Horoscope (April 2016)

monkeyRAT: A missing piece in an ongoing puzzle weighs on your mind at present, but don’t let this become too much of a pre-occupation, events unfolding around you require your immediate attention. The key to this mystery will present itself. Patience is your ally. Rat of the Month: Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei (Iranian Politician, 16 November, 1960)

OX: You’ve been considering branching out, and this could be just the right time to do so. Nonetheless, choose your new adventure carefully. Timidity could lead to more of the same, while boldness could see you floundering somewhere that will never be yours. Ox of the Month: Wong Kam-po (Hong Kong Racing Cyclist, 13 March, 1973)

TIGER: Your creativity is to the fore this month, and you will feel emboldened to reassess some tested solutions. While perhaps not universally welcomed, there is one aspect of your business empire that could be transformed. It could be the most profitable thing you do all year. Tiger of the Month: Eiichiro Oda (Japanese Manga Artist, 1 January, 1975)

RABBIT: Your normally adroit thinking may become short-circuited, as a tsunami of information overtakes you. Be careful, someone’s hoping to bury something important in all the distractions. Break your habit and methodically plough through everything. It will pay dividends. Rabbit of the month: Sia Furler (Australian singer, 18 December, 1975)

DRAGON: Idle gossip may contain an unwitting truth this month, so make sure few rumours pass you by. You may have to act unusually sociably lest it eludes you. Your patience will be rewarded – something long in abeyance can finally be triggered. Dragon of the Month: John Lone (Hong Kong-born American Actor, 13 October, 1952)

SNAKE: This is a month of overwhelming passion for the Snake, and your intended might feel a little overawed by your feelings. If you’re not in a committed relationship, you might be soon. If already involved, discretion is very important for you this month. Remain level-headed at all times. Snake of the Month: Jordan Belchos (Canadian Speedskater, 22 June, 1989)

HORSE: Bad financial news is on the horizon, so get your house in order and prepare for the worst. An associate may bring you into their confidence but you may be tempted to misuse this information. Best decide what’s more important – your reputation or the bottom line? Horse of the Month: Jimmy Wales (U.S. Internet Entrepreneur, 8 August, 1966)

GOAT: While your enthusiasm is at a high, you are lacking a little on the application side. Your tendency to overdo things may also cause some stress, while your social life is on the cusp of spiraling out of control. Step back to gain some perspective. It will pay off in the long-term. Sheep of the month: Rob Liefeld (American Comic Book Creator, 3 October, 1967)

MONKEY: Avoid long trips this month. Travel is ill-starred, with delays, diversions and lost luggage virtual certainties. Contemplate your home and those closest to you. Both will flourish from your aditional attention, refreshing you more than any time away. Monkey of the Month: Jacklyn Wu Chien-lien (Taiwanese Actress, 3 July, 1968)

ROOSTER: A fascinating month, especially as you’ll be the centre of attention, which never fails to please. Be receptive to new people, as one or two of them are about to enter your life permanently. A new order is emerging – pick your team carefully. Rooster of the Month: Linus Benedict Torvalds (Finnish-American Software Engineer, 28 December 1969)

DOG: This month is all about your relationship with others, much more so than you are accustomed to. You might initially feign interest, but then find you are caught up in the rising swirl of someone else’s emotions before the month is up. Be composed enough to handle the fallout. Dog of the Month: Morshedul Islam (Bangladeshi Film Director, 1 December, 1958)

PIG: You may feel a little over-shadowed this month, with the spotlight off you and your recent achievements. Remember, a lot can be done when no-one is looking. Some behind the scenes tinkering may set the scene for that monumental move you’re planning for early summer. Pig of the Month: Charles Thomas Munger (American Businessman, 1 January, 1924)

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