Holiday Bingeing: Bad habits to avoid during the festive season

How to combat holiday bingeing this festive season

It’s no secret that pretty much everyone looks forward to Christmas and New Year festivities. After all, it’s a rare opportunity to indulge in long-overdue family reunions, friendly catch-ups and just letting loose in general. But with the temptation for late-night parties and holiday bingeing at an all-time high, now is the time to  pay particular attention to your health and your waistline, lest you start off 2019 several pounds heavier and in deficit of several nights’ sleep. Here are some top tips to help you ring in the new year in fighting form.

Avoid holiday bingeing to ensure you greet 2019 in the best form

Avoid holiday bingeing

Whether you’re just staying home, dining out or travelling farther afield this festive season, holiday bingeing is always a temptation. Whether it’s a holiday buffet, a family roast or all the tempting Christmas candy laying around, it’s all too easy to overindulge. But stay mindful. Saying no to that extra serving or two may be the difference between a filled belly and a bulging waistline.

Holiday Bingeing - Saying no to that extra top-up of champagne will save your waistline

Cut back on alcohol

Holiday bingeing doesn’t just mean food, it includes beverages too. With the bubbles flowing and the glasses constantly refilled, you may not realise exactly how empty – if delicious – calories you’re ingesting. Count out your drinks as evenings progress, and have a pre-set limit per night. Saying no to that last top-up or two will help you stay alert and achieve more restful sleep – something you’ll need in spades if you’re to survive the week in a (relatively) good state.

Keep up the exercise to combat holiday bingeing

Don’t skip the sports

Despite the countless dinners, drinks and get-togethers you’ve scheduled, don’t break your usual exercise routine for the festive. Be it an early morning run, yoga sessions or hitting the gym three times a week, not only will sports help burn added calories, the endorphins you receive from a regular work out will help combat any late-night fatigue you may feel, leaving you fresh to face each day.

Holiday Bingeing - Solo time is critical for mental health

Carve out some ‘me’ time

In the flurry of meet-ups, dinners and family reunions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. To avoid getting the holiday blues, make sure you schedule some ‘me’ time each day, even as little as fifteen minutes, where you can kick your soles up and just relax. Meditate, read a book, or just gaze out of your window. This solo quiet time will help you centre yourself and boost mental health.