: ★★★★★
HK$100 per month with a 7-day free trial; HK$544 per year with a 2-week free trial

Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app aura

For breathing exercises:
2. Calm
Having trouble sleeping? Calm lets you immerse yourself into a soothing journey into peace of mind and emotional calmness. From calming exercises to breathing techniques, the app helps soothe emotional stress and reduce anxiety and even break bad habits. 

Rating: ★★★
HK$116 per year, HK$544 per month or HK$3,107 for lifetime use after 7-day free trial


Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app buddhifyFor people on the go:
3. Buddhify 
Perfect for those always on the go, Buddhify complements your daily routine with a range of short and full-length meditation sessions to fit your schedule. Whether you are  taking a break from work or out for a walk, or trying to doze off in bed, this meditation app is the perfect (and budget-friendly) companion for a stress-free life. 

Rating: ★★★
HK$39; HK$233 per year for Premium Memberships 

Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app aura4. For busy bees:
Perfect for the busy bees who are on a crunch for time, this meditation app lets users personalise their meditation sessions by selecting from a collection of bite-sized calming exercises that are as short as three minutes and 30 seconds. Truly designed for those who live busy lives, Aura offers users a much-needed recess but also helps save you the time of doing hour-long meditation sessions. 

Rating: ★★★★
Free limited access; Premium Membership: HK$93 per month HK$466 per year or HK$3,107 for lifetime use with seven-day free trial

Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app sattvaFor those who want to learn more about meditation:
5. Sattva
One of the more comprehensive meditation apps on this list,this meditation app offers more than just guided meditation, but also relaxing chants and mantras delivered by Sanskrit scholars. The app also features a progress tracker that helps users maintain their meditation habit by attaining mental and wellness achievements  on the app. 

Rating: ★★★
Price: HK$1,546 for lifetime use


Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app simple habitFor people who like it quick and simple: 
6. Simple Habit
According to Simple Habit, all it takes is five minutes to achieve ‘quietude’. And with this meditation app’s huge library of 5-minute mindfulness exercises, building a habit of daily meditation cannot come easier. 

Rating: ★★★★
Price: HK$93 per month; HK$699 per year; HK$2,300 for lifetime use.



Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app smiling mindA meditation app for the whole family:
7. Smiling Mind
This meditation app was developed by psychologists and educators with the aim to promote mindfulness as the foundation to wellness. Featuring simple 10-minute daily meditation suitable for any age between 7- to 18-years and adults.
Rating: ★★★
Price: Free




Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app insight timerFor an overall meditative experience:
8. Insight Timer
This meditation app is multifaceted, offering a growing library of 30,000 guided meditative sessions, relaxing music tracks, talks by mindfulness experts, like yogi Sadhguru and psychotherapist Anthony DeMello, that are both calming and therapeutic. They also have a section for kids. It’s basically your Netflix for meditation.
Rating: ★★★★
Price: Limited free access; HK$78 per month or HK$466 per year for Premium Memberships


Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care app 10 percent happierFor meditation beginners:
9. 10% Happier
If you are new to meditation or are a little sceptic about the whole experience, 10% happier, an off-shoot of the New York Time’s best selling book of the same name, will connect you to expert coaches who will lead users through the basics of meditation and even respond to your queries within a day. 

Rating: ★★★
Price: Limited free access; HK$800 per year with 7-day free trial

Gafencu well being wellness best mindful meditation app shine self care appFor mindful journaling:
10. Shine
Shine is a meditation and self-care app that offers users an outlet for daily mindful journaling exercises. Recover from burn out, improve your focus or conquer your inner critic through their daily writing prompts as well as guided meditation, empowering chats, articles and podcasts. The app was created for ethnic minorities that wanted to see their community represented and empowered with confidence and a positive mindset. 

Rating: ★★★
Price: Limited free access; HK$117 per month or HK$420 per year with 7-day free trial for Premium Memberships

Haven’t tried Aerial Yoga? Here’s why you should…

Aerial Yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga or fly yoga combines movements from yoga, Pilates and aerial aerobics and is performed inside a hammock with the use of a silk cloth.  

The benefits of this aerial fitness exercise are multi-faceted. Physically, it helps increase flexibility, improve mind-body awareness and decompress the spine — improving the body’s posture and alleviating back, shoulder and neck pains. On the other hand, it also helps with improving co-ordination and concentration.

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock aerial arts benefits spine support

For Back Pain:
Although Aerial Yoga classes can be done on any level by any participant, it is especially beneficial for those suffering from back pains. The hammock used in the exercise supports the spine and places much less pressure on the joints, unlike many other full-body workouts that can cause discomfort. 

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock relaxing meditation
Image from Flex HK

For Breathing:
Mid-air yoga isn’t just a gimmick for yoga enthusiasts, it is a great way to relax, find balance between poses, allowing participants to focus on their breathing with the support of a hammock, gradually increasing their lung capacity.

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock benefits core strength
Image from Flex HK

For Flexibility:
While for some, yoga can be a difficult exercise to get used to, Aerial Yoga allows beginners to safely stretch their muscles while exploring diverse movements that they would otherwise not be able to do on the ground. 

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock flexibility

For strength and weight loss:
Aerial Yoga, though all fun, isn’t all games. Being suspended in the air does mean that gravity acts as resistance when changing positions — helping train the body’s core and muscles strength and also burning as many calories as you would in a hour on the treadmill. 

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock aerial arts academy
Image from Aerial Arts Academy

Where to go for a private Aerial Yoga class:
Aerial Arts Academy
One of the first studios to popularise Aerial, Exotic and Pole dance in Hong Kong, Aerial Arts Academy offers a variety of aerial classes including Aerieal yoga, aerial hoop and Flyoga® on top of a wide range of artistic dance fitness styles from, taught by professional instructors from around the world, the classes at this premier dance studio will have you leaving more confident, empowered, and motivated.
How Much: HK$1,000 per private class (of two) and $350 per additional person
Contact: (852) 2375 8088
Location: Wan Chai / Sheung Wan

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock breathing

The Practice
The Practice is a boutique eco-friendly yoga studio that provides aerial yoga classes for different purposes. AntiGravity® yoga is a fun way to work up a sweat and focus on stretching and building strength while their Decompression classes builds mobility and flexibility. Both classes are suitable for all levels including beginners. Either way it, you can bet you will be leaving the class refreshed and relaxed by the end of the day.
How Much: Enquire for more information
Contact: (852) 9855 7693
Location: Central

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock flex studio
Image from Flex HK

Flex Studio
Flex Studio is a boutique fitness studio specialising in a range of modern cardio conditioning workouts like Aerial fitness, Pilates and Yoga. Their impressively large location at One Island South that boasts floor-to-ceiling windows that spill in ample daylight provides a refreshing venue for fitness enthusiasts. The professional trainers here aptly guide students to break down each movement to improve mobility while building strength. They also offer Kids Aerial Classes for parents who want to get their children into the activity.
How Much: HK$1,050 per private class
Contact: (852) 9855 7693
Location: One Island South

gafencu yoga studio boutique meditation fitness movement studio aerial yoga anti gravity yoga fly yoga hammock ikigai studio
Image from Ikigai Studio

Newly opened boutique wellness studio, Ikigai, has quickly earned a reputation for being a well-rounded yoga, meditation and movement studio. Offering special classes such as Aerial Yoga, Gymnastic Rings and Yoga Wheel within their very serene orange-hued studio, on top of a diverse range of meditation classes. Their classes are uniquely designed to evoke a sense of calm, peace and balance in the busy lives of Hongkongers.
How Much: From HK$950 per private class / From HK$1,300 per duo private class (two people)
Contact: (852) 9013 3701
Location: Central


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Top five healthiest plant-based milk options for your latte

It’s possible to milk just about anything these days.

Cashews? Yes. Almonds? Totally. Soy? Why not! Oats? Since forever!

Honestly, do you even remember the time these items were not linked to milk? No? Thought so.

Once you get over this shock that just about every nut and grain can be milked – you’re left wondering which is the healthiest diary-free option in the market for you. With a ton of choices, it’s hard to pick just one. Scroll below for a complete nutritional breakdown of all the options at your local barista:

Calorie: 80 – 100kcal
Although not a new form of beverage, it has been used in popular diet trends for a while now. Traditionally made by soaking soybeans overnight before grinding the beans with water, it is naturally low in saturated fats and cholesterol. It’s a good source of protein, potassium, and even calcium (when fortified with it). It is also suitable for people with estrogen deficiency (because of its natural phytoestrogen compound) and lactose intolerance.
Note: Not suitable for people with soy allergy

Almond milk
Calorie: 30 – 60kcal
Made by blending almonds and water before filtering it to separate the solids, this plant-based milk has a surprisingly creamy texture and a flavourful nuttiness to it. Although almonds are a solid source of protein, almond milk contains very little of it. It’s USP is that it’s low calorie, has a splash of calcium, Vitamin A and D.
Note: Not suitable for persons with nut allergy

Cashew milk
Calorie: 60kcal
Whip it up in your homemade latte, masala chai or make a matcha for a midday spike of L-theanine, you’ll be thanking us later.  Like almond milk, cashew milk is low in calories and doesn’t cause blood sugar levels to spike. It’s a great source of zinc, copper and magnesium but the milk lacks a lot of the essential nutrients found in regular dairy milk such as calcium, unless of course it is fortified with it. 
Note: Not suitable for people with nut allergies

Coconut milk
Calorie: 230kcal
Say hello to your keto diet friend! Unlike the thicker coconut milk typically used in cooking, this beverage is made by diluting the coconut cream. It’s got a pretty typical tropical taste to it –  naturally high in fats, lower in carbohydrates but doesn’t contain any vitamins, calcium or protein like your cow, nuts or grain-based milk. The upside though, the creaminess and high fat content keeps you fuller for longer and lowers your bad cholesterol. Watch out for the calories, they vary tremendously from brand to brand. 
Note: Contains fermentable carbohydrates that can cause digestive issues

Oat milk
Claorie: 130kcal
We saved the best for the last. We’re definetly oat milk’s #1 fan here. It’s creamy, thick, tasty and blends perfectly with coffees and smoothies, what’s not to love, really? Possibly the best plant-based milk option out of the bunch and a great choice if you have lactose intolerance, soy or nut allergies. Made by simply blending rolled oats with water and straining into a thinner cream-like beverage – it’s a good source of vitamins, minerals and beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that promotes cardiovascular benefits.
Note: Good for people with lactose intolerance, nut and soy allergy or digestive problems. Lower in protein so gym-goers watch-out


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Trimming the Fads: Debunking quick-fix diet plans

For decades, it was believed that the best approach to weight loss was to eschew fat intake in particular, and eat less in general. Thus, calorie counting became the foundation of a series of dietary plans that were popularised in the early 20th century and expanded in the ’30s following a trend of Hollywood starlets embracing dieting to lose weight. These have now become what we now know as ‘fad diets’.

Gafencu wellness dTrimming the Fads Debunking quick-fix diet plans

The public appetite for diets that promise a quick, easy path to long-term weight loss with minimal effort has not abated. The truth of the matter, though, is that these are commonly restrictive eating plans that discard one or multiple food groups in favour of another, sometimes resulting in more health concerns caused by eschewing diets in the first place. Fashionable diets like the Grapefruit Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Subway Diet and a slew of celebrity diets that come and go essentially reach the same unhappy – and hungry – conclusion: an unbalanced and unsatisfying meal plan that is simply unsustainable. As the old adage goes, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Healthy fats in nutrition.

Do they actually work?
Fad diets claim to provide quick fixes to shedding the stones from the scales – simplifying complex scientific studies that extend beyond caloric intake. More often than not, eating patterns that claim to have the solution to rapid weight-loss result in loss of water and muscle rather than adipose tissue, or body fat. Submitting to them long term can be dangerous. There are many testimonies of excessive weight gain following periods of strict dieting, and serious health issues from diabetes to cancer alongside side effects like constipation, nutrient deficiency and a weakened immune system. Calorie counting is also a known trigger of eating disorders.

Organic food for healthy nutrition and superfoods
This is not to say that all diet plans are detrimental to health. As Hayley Chan, an in-house nutritionist at premium meal and delivery company Eatology, explains, a healthy diet constitutes a balanced variety of different food groups and nutritional sources that complement an individual’s fitness and wellness goals, such as muscle building and clean eating. According to the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, replacing ‘low-quality food’ containing refined grains, sugars and high levels of starch, trans and saturated fats – think white bread, potato and sweetened beverages – with ‘high-quality food’ – raw vegetables and fruit, whole grains, healthy fats and protein – can lead to dramatic health improvements and increased satiation.

The Mediterranean Diet and the Keto Diet, if followed correctly, are two examples of eating plans that have been scientifically proven to benefit health and provide effective weight loss. The former offers a nutritional and flexible eating pattern, while the latter highlights the importance of macronutrients and metabolic changes in the body.

Gafencu wellness dTrimming the Fads Debunking quick-fix diet plans health

A holistic approach to weight loss
Beyond nutrition, scientific studies have detailed the association of behavioural psychology and self-esteem with weight loss. In recent years, nutrition experts and dietitians have veered towards more holistic practices that highlight the genetics, lifestyle and mindset of each individual.

Although it uses the guidelines of BMI (Body Mass Index) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), Eatology strongly emphases the enjoyment, as well as the convenience, of eating healthily. Its goal is to offer flavourful and nutritional dishes without the tedious process of counting calories or macros, or shopping and cooking. Similarly, Sally Poon, a registered dietitian and founder of Hong Kong-based Personal Dietitian, says that although reducing total calorific intake with some form of exercise can realistically lead to 2 to 4kg of fat loss per month, lifestyle plays an important role in achieving long-term weight loss. Adjusting one’s environment and being aware of personal triggers can help to avoid cues to overeating.

“Caloric counting was the foundation of dietary plans and birthed what we now call fad diets”

Likewise, Mayuri Punjabi, a Hong Kong-based certified health coach and founder of MyEurekaLife, believes that the education of your body, health conditions, lifestyle and behavioural habits are fundamental to changing your relationship with food for a sustainable weight-loss plan. She explains that one of the key pillars of her coaching is ‘bio-individuality’, which focuses on “internal and external circumstances that look at all aspects of her client’s life, from underlying health conditions to habitual behaviours to shifting mindsets”. She adds, “Deconstructing each craving down to its roots usually reveals a deeper level of psychological trigger that influences the way you think, feel and act towards food” – a stage in the process she calls a “eureka moment”.

Gafencu wellness Trimming the Fads Debunking quick-fix diet plans weight loss

Research published by the Canadian Centre of Science and Education in the Journal of Food Research states that environmental and psychological factors play a significant role in the longevity of weight loss. External influences like peer pressure from friends and family, and social media portrayal of beauty can lead to feelings of discomfort about one’s appearance, a low level of self-esteem and feelings of guilt. These associations that affect how individuals eat can be altered by cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), as stated in a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. CBT that involves specific goal setting, consistent self-monitoring, feedback and positive reinforcement from a social support system has been proven to increase the longevity of an individual’s weight-loss progress and maintenance. The research found that “the more group counselling sessions participants attended, the more weight they lost and the less weight they regained”.

Gafencu wellness dTrimming the Fads Debunking quick-fix diet plans holistic approach nutritionist dietician
How to decide which plan suits you?
As any professional health expert will tell you, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. An eating pattern for one person may be more or less effective for another person depending on their genes, lifestyle and underlying health conditions. Structuring a meal plan that works for each person’s unique body and lifestyle should be based on individual biological, behavioural and lifestyle characteristics. But ultimately, consistency, discipline, stress management and sleep all contribute to how and what we eat. One can start by consulting a certified and registered nutritionist or dietitian to determine the best strategy for healthier eating habits and lifestyle. These Hong Kong-based nutrition and meal-plan services offer consultations and tailor-made programmes that suit each individual’s lifestyle and health goals.

Sally, Shi-Po Poon, Personal Dietitian
Registered dietician at the Health and Care Professions Council, UK and accredited Practising Dietician at Dietitians Association of Australia with more than 13 years of experience in dietetics, specialising in cancer and weight management.
Contact: +852 3596 6468 / @sallypoondietitian

Mayuri Punjabi of MyEurekaLife
Certified health coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York with an educational background in genetics and biochemistry.
Contact: +852 6343 2910 / @myeurekalife

Eatology Aisa
A leading food delivery service that provide science-backed and chef-crafter gourmet meal plans that offer practical, sustainable and convenient eating in tandem with customers’ lifestyles and health goals.
Contact: +852 2368 6331 / @eatologyhk


Dorelan, innovative mattresses that promise quality sleep and better living

Dorelan promises quality sleep and better living through its innovative mattresses…

Redefining the way we sleep through five decades of innovative and premium quality mattress is Italian mattress producer Dorelan. Steeped in stylish Italian design that incorporate new technological solutions, materials and ergonomic shapes that redefine sleep quality, the company thrives to exceed in expectation in all areas of design and quality that improve the everyday experience of sleep.

gafencu luxury lifestyle Dorelan promises quality sleep and better living through its innovative mattresses quality

Exceeding expectations
Dorelan follows a philosophy that embraces the future and transendance of mattress production by incorporating the importance of wellness and experience in sleep through the production of entire bed systems, such as beds, bed bases and pillows, with raw materials, innovative technology and Italian-led designs as the building blocks of top quality craftsmanship.

gafencu luxury lifestyle Dorelan promises quality sleep and better living through its innovative mattresses wellness

The birthplace of quality
Driven to produce the highest quality of mattresses, Dorelan is a breeding ground for ideas, patents and a birthplace for quality production. Never cutting corners, their reputation boasts skillful precision, attention to details and infinite passion for the art of mattress making. The outcome, a uniform standard of long-lasting comfort.

gafencu luxury lifestyle Dorelan promises quality sleep and better living through its innovative mattresses innovation

Made in Italy
Inherently Italian, their designs are essentially inspired by a strong aesthetic that embody elegance and charm in the most inviting of manners. With a strong belief in Italian quality, its approach follows the country’s rich history and a daring spirit to pursue creativity, because Made in Italy is more than just a label — it is a quality choice.

A mix between art and science
A marriage between art and science — comfort and style — their unique and innovative products are created based on five decades of intensive research and innovative approaches to producing the best scientific-based mattresses that utilise unprecedented technologies, raw materials, ergonomic design and a range of pure innovation in meeting the utmost highest of standards in craftsmanship and quality. Dedicated to give their customers a refined experience of rest and better lifestyle today, tomorrow, always.


For more information visit


Beyond Beauty: Five wellness benefits of Gua Sha

It seems that Gua Sha (Guasa) is basking in long overdue spotlight as of late. It is a technique that involves tools blunt tools — commonly mineral stones, though spoons and round objects are also typical — to massage and relieve tension, ultimately boosting the blood circulation throughout the body, and often boasting the benefits of resulting in more youthful skin.

But did you know that the benefits of Gua Sha goes beyond skincare? A form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is used to relieve pain and stress in the body — offering a pill-free alternative for those who prefer a more natural to pain relief. If you’re looking to remedy certain phyiscal discomforts, here are five wellness benefits to Gua Sha…

1. Detoxify the body and gives a natural face lift
Unlike the typical massage, Gua Sha uses a tool — typically smooth edged — to stroke the skin repeatedly. This technique helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and promote blood circulation (as well as energy flow) throughout the body, clearing any blockages within. This technique can be used anywhere on the face, neck or body to draw out toxins and increasing skin radiance and reduce puffiness.

2. Relieve migraine, headaches and sore muscles
Stress tend to create heat inside the body that then travels into vital organs. As heat gets trapped, tension is created resulting in stress symptoms such as migraines, headaches and sore muscles. Gua Sha helps to release the heat in these tension areas, stimulating the circulation of blood throughout various areas of the body — relieving inflammation, swelling and pain.

3. Soothe Prementural syndrome
Symptoms of Premenstural syndrom (PMS) commonly come in the form of fatigue, soreness and abdominal cramps caused by an excess of serotonin and prostaglandins hormones that trigger mood fluctuations and uterine contractions — resulting in pain, soreness, fatigue and swelling. Gua Sha helps to drain out toxins (from an excess of stress hormones), reduce swelling and soothe the pain of menstrual flow.

4. Complements therapy treatments to reduce tourette syndrome
Tourette’s Syndrome is a condition that affects the nervous system, causing sudden and involuntary twitches, referred to as ‘tics’. In a single-patient study published in the US National Library of Medicine, it was found that the use of Gua Sha once a week for 35 weeks to complement the therapy treatments of tourette’s resulted in the significant reduction (75%) of facial tics, throat clearing, and verbal outbursts, though more studies are needed to prove its effectiveness.

5. Reduce chronic inflammation
Interestingly, Gua Sha therapists or TCM doctors can tell which energy pathways are blocked by the colour of the skin. They typically begin with a deep tissue massage or palpations on the body to find specific areas in which skin remains pale after applying deep pressure on the area — indicating that blood flows slowly in that area. There have been some studies in which Gua Sha was used as a therapeutic treatment for liver inflammation caused by hepatitis B. The treatment is said to ‘scrape out’ and drain the toxins built up in organs and reduce enzymes in the liver, but to prove its medical benefit for curing chronic inflammation, more research is required.

Five foot reflexology hotspots to try in Hong Kong Island

Seeking out a quick and much needed pamper session for your feet? Conveniently located in Central and Wan Chai for those who want to make a spontaneous stop after a long day at the office for a much needed pamper session, these sumptuous foot reflexology services courtesy of  Hong Kong Island’s best foot spas may be just the ticket for you. 

1. Ten Feet Tall
A reflexology hot-spot set in the busy Central district is the two-storey Ten Feet Tall sanctuary nestled on the 20 to 21st floor of The L. Place. Unwinding here starts right at the entrance with a warm welcome into their beach-vibe interiors with a detoxifying green juice or other refreshing beverages and snacks. As foot massages go, the treatment starts with a warm soak and bubbly wash while the therapists work on releasing tension on the neck and shoulders, before the actual foot massage. The sumptuous experience here will leave you feeling supple, rejuvenated and ready for another day out in town. 
Price: HK$350 /50mins
Location: Central
Contact: +852 2971 1010

2. Iyara
At Iyara Natural + Organic Spa we use mostly natural products for our expert manicures and pedicures. Himalaya pink rock salt and natural essential oils are used in the foot soak, organic coconut oil is used for massage and hydration, and a wide selection of chemical free nail polish colors from Zoya and Avril are available. Our exclusive manicure/pedicure lounge is renowned as Hong Kong’s best!
Price: HK$350 /50 mins
Location: Central
Contact: +852 2523 8700

3. The Right Spot
An urban one-stop-spot for all things beauty and reflexology, this Central-set spa, The Right Spot, is an affordable luxury that hits the right spots. Featuring an aromatic foot bomb before the reflexology treatment and quality service and professionals, an hour here will have you leaving relaxed, refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.
Price: HK$340 /50mins (Home service available for the same price + HK$240 transportation fee)
Location: Central
Contact: +852 6998 7768

4. Gao’s Foot Massage
Boasting a cult-following in Hong Kong of loyal customers, Gao has been offering no-frills traditional and authentic foot reflexology for over a decade. Set in three locations across the Central district, the treatment is complete with heat packs for the shoulders, a relaxing naturesque soundscape and a warm rose tea to relieve stress from both the body and soul.
Price: HK$230 /50mins (Home service available for HK$800 /80mins + transportation fee outside HK Island)
Location: Central
Contact: +852 2810 9219

5. Happy Foot
Over two decades since this quaint little foot spa opened — first in Happy Valley, before expanding to different locations, Happy Foot remains to be one of the few places in the city that locals flock to for a relaxing and effective foot reflexology. They also offer Shanghai-style pedicure for an even pampered experience.
Price: HK$218 /50mins (Home service available for HK$600 /hour + taxi charge)
Location: Wan Chai
Contact: +852 2573 3438


All is Well: Founder of Caelum Greene, Charlotte Tsuei shares her vision for a more mindful world

Despite the long days and headaches that come hand in hand with a growing business, Charlotte Tsuei oozes vitality and positivity from every pore. The founder of premier athleisure and wellness brand Caelum Greene shares her vision for a kinder, more mindful world… 

You founded Caelum Greene in 2016. Could you tell us about the brand?
Caelum Greene is a premier athleisure and wellness lifestyle brand. We aim to promote conscious consumption and curate the best products for our increasingly mindful consumers. We started as an independent boutique on Hollywood Road in 2016, then opened several pop-up shops all over the city, before relocating our flagship store to Landmark in Central two years ago.

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Wardrobe by Rochas, consigned by HULA

In a nutshell, our name encompasses everything that we do and stand for. Caelum is the Latin word for heaven and Greene is a double entendre: first, the colour that represents our hope for a sustainable utopia, and secondly, the name of someone who personifies that vision – Caelum Greene is basically every single one of our customers.

gafencu magazine people interview charlotte tsuei founder of Caelum Greene sustainable fashionathleisure and wellness brand 2

How does Caelum Greene contribute to the sustainable market?
Some might say that the most sustainable solution to reducing our waste is abstaining from shopping altogether. If not that, the next best thing is buying what already exists from second-hand or rental platforms. Though that is absolutely true, there are still other ways to shop for new things and have good intentions – that is where we come in.

We work with brands that sustainably source materials and practise eco-friendly and carbon-offsetting manufacturing. Some of our brands extend their practices beyond environmental concerns into more socially-focused agendas such as fair wages and partnering with local talents and female-owned brands. Internally, we hold ourselves to the same high standards that we expect from our vendors. We reuse, repurpose and recycle as much as possible and source eco-friendly materials for everything from the fit-out of our brick-and-mortar store to our packaging.

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What path did your career take and how did it lead you to starting a business in wellness?
While most of my experience is in fashion, wellness has always been a big part of my life. I have been an avid yogi and a certified yoga instructor for more than a decade. After graduating from the University of California, my first “real” job was at a yoga wear company called Zobha. When I moved back to Hong Kong in 2012, I joined Christian Louboutin’s merchandising team for Hong Kong and Southeast Asia where I spent a few years learning a different side of the luxury fashion business. After that, I moved to The Pure Group as Regional Retail Manager for Asia-Pacific.

Throughout my career, seeing first hand the impact of our consumption patterns sparked my desire to create something that positively impacted the community in a way that I knew how: by merging two of my biggest passions – fashion and wellness – while drawing from skills and experiences that I already had. Thus, the idea of a Caelum Greene was formed. To be honest, the brand came to fruition a little earlier than I had thought it would in my career – everything happened at the right place and the right time. It’s been an exciting experience having been able to merge the two, and for the last five years, this has been my life.

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What were some of the challenges you faced when starting your own business?
As with everything else, getting started is the hardest part. When all your ideas are nothing but an Excel file and a PowerPoint slide, convincing people to work with and fund the company is an uphill battle. On top of that, there always seemed to be constant fires to put out, such as late deliveries, disgruntled customers, water leakages, going over budget: the list is endless.

One challenge that I am still working through is finding the balance between work and personal life. For example, when we opened our first store, I had to fly out the following week for my wedding, and then on the opening of one of our pop-up stores happened to be scheduled just three weeks after I gave birth to my daughter. I’ve had to learn to be extra mindful about when to switch off work mode and stay present with my loved ones. But what’s helped me get through all the difficulties is the love of building something I truly believe in and the rewards of working hard with a community of people who share our vision.

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Do you have any upcoming projects that you’re particularly excited about?
We’ve been excited all year about the opening of our new location with New World Development at The Forest in Mong Kok, and in the summer, we will be launching our first ever collaborative collection. We’ve partnered with local sustainable brand to create a capsule luxe lounge collection comprised of eight versatile pieces that can be worn from day to night – whether you’re going out to brunch before a workout or having cocktails at happy hour, or even just to look cute lounging at home.
Work projects aside, I am also cooking up baby number two, as we speak, who will be joining our family in the autumn.

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What does your average day look like, and how do you like to spend your downtime?
I wake up at 7am and start the day with meditation. I like to move my body in the morning with yoga and on some days, I do some weighted movements. My daughter and I always have breakfast together before she goes to school. I try to get my biggest pieces of work done then, before I pick her up at lunch, followed by more work, meetings and store visits in the afternoon. Even though my husband and I have different work schedules, we make it a point to have dinner together as a family. My evenings usually end with Netflix on in the background as I get through my e-mails and personal admin work, which is, believe it or not, my way of relaxing.

Although I don’t get a lot of downtime, when I do, I like to be out in nature, whether it’s taking my dog on a hike or going sailing every other weekend – if not every weekend – to explore remote beaches and islands.

gafencu magazine people interview charlotte tsuei founder of Caelum Greene sustainable fashionathleisure and wellness brand 1

If you won a US$10 million lottery, what would be the first big-ticket item you’d purchase?
Right now, we have a monohull sailboat which I would love to upgrade to a performance catamaran. The biggest item on the top of my bucket list is to take a year off with my family before the kids are in high school, and sail around the world. I’ve always been pretty outdoorsy and my husband loves doing adventurous things, so sailing is the best compromise for us to enjoy being out in nature as a family.

Thank you.



Interview by: Roberliza Eugenio
Photographer: Jack Law
Videographer: Kingsley Lau
Art Direction & Styling: Jhoshwa Ledesma
Make up & Hair: Heti Tsang