There was a reason why Pashmina was known as “soft gold” by the people of the Indus Valley, a region of Northwest India that was the original cradle of civilisation. Handspun from the fur of rare livestock found solely on the secluded plateaus of Kashmir, Ladakh and Nepal, only the very finest fibres meet with the approval of the region’s gifted weavers, who then employ skills dating back to the Dawn of Man to create the gossamer lightness that is unique to Pashmina.
Especially for you, Gafencu has secured an exclusive and strictly-limited supply of some of the world’s finest Pashmina products, suitable for only the most select and stylish of individuals. These can be purchased directly from the Gafencu e-shop and hand-delivered to your chosen recipient within 7 days, allowing you to share a little “soft gold” with that special someone in your life.
So why not brighten up your Christmas celebrations with one of the exotic Pashmina stoles or shawls exclusive to the Gafencu Collection? Available in a wide selection of colours – from soft pinks and bright reds to neutral grays and soothing blues – no-one goes unthanked after sharing the eternal charm of Pashmina…
Dazzling Pashminas to Brighten up your Christmas

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