

Marcus Vass is a partner at the legal firm Koh Vass & Co (in association with Osborne Clarke). He specialises in serving digital business clients.

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What was your first job?

My first job was as a runner for a movie company. My first Saturday job, though, was in a zoo. My father worked in a zoo, so I was pretty much brought up in one – Windsor Safari Park. Technically, though, my real first real job was as a baby sitter for Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay. He seems to have done quite well for himself so I couldn’t have done too bad a job. I used to sing to him in his cot, so I’ve often wondered if that’s where his musical inspiration came from.

Facial hair – love it or hate it?

When one works in the technology sector, many of your clients tend to be bearded, the so-called hipsters. I actually tried to grow a beard once. It grew okay but it turned out to be a mixture of grey and ginger. It didn’t look good and my wife and children persuaded me that it just had to go. It truly was a beard of many hues. It did go down quite well with my technology clients, though. I think they liked the fact that I had tried to empathise with them.

What do you tend to watch on TV?

Shockingly, we don’t own a television. I believe that TV, as a medium, has now been supplanted by many of the on-line platforms, some of which we act for. The modern lifestyle doesn’t really lend itself all that well to watching TV regularly. The only time I really watch it is when I am on a plane, something I find myself doing ever more regularly. I recently watched the entire box set of a series of 24 during a flight. It was really good. There is an excellent show calledSilicon Valley,<which I caught up with on a flight last week. It’s all about high-tech entrepreneurs in the US. It’s actually very true to the experience of many of my clients. Normally, though, if I really want to see something special I will catch up with it on-line.

1603_HK_style102When was the last time you were really ill?

I honestly can’t remember. The last time I visited the doctor must have been about two years ago when I went for my regular three-yearly check-up. I tend not to be sick all that often. I think I have excised anything that could really do me harm from my life. I am not really that fit, even though I run regularly and play tennis. A good glass of red, I think, staves off most things.

How neat is your handwriting?

I am firmly of the opinion that the worst handwriting in the world belongs to doctors and lawyers. I have no idea of the logic behind that statement, but it is a well-known fact that practitioners of these two professions have the most indescribably bad handwriting. I am always jealous of people who can write in a copper-plate script style. I had really good hand writing growing up, but sadly I no longer do.

Have you ever been arrested?

You’ll be delighted to hear that the answer to that is a resounding no. As a lawyer, it would have be a little worrying if the answer was yes.


Have you every sky dived or bungee jumped?

Sadly, no. That’s something I haven’t done. I have always wanted to try something like that, but have never found quite the right excuse to take the risk. Bungee jumping, though, I find something of a zero-sum game. It either works or it doesn’t. At the end of the day, you’re putting your faith in a large elastic band. Sky diving, though, seems to involve an element of skill. I also think I’d also get a real thrill out of hot-air ballooning or gliding.

Is there one word that you use too often?

Well, I have been accused of over-using two words – digital and technology. As they are the two words most closely associated with my job, though, I think it would be difficult not to over-use them.

Do you have a cocktail of choice?

The Mojito. What’s not to like about it? All the food groups are covered. It has salt. It’s both sweet and sour. It has everything. It’s a whole meal in just one drink. I believe there is also alcohol in it, but I couldn’t possibly comment. It’s Brazilian in origin, I’m told.

1603_HK_style103What keeps you awake at night?

The concerns of my clients and anything that worries my team. Sometimes, even if it’s not huge, you have an epiphany in the dead of night and it just comes to you as to how to solve a particular problem. You might be able to think your way through to a solution that had eluded you while you were distracted by all the business of the hectic day.

Do you keep a diary?

No I don’t. I just don’t think what I do on a day-to-day basis is interesting enough to merit jotting down. I do keep a time sheet, though, which is pretty much obligatory for a lawyer. That keeps track of what I have worked on, as most of what I do is billable to one client or another.

Is there one invention that you just couldn’t live without?

I remember the first time I used the internet how clunky it seemed to be and how limited its applications were. Now, however, I feel that being deprived of internet access really makes life far less rich. The information that is available just brings everything to life. The practical applications, as well as the more fun applications, make me think that we are at start of a very long cycle. It’s like someone suddenly invented oxygen – something that daily life now absolutely must have in order to just keep going.

When did you last tell a white lie?

In my line of business I am not allowed to tell lies, white or otherwise. It’s more than my job is worth.

Is there an historical event that you would say has truly changed your life?

I am going to have to go back to Tim Berners-Lee inventing the internet. That saw me set out on a particular path that ultimately led to my career. It was something that revolutionised the world. The internet now touches everybody’s life. Berners-Lee is also an extraordinary character and a very philanthropic one.

Who is your favourite film star?

I always had a soft spot for Liv Tyler, but don’t tell my wife. She actually looks quite similar to my wife. I would say that I clearly have a type.

Would you say you are a casino-type of person?

No I am not. I do, however, bet from time to time, usually at the Jockey Club in either Shatin or Happy Valley. Invariably, I lose. I do feel, though, that the money is ultimately going to a good cause. It’s a social thing and there is an element of fun to it. I find it interesting as a phenomenon. What’s happening in Macau right now is quite fascinating. The technology is mind-boggling. Some of the most advanced technology is now emerging from the gambling industry, largely because there is so much at stake for the operators – especially when it comes to those systems designed to ensure betting is always conducted in a fair manner.


Do you have a favourite Chinese saying?

I probably have two, both in Mandarin. One would be duo xiao qian? (how much does that cost?). The other ismama huhu (so so). Those are, far and away, the two I use the most.

Global warming – hype or peril?

Normally, I invariably side with scientists on just about everything. Scientific opinion on this, though, seems to be split. On balance, however, the majority seem to believe that global warming really is a peril and that’s a view I have come to share. As to whether there is enough being done about it, well there are clearly a number of vested interests opposed to addressing the problem. I do believe, though, that any solutions must be led by the technology companies, whether that’s companies like Tesla replacing combustion engines, video conferencing replacing the need to fly quite so  much or pharmaceutical companies helping feed an expanding population.

Education or experience?

Perhaps surprisingly, I would have to say experience. Many of the young lawyers I see have peerless academic records, but are often of less use to clients than those who’ve had real life experience. They’ve spent too much time with their books and not enough with real people in the real world. If you look at the people who have really moved the needle – individuals like Steve Jobs – many of them didn’t even complete their degrees – so I’d have to say experience every time. Except, maybe, in the case of doctors – you do want them to have some education.

Tattoos – love them or loathe them?

I think I am too old for tattoos – there’s been a generational shift. It’s obviously different if you’re in your 20s – you look at life differently. I think tattoos are one of those things that may have skipped a generation or two, but they’re clearly back in fashion now.

Are you a believer in the death penalty as a punishment?

No I am not – largely because I think, all too often, mistakes can be made. I also think that giving that ultimate sanction to the state elevates the state a little too much. Also, I don’t think thats the death sentence necessarily discourages people from committing serious crimes.

What is your aftershave of choice?

Tom Ford. I have always liked Tom Ford.<

What is in your wallet right now?

Not enough money, that’s for sure – too many expenses of late. Probably several IOUs, a few photos, a boarding card and some moths.

Thank you

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