Five surprising ways hypnotherapy can benefit your health and well-being

Hypnosis vs Hypnotherapy
The mind is a powerful tool that utilises habits and defence mechanisms as a form of managing emotions and mental processes. While hypnotherapy is the holistic and non-invasive technique that promotes positive behavioural changes, hypnosis, on the other hand, creates a state of hyper-focus and increased suggestibility used to feed positive suggestions to the subconscious mind and replace negative associations of specific triggers until the individual’s actions begin to automatically reflect their newly established mindset. In the case of physical pain management, it is used as a complementary therapy to medical treatments such as cancer, depression and chronic pain management. 

1. Hypnotherapy for building good habits
Although initially used to break bad habits like smoking and addiction, recent studies have found that hypnotherapy can also eliminate other less detrimental habits such as nail biting and procrastination. Most habits are formed during childhood which makes them almost automatic and harder to break. Hypnotherapy allows for positive suggestions to reframe the way the unconscious mind reacts to specific emotional triggers, disconnecting the two from each other.  

2. Hypnotherapy for losing weight
Say goodbye to slimming pills and rigid fad diets, similar to breaking bad habits, hypnotherapy can help change an individual’s relationships with food through a three-step technique called preframe, reframe and deframe which basically puts a close focus on the individual’s relationship with food by identifying their triggers for cravings and deconstructing that relationship. 

3. Hypnotherapy for reducing anxiety
A holistic and medication-free therapy for anxiety, hypnotherapy can change the way a person responds to stress and anxiety triggers by helping the mind cope with the external factors that activate these response. Typically, calming words of affirmation and encouragement are used to feed the mind of the individual in their hypnotised state allowing their physical condition to relax. 

4. Hypnotherapy for chronic pain management
Medical research have shown the beneficial effects of using hypnotherapy as a complementary therapy for medical treatments such as chemotherapy, burn recovery, and even assisting in achieving a calmer and gentler birth for pregnant women. The therapy redirects the attention of pain (or in the case of pregnancy, fears of birth-giving) by bypassing the conscious mind, allowing the body to relax, reserve their energy as well as regulate their breath and promote better oxygen circulation — eliminating the dependency on pain relief medications.

5. Reduce symptoms of chronic allergies
Those itching for a solution to chronic allergies will be relieved to know that hypnosis or even self-hypnosis can improve symptoms of specific allergies, though research have been limited in this field. Symptoms of allergies can be explained by the body’s defensive response to an immunity threat when exposed to an allergen. In the case of a cat allergy, for example, while the symptoms may masquerade as a defence mechanism to the animal, hypnosis might reveal an earlier emotional trauma that relates to a phobia for cats that the person may not be aware of. 


Sonia Samtani
Certified hynotherapist, founder and director of All About You Wellness Centre. Her services offers a wide range of hypnotherapy for private as well as corporate sessions.
Location:All About You, Sheung Wan
Price: From HK$1,700
Contact: +852 2992 0828

Christine Deschemin
A certified hypnotherapist that covers a wide range of different hypnotherapy services, including hypno-birthing. She has substantial experience in aiding athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, and individuals in Hong Kong.
Location: Renewed Edge, Central
Price: From HK$2,500
Contact: +852 9884 8036

Sybille de Klebnikoff
A master hypnotherapist, and certified positive discipline parent educator, she lends her experience and expertise to Stanley Wellness Centre where she leads the hypnotherapy department in help their patients cope with addiction, anxiety, phobias, parenting and general personal development. 
Location: Stanley Wellness Centre, Stanley
Price: HK$1,300
Contact: +852 2372 9700


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How to choose the right birthstone for you

A birthstone is a gemstone that represents a person’s period of birth. They were historically believed to hold mythical powers that benefit the wearer, whether in terms of healing, protection or promoting joyfulness. Contrary to popular belief, picking a gemstone doesn’t have to be limited to one stone or colour, rather one can choose a birthstone according to zodiac signs, or their month, day and season of birth. Worn alone or in combination, these gemstones are often fashioned as a jewellery or as a pendant on a necklace. Here are a few different ways you can choose the right birthstone for you…

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you different characteristics

What each stone means
According to ancient astrologers, wearing birthstones were believed to deliver good luck, good health, and protection against bad energy. Certain gemstones were attributed supernatural powers such as mindfulness, concentration and magnetism for positivity in love and friendships. For example, ruby stones offered its wearers vitality while amethysts increased wisdom and pink tourmaline promoted healing.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by month of birth

Choosing a birthstone based on the month of birth
For every month of the year, there is one or multiple gemstones attributed to it. For months with different birthstones, the have the option to choose between traditional birthstones and modern birthstones, standardised by the US National Association of Jewellers. For example bloodstones were traditionally attributed to those born in March, though according modern birthstones, it is Aquamarine.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by horoscope zodiac sign

Choosing a birthstone according to zodiac signs
Other than choosing a birthstone based on the month of birth, birthstones can also be selected based on the western astrological sign of the person, also known as their zodiac sign  or horoscope sign. For example, Leos match well with onyx stones while Pisces are compatible with amethysts.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by day of birth

Choosing a birthstone based on the days of the week
Alternatively, birthstones can also be selected based on the days of the week of which the person is born.

gafencu magazine A guide to choosing the right birthstone for you by seasons

Choosing a birthstone according to seasons
In addition, to the days and months, the seasons also play a role in attributing a gemstone for each season of the year, more particularly, the four big gemstones: emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond.


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Looking to live longer? You may want to take notes of these anti-ageing points…

According to the World Health Organization, ageing is a key aggravator of many of the major diseases that leading medical institutions and pharmaceuticals are committed to curing, notably Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cancer. Naturally, positive outcomes of all such endeavours are keenly awaited by consumers / patients the world over. At present, it is estimated that the global anti-ageing market will be worth some US$58.5 billion by 2026. This, however, could surge a hundred-fold or more should a true means of preserving youth ever be identified. Is that, however, a realistic proposition? Answering that particular question, of course, relies on an assessment of the particular challenges involved.

gafencu wellness Life Lessons live longer anti-ageing treatment

How does the body age?
Throughout our lives, the cells in our bodies are continually subject to external damage from a variety of sources, including exposure to sunlight, toxins, chemicals and even some of the foods we consume. Normally, our cells maintain running repairs, patching up damage wherever it occurs. As we age and our tissues, muscles and organs inevitably become more and more impaired, the body’s natural repair system eventually begins to slow down, leaving the body exposed to all manner of health-related perils.

gafencu wellness Life Lessons live longer anti-ageing research

Cell rejuvenation
The human body, of course, consists of trillions of cells, all of which divide, multiply, shrink and eventually break as part of a process referred to as cellular ageing. The more damage the body undergoes, the more the cells suffer and the more they need to replicate in a bid to maintain structural integrity. The regrettable side effect of this continuous restoration manifests as an acceleration of the ageing process.

In order to help tackle this, cell rejuvenation and cell therapy attempt to restore cells to an earlier more active state in the form of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Such an approach is believed to have considerable potential, at least according to no less an authority than the Stanford University School of Medicine. Indeed, many now believe that it may be possible to combine aged cells with other genes in order to revive them or even to give rise to wholly new cells, a process that eventually could lead to the facility to regrow damaged or lost limbs. Over the shorter term, it could also offer new hope to those suffering from dementia or Parkinson’s Disease.

gafencu wellness Life Lessons live longer anti-ageing senolytic drugs

Senolytic drugs
The term ‘senescent cell’ is one that is ever more frequently bandied around in medical circles and refers to a kind of cell that is already naturally accumulated by the body. Essentially, it refers to an inactive cell that is at the end of its natural lifecycle, a point where it ceases to divide itself, can no longer be repaired and cannot be relied on to help protect any surrounding cells. Unfortunately, such cells, although innately benign, secrete harmful molecules that may well accelerate the ageing process, while having a number of other detrimental effects on the body, notably chronic inflammation as well as proteostatic dysfunction.

In clinical trials, so-called senolytic drugs have demonstrated a facility for eradicating these senescent cells. Such treatments, according to research by the US-based Mayo Clinic, selectively target and clear senescent cells from the body. Should such trials continue to yield positive outcomes, this kind of therapy could be deployed to prevent or alleviate various chronic diseases, including diabetes, as well as the typical consequences of ageing, such as the loss of physiological resilience and the onset of growing frailty.

gafencu wellness Life Lessons live longer anti-ageing autogaphy

Calorie restrictions
Eating healthily has long been regarded as essential for longevity and maintaining a positive bodily function. Few, however, are aware of the cellular consequences of the oxidative stress caused by an overwhelming amount of free radicals in the body. In simpler terms, the food we eat contains free radicals, molecules that carry oxygen to the heart through the blood. Any imbalance of free radicals and natural antioxidants, however, can trigger several detrimental health conditions, such as cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s, over the long-term.

According to a variety of studies, deliberate calorie restriction in the form of fasting stimulates autophagy – the body’s consumption of its own tissues – a process that helps to remove toxic proteins from cells, while promoting the regeneration of healthy cells. Dietary alterations, including increasing the consumption of such antioxidants as kale and goji berries, also help to reduce the risk of damage from free radicals.

gafencu wellness Life Lessons live longer anti-ageing exercise

Although an end to ageing may not be on the cards any time soon, there seems little doubt that, given enough time, it may even be possible to artificially extend the human lifespan by a considerable margin. Whether any of us alive today will still be around to reap any such future benefits, of course, is a wholly different question.

Seven cool new hobbies to pick up during quarantine

There is no debate in saying that success is attributed to a combination of skill,  discipline and hard work, but even the most successful of people can attest to the fact that productivity is also an effect of creativity, patience and happiness. Several studies  published on the US National Library of Medicine found that a drop in performance in the workforce is often a result of ‘burnout’, a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. In countering these effects, we have listed seven active and enjoyable skill-levelling hobbies that promote a healthier and happier work-life balance. 

A thrilling, fast-paced tile-based game originating in China. Playing the game involves a level of skill, strategy and a whole lot of luck. Not only does it improve a person’s memory and sharpens the mind by training the brain to make faster decisions and better observations, it is also a social game which many enjoy bonding over. 

Rock Climbing
This extreme sport is no doubt a test of strength and flexibility that increases the body’s endurance and fitness level rapidly, but it also works out a person’s mental fortitude, improves focus, and reduces emotional stress. The city has plenty of indoor climbing facilities as well as popular cliff-side spots for seasoned climbers. (Check out our guide to extreme sports in Hong Kong here.)

Music therapy is no stranger to the studies of emotions and brain function, such as an increase in attention span, coordination and language skills, but did you know that learning the piano can also reduce heart and respiratory rates? In sync with the tempo and rhythm of the musical notes can help regulate the body’s breath and heart beat, reducing cardiac complications and lowering blood pressure.

Cross Stitching
With nothing but a punch needle, one might find relief from the overwhelming pressure of urban lifestyle. A past-time that has been enjoying its spotlight on social media and online niche-craft stores, the calming process of this activity helps develops creativity, patience and discipline as well as allow the body and mind to reconnect, serving as an effective stress reliever. On top of that, you can create beautiful keepsakes and mementos to gift your loved ones afterwards.

Although a hobby that is often imagined for older bodies, it is an activity that can surprisingly burn a lot of calories. From pulling weeds to planting flowers, it can help burn up to 400 calories per hour, relieving stress and promoting creativity at the same time. An upward moving trend in the city at the moment, small-scale gardens of potted flowers and herbs on balconies and rooftops are the perfect alternative for apartment dwellers.

Martial Arts
Practising any type of martial arts often come with the discipline and philosophy of its practice. Training emotional management, self-discipline and both mental and physical resilience and fortitude, one can find that a boost in self-esteem, assertiveness and emotional stability would be an advantageous outcome of exploring the positive effects of learning this physical art form.  

There may be more to card games than we assume. Bridge in particular is a social game that is enjoyed even by the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Involving a level of strategy, deduction, concentration and visualisation, it is a game that helps  sharpen the mind as well as build meaningful social interactions and strengthen communication and teamwork skills. 

Natural Sweeteners: It’s worth taking a look at these healthier sugar alternatives

Although sugars are part and parcel of everyone’s diet, they’re actually detrimental to your health, causing such wide-ranging issues as increased risks of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. What’s more, artificial variants processed from GMO-laden corn are even more hazardous. A better means of promoting well-being, then, is to opt for natural, healthier sugar alternatives that provide a low-calorie yet still flavourful option for those with a sweet tooth. 

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar stevia

Extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this most popular of healthier sugar alternatives is estimated to be over 200 times sweeter than granulated sugar but has virtually no calories. This, no doubt, has led to its growing popularity among health fanatics and fitness junkies. Be careful. Some varieties of stevia are actually highly-processed, so make sure you get ones that are labeled organic and non-GMO. 

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar erythritol

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol found naturally in certain food and beverages such as grapes, peaches, beer and cheese, but it can also be processed into a powdered sweetener. It contains only 0.24kcal per gram and is just 0.7 times as sweet as sugar. The only known side effect to consuming this sugar alternative is that taking large amounts of this compound can cause digestive issues, bloating and gas because our body is unable to digest some of its unique properties.

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar monk fruit

Monk fruit
Natural sweeteners extracted from monk fruit are over 100 times sweeter than sugar, but contains zero calories. Not only does it not spike the body’s insulin levels, it also contains useful anti-oxidants and helps reduce inflammation in the body. It ranks as one of the best healthier sugar alternatives for use in beverages and snacks, especially for those who are on calorie-restricted diets such as keto diet and intermittent fasting. 

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar raw honey

Raw honey
Although raw organic honey contains a lower glycemic value than sugar, it is much sweeter. It is also contains antibacterial properties and anti-oxidants that fight against free radicals caused by excess sugar in the blood. Though it will not raise blood sugar levels as quickly as refined sweeteners, it does contain 64kcal per tbsp, which is as much as nutritionists would recommend per day.

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar coconut sugar (2)

Coconut sugar
A popular alternative for baking is unrefined organic non-GMO coconut sugar. It features the same texture as sugar but scores lower on the glycemic index. It also doesn’t cause a spike in insulin levels and helps to avoid that drop in energy that imbibing on refined sugars typically result in. Though it contains 54kcals per tbsp, it also offers high levels of potassium and electrolytes. 

gafencu wellness well being Natural sweeteners Healthier alternatives to sugar dates

A lesser known substitute for sugar in desserts such as cakes and brownies are dates — fruits from palm trees. It is high in fibre and potassium, and helps regulate sugar intake in the body, thereby slowing the body’s absorption of sugar into the body. It contains 20kcal per date and scores low on the glycemic index, making it an ideal alternative for those on raw-food and vegan diets.

Are probiotic supplements worth giving a go?

Probiotic supplements have been the talk of the wellness industry for quite some time now, with many medical expert testifying to the beneficial effects such microorganisms have on the body. In fact, their usage stretches back several centuries as they have long been regarded as helping with weight loss. Looking more to the future, the global probiotic market is predicted to be worth US$74.3 in terms of annual sales by 2025, with Asia being very much the driver of that growth.

gafencu wellness Are probiotic supplements the key to settled stomachs (5)

Despite this, there remains much general uncertainty as to what exactly constitutes ‘probiotics’. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a nonprofit, US-based academic medical centre, they consist of “good live bacteria and / or yeasts that naturally live in the body”. Harvard Health Publishing, the publishing division of the Harvard Medical School, meanwhile, defines them thus: “Mostly found within the large intestine and colon, these groups of micro-biota help absorb nutrients from food, improve immune function, protect the gut from intestinal infections and even regulate emotions”.
There is also a large body of studies that show certain strains of probiotics can reduce infectious diarrhea, inflammation and insulin levels, while contributing to weight loss. They have also been linked to easing the symptoms of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

gafencu wellness Are probiotic supplements the key to settled stomachs (6)

More intriguing data came from an eight-week study conducted by the Maryland-based National Library of Medicine. This indicated that those test-subjects taking probiotics were notably less depressed than a control group given only placebos.
It is not, however, all good news. Though probiotic supplements are generally safe-to-consume, they do pose some risks and there is the chance of side effects. This is especially the case for those with weak immune systems or who are suffering from certain chronic illnesses, such as cancer.

gafencu wellness Are probiotic supplements the key to settled stomachs (3)

Some people may, for instance. have a negative reaction to a particular probiotic ingredient. There’s also a chance that, as our bodies and daily diets already contain a number of probiotic variants, the addition of superfluous supplements is likely to trigger bloating, constipation or excessive amounts of gas.

There are, in fact, thousands of strains of bacteria and the amount and type of micro-biome pre-existing in any one body varies from person to person. As a result, there is no real consensus as what exactly constitutes a healthy micro-biome. It is perhaps surprising that this uncertainty exists given the long heritage of the practice. Although such supplements constitute a notably rising trend in the probiotic market, the health benefits of these microbial species were first determined countless millennia ago as the more astute members of classical civilisations observed the process of food fermentation.

gafencu wellness Are probiotic supplements the key to settled stomachs (2)

For their part, the Chinese have been using fermentation to preserve vegetables for more than 6,000 years, while the Egyptians of classic times were said to ferment milk products to treat gastroenteritis. In fact, no less an ancient A-lister than Hippocrates, the Greek physician, maintained that, as all diseases began in the gut, fermented milk had the potential to cure all such disorders.

gafencu wellness Are probiotic supplements the key to settled stomachs (4)

Many of the currently available fermented foods, such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut, are known to contain lactobacillus, a probiotic strain that helps with infectious diarrhea. Other probiotic foods, meanwhile, such as granola bars, protein shakes and fruit juice, typically contain bifibacterium, which both aids the digestion of fiber and produces vitamins.

Overall, while there is consensus that beneficial micro-organisms can play an important role in our health, research into probiotic supplements is still relatively new, stretching back just 20 years or so. As a result, many nutritionists are erring on the side of caution and advocating that a healthy, balanced diet remain the optimum way of nurturing good bacteria within the body. In certain instances though – such as individuals who are lactose intolerant, have a restricted diet or favour low-fibre and restricted carbohydrate regimes – it is already being conceded that supplements have a lot to offer.

Five little-known massage therapies that are truly worth trying

Perhaps a cane to the back or a needle to the face are not at the top of your list of ways to relax, but don’t be so quick to skip on these massage therapies. Contrary to the more popular Swedish massages and Shiatsu techniques found in spas across the world, these lesser known massages might just offer the relief you need to power through the week.

gafencu wellness wellbeing Five worth-trying massages you haven't heard of chinese bamboo

Bamboo Massage
In place of a pair of hands, this treatment uses bamboo sticks as massage tools to roll over sore muscular spots for a deeper, firmer massage pressure. Similar to the use of elbows in some techniques, hollow bamboo canes have long been used in China to knead the knotted muscles and release tension in the body.
Where to go: Mandarin Spa
How long: 1.5hrs
Price: HK$1,900

gafencu wellness wellbeing Five worth-trying massages you haven't heard of Abhyanga

Abhyanga Massage
Abhyanga Massage is a rhythmic and deeply relaxing oil massage with roots to ancient Indian alternative medicine. It is said to detoxify the body, balance the body’s energy and soothe the nerves by using warm herb-infused oils that are massaged into the skin from scalp to sole, restoring the flow of “prana” (a Sanskrit word that refers to a body’s life force and energy).
Where to go: Iyara Spa
How long: 2hrs
Price: HK$1,650

gafencu wellness wellbeing Five worth-trying massages you haven't heard of tui na lymphatic

Lymphatic Massage
A full-body treatment that is said to stimulate blood circulation, detoxification and reduce inflammation in the body by naturally draining lymph nodes, this technique can be done anywhere on the body, from back to neck to shoulders. Women on their menstrual period can also benefit from lymphatic massage therapies on the abdomen area, which can help the body relax, release tension and revitalise.
Where to go: Chuan Spa
How long: 2.5hrs
Price: HK$1,825

gafencu wellness wellbeing Five worth-trying massages you haven't heard of five elements (2)

Five Elements Massage
A little more complex than just the typical muscle pain relief massage therapies, Five Elements Massage is a holistic technique that improves one’s mood and balances the body’s energies to realign with the person’s natural element (fire, wood, earth, metal or water). Though the Five Elements theory originates in China, cultures across Asia have translated this ancient concept into techniques of their own, such as the Balinese-inspired deep-tissue massage that uses a combination of gentle rocking, stretches and acupressure with weighted palms and gradual deep broad strokes on the body, hand, and feet to relieve muscle tension and help the body relax.
Where to go: Five Elements Habitat
How long: 2hrs
Price: HK$1,680

gafencu wellness wellbeing Five worth-trying massages you haven't heard of acupuncture

Tui Na Massage
Tui Na is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that uses the hands to press and bear down on the body’s pressure points in a rhythmic compression to channel the body’s energy, encouraging it to flow more freely. It sometimes incorporates methods of acupuncture, fire cupping, and qigong (an ancient healing technique) as well in order to loosen the joints and relieve pain. A complementary method to add to your much-needed healing experience is an abdominal detox massage Chi Nei Tsang which is meant to detoxify and energise the internal organs through a set of acupressure points around the navel to open the flow of energy plus blood and lymph circulation in the abdomen.

Where to go: Balance Health
How long: 30mins
Price: From HK$1,300 (with one consultation with a TCM-qualified doctor)

Chi Nei Tsang
An abdominal detox massage to add to your much-needed healing experience — a complementary method for most common massages — is Chi Nei Tsang, a Taoist method used to detoxify and energise the internal organs through a set of acupressure points around the navel to open the flow of energy plus blood and lymph circulation in the abdomen.

Where to go: Balance Health
How long: 1hr
Price: From HK$1,400 

Stone-cold healing: Picking out the right healing crystals

Healing crystals, also known as mineral stones, have been an unwavering wellness trend that continues to rise in popularity. In fact, the market for healing crystals, in times of the current global pandemic, has outshined its more precious counterpart, diamonds, according to a report by Bloomberg. Especially during a disruptive time of Covid-prompted new normal that has highlighted the need for more self-care and health-related therapies, incorporating these healing stones to your daily ritual might just offer a much-needed boost in positivity for the mind, body and spirit. Here’s how to pick the right one for your needs…

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you

How healing crystals work
Incorporating healing stones into daily self-care routine can be as flexible and easy as placing them on near or on bed, bag or onto different areas of the body (depending on healing needs) while laying still. Alternatively, attaching one or a few to your necklace, ring or even bralette is said lend its healing energy to the mind, body and soul. This alternative-therapy, albeit unscientifically proven, has garnered much attention and following for its extraordinary affects, so long as it is kept close to the bodyt

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you (4)

To keep bad vibes away: Jasper, Amethyst, Tiger’s Eye & Obsidian
When some things are out of our control, the most that can be done is to ride it out. That’s not to say that there isn’t anything that would support us through volatile times. Amethyst is a popular crystal that rid the mind of negative thoughts and encourages humility and sincerity. Quite alike the While Tiger’s Eye, which is said to clear the mind of fear and and self-doubt. Obsidian, on the other hand, is a powerful stone shields negative energy and promotes qualities of clarity, and compassion.

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you rose quartz

To keep relationships strong: Rose Quartz & Ruby
Much like its rosy-pink hue, Rose Quartz revolve around the theme of love, promoting trust, harmony and a boost in warmth and relationship healing. It is one of the most widely used healing crystals on the list. Quite similarly, Ruby stones improve the intimacy and connections of partners, offering a boost in sensuality in the wearer’s relationships.

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you (5)

To keep the mind in tune: Clear Quartz, Citrine & Jasper
Clear Quartz is said to boost concentration and memory while regulating the body’s energy levels. Citrine is not that much different as it enhances one’s self-esteem and creative energy, as well as boost the person’s enthusiasm for wonder, while Jasper stones is said to promote courage and quick-thinking, offering a boost in confidence during times of stress and adversity.

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you (3)

To Spark Joy: Bloodstone, Turquoise, Sapphire & Moonstone
In times of dreary days, Turquoise stones lends its charm to a wearer by boosting the person’s good luck. Not unlike Sapphires, which attract prosperity and happiness while improving one’s intuition. Bloodstones, on the other hand keeps the mind present, encouraging selflessness and creativity, while Moonstones promote personal growth by boost one’s inner strength and soothing uneasy feelings of stress and instability.

gafencu wellness Stone-cold healing Picking out the right healing crystals for you (2)

To improve physical health: Ruby, Amethyst, Turquoise, Bloodstone, Sapphire
Often used in times-old to improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body, Ruby stones were believed to lend its powers to the protection and safety of earlier European Kings as they fought on battle fields. Similarly, Bloodstones help clear the blood of toxins and improve its circulation. Sapphire, on the other hand, are mineral stones that improve vision and cellular levels, especially for those with blood level deficiencies and symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia.

On the contrary, Turquoise stones are said to benefit the respiratory, skeletal, and immune system, as well as countering symptoms of depression. Much like Amethysts, which calms the mind and body as well as boost hormone production in relieving stress and pain.



Natural Brews: Seven Chinese herbal teas that soothe the body and soul

Buzz-worthy cocktail lounges and sophisticated wine bars may dominate the city’s beverage market, but there is, in fact, a wholly different type of brew that locals flock to and imbibe on when in search of some much-needed rejuvenation. We speak, of course, of traditional Chinese herbal teas, holistic tipples that are based on centuries-old recipes that offer natural remedies for anything from the common cold to detoxifying the liver and relieving stress or pain. Known to locals as leung cha (which translates to “cooling tea”), these useful cuppas are known for aiding in balancing the body’s heat, and are imbued with medicinal properties that work beyond the scope of Western medicine. Below are some top sellers that have long been lauded for their healing capabilities. 

Herbal Teas for the Soul Seven medicinal teas that will serve you well gafencu wine traditional chinese medicine (2)
Image: Mezoom2 via flickr

1. Heal-All Tea (夏枯草):
Prunella Vulgaris, also known as the ‘heal-all plant’, is a herbaceous plant that possesses healing properties that help lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Its sweet flavour makes for an easy entry-level tea for those interested in starting a habit of drinking Chinese herbal teas.
Benefits: Detoxifies the body, reduces internal heat, improves vision, soothes swelling and headaches.

2. Five Flower Tea (五花茶):
Brewed with five types of medicinal flowers, its main purpose is to keep the digestive tract healthy. Though recipes varies from shop to shop, it often includes flowers such as kapok, kudzu, prunella vulgaris, or heal-all plan.
Benefits: Keeps digestive tract healthy, soothes sore throat and reduce inflammation

Herbal Teas for the Soul Seven medicinal teas that will serve you well gafencu wine traditional chinese medicine

3. Twenty-Four Flavour Tea (廿四味):
As its name states, this tea is made with 20 types of herbs. It is not as easy to swallow as the other teas because of its dull bitterness, but it does packs a punch of health benefits, especially for those who are acne-prone or enjoy eating fried or spicy food.
Benefits: Relieve sore throats and common cold symptoms, alleviate certain skin problems, cools down and balances the body’s heat, detoxifies the body and reduces bloating.

4. Chicken Bone Grass (雞骨草):

Made with chicken bone grass and candied dates, this dark herbal tea is bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Because of its natural bitterness, it is typically brewed with liquorice which gives it its palatable sweetness and makes it easier to drink. It is especially good for people who tend to smoke excessively, drink alcohol regularly or suffer from insomnia or stress.
Benefits: Improve digestion and liver function, clear dampness and phlegm, reduces bloating, detoxifies the body, improves liver function, relieve pain, stress and fatigue.

Herbal Teas for the Soul Seven medicinal teas that will serve you well gafencu wine traditional chinese medicine (3)

5. Fire Hemp Seed Tea (火麻仁):
Made from one of most essential traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, Hemp Seed, this nutty flavoured tea makes for a slightly sweet beverage that is suitable for any weather because of its neutral nature. It is known to be very nutritious and rich in protein, Vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fats which helps with digestion.
Benefits: Prevents constipation, improves digestion and bowel movements, promotes anti-ageing and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease

6. Monk Fruit Tea (羅漢果茶):
One of the most commonly brewed Chinese herbal teas is the monk fruit tea, a naturally sweet drink that is cool in nature. It is especially popular during the summer months for its refreshing effect on the body. Though this tea is quite sweet, it is low in carbs and calories.
Benefits: Cures sore throats and coughs, clears internal heat, clears dampness and lubricates the lungs

Herbal Teas for the Soul Seven medicinal teas that will serve you well gafencu wine traditional chinese medicine (8)

7. Chrysanthemum Tea (銀菊露)
Chrysanthemum tea is a fragrant flower-based tea that is boiled with honey and sugar cane. It is neutral in nature, making it a healthy beverage that is suitable any day of the year, without the need to relieve any particular symptom. It is also a light and sweet alternative to the other teas on the list. 
Benefits: Clears internal heat, detoxify and improves liver function, relives cold and flue symptoms and improves vision

Where to drink herbal tea:

Herbaceous Tea
Relatively new to the scene since opening in 2013, this modern outlet brews a variety of fine Chinese herbal teas by hand everyday at all of their shops around Hong Kong.

Good Spring Co.
This Chinese medicine shops in Central boasts an impressively large range of Chinese herbal teas. They’re most notably for their 24 herbs tea, sweet flower tea and American ginseng tea, all of which can be served hot or cold.

Sam Bat Mai Kudzu
This is one of the most well-known herbal tea stores in the city. Noteworthy of their recipes, locals flock to this Wan Chai shop for a much-needed herbal refreshment and detoxification. Customers can also try its famous Rorippa Indica (Yellowcress) tea.


Red Light Therapy: The glowing benefits of low-level laser therapy

Technology continues to make its way into our everyday lives, beyond entertainment and social networking, the medical and beauty field have managed to incorporate new forms of laser technology into healing and age-defying treatments. Red Light Therapy (RLT), also known as Infrared Light Therapy or Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), is the latest trend in medicine and beauty that offers a non-invasive treatment to healing injuries, sculpting the body and repairing skin.

gafencu magazine red light therapy LLLT infrared sauna

The effects of RLT or LLLT has been studied to relieve pain, heal injuries, stimulate nerve function and improve energy imbalance and blood circulation. According to Harvard Health Publishing, different colours of LED light produce different wavelengths of visible light can induce various biological effects, such as muscle tension, pain relief, injury repair and an improvement in psychological conditions. It has also been known to stimulate cell growth, offering a painless alternative to physical therapy and invasive beauty treatments such as Botox and liposuction. 

gafencu magazine red light therapy LLLT injuries muscle and bone repair

Pain relief and injury repair
Red light and near-infrared light often used to treat frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome and relieve neck, back and shoulder pain. Several studies published on the US National Library of Medicine also mention that the effects of low-power light therapy when associated with exercise can be effective in relieving pain for patients with osteoarthritis in the knees. This level of electromagnetic radiation (typically between 600nm to 800nm) can penetrate through the surface of the skin and reach the bones and soft tissues, boosting the energy in the body’s muscular cells which helps repair injuries. 

Where to go: Clinics such as Excel Medical Group and Dr. Michael Singleton provide cold laser therapy which is also a form of low level laser therapy treatment that relieve physical pain and heal injuries. Rogue Care, on the other hand, provides a range of different RLT equipment for clinical and home use that can be purchased via their website.gafencu magazine red light therapy LLLT body sculpting

Body sculpting

If  exercise has never appealed to you, body sculpting through RTL offers a stress-free option to contouring your silhouette by breaking down unwanted fat cells. It is surprisingly painless and offer a non-invasive alternative to surgical treatments such as liposuction. Lipocavitation, as Esthe Clinic calls it, is a treatment that uses ultrasonic cavitation to reduce fat cells in localised areas of the body. In a 6-week pilot study for LLLT treatments for weight loss published in the Lasers in Medical Science, the results showed 0.8-inch (2-cm) reduction in waist circumference. 

Where to go: Central-set Esthe Clinic provides a body shaping programme designed by medical professionals and powered by advanced technology and equipment that help do away with stubborn fats, cellulite and loose skin to contour the body in three to five weeks time.

gafencu magazine red light therapy LLLT beauty skin care

Aestheticians and dermatologists have also jumped on the bandwagon of using red light therapy to regenerate the skin. A study published in the Photomedicine and Laser Surgery journal offered results that showed RLT’s effects in skin rejuvenation, healing acne scars and improving skin complexion. Harvard Health Publishing has also reported that LED light on the skin can stimulate the production of collagen and skin recovery. 

Where to go: Popular skincare and beauty company Skin Laundry, uses medical grade lasers to gently remove damaged skin and minimise the appearance of unwanted discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles. There are also self-care devices such as GLOWGEAR’s GLOWDROP 4-in-1 Facial Device offers an all-in-one experience that allows you to cleanse the skin as well as expel breakouts and treat fine lines with its ‘Thermo-Glo Booster’ and NASA-inspired red & Blue LED lights.

gafencu magazine red light therapy LLLT psychological benefits

Psychological benefits

Several studies published on the US National Institute of Medicine also have shown results reflecting the psychological benefits of infrared light therapy, stating that there were improvements of symptoms in patience with dementia and Alzheimer’s and a significant improvement in the conditions of patience with depression.

Red light therapy is an increasingly popular alternative therapy to healing and skincare though academics and medical professionals do warn that although RLT are generally considered safe with no reported significant effects or risks, it is still a relatively new treatment with limited clinical studies therefore the majority of beneficial claims of the treatments are anecdotal and based on personal experience.


Photos from Esthe Clinic