Horoscope (February 2016)

monkeyRAT: Time is not on your side and things are piling up at a rate that good sense alone cannot address. Both in your work or home life, now is a good time to manage your priorities and see whether certain situations require outside intervention – or even a fresh start. Rat of the Month: Martin Yan (China-born Hong Kong-American Chef, 22 December, 1948))

OX: Your advice is much heeded this month – though you don’t know why. Don’t worry about the details, but make the best of the situation. The New Year will usher in a range of possibilities and this is the perfect time to set plans in motion or to make new ones. Ox of the Month, Nadia Elena Comaneci (Former Romanian Gymnast, 12 November, 1961)

TIGER: The inner you is in a quandary this month, as you take on a number of responsibilities you’d rather not. You may find yourself distinctly out-of-sorts on account of certain unwelcome developments at home. Think laterally in order to turn bad situations to your advantage. Tiger of the Month: Chiung Yao (Chinese Novelist, 20 April, 1938)

RABBIT: There’s something unsatisfying at the back of your mind right now, and while it may seem to preoccupy your waking hours, it is not as serious as it might seem. New opportunities are emerging daily – and if you can start to focus on those that best suit you, 2016 will be very much your year. Rabbit of the Month: Tse Kwan-ho (Hong Kong Actor, 23 March, 1963)

DRAGON: You could benefit from a much-needed recharge this month, helping you enter the social fray with a vengeance. Ensure you maintain ownership of a particular initiative you’ve been nurturing. Travel is in the offing but this is not a good time. Dragon of the Month: Jack William Szostak (Canadian – American biologist, 9 November, 1952)

SNAKE: Romance is ill-starred this month as your usually appealing personality takes a somewhat disaffected turn. Keep a low profile lest this depiction of you is taken too much to heart. The issue may be you are feeling neglected in certain quarters and are looking for easy remedies elsewhere. Snake of the Month: Aamir Khan (Indian Film Actor, 14 March, 1965)

HORSE: Don’t neglect matters financial this month. Many long-postponed expenses require require simultaneous attention. Don’t overly concern yourself. This is more an issue of cash flow than cash crisis. Expect an unexpected windfall late in the month. Horse of the Month: Sam Wills (New Zealand Comedian, 28 August, 1978)

GOAT: This is a transitional stage between your own starred year and the next astral phase. A weight has been lifted from your shoulders and hard work you put in last year will be recognised in the coming days. This reward has been unduly long in coming but may be too short to be truly satisfying. Goat of the Month: Zhang Ziyi (Chinese Actress, 9 February, 1979)

MONKEY: The Monkey Year is still in flux, so assert yourself and take control of your own fortunes. A situation involving a close friend and a delicate financial arrangement also threatens to take up a disproportionate amount your free time unless you are very careful. Monkey of the Month, Joseph Koo Kar-Fai (Hong Kong Composer, 1 January, 1933)

ROOSTER: Insights are few and far between right now. You may feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. A well-deserved break is set to be your best course mid-month. Absenting yourself from one particular situation may also offer a degree of perspective. Rooster of the Month: Julie Delpy (French-American Actress, 21 December, 1969)

DOG: You have a sense that something is lacking but no clear idea of exactly what. A search for this element may lead to a long-neglected locale. This may stir a memory of a pledge or plan that could prove the key to your current ennui. Redemption may well be found by making good on that promise. Dog of the Month: Hyun Bin (South Korean Actor, 25 September, 1982)

PIG: Bad luck – though of a trivial bent – trails you in February. Expect nuisances to come with comic regularity. Ride them out. They are a side-show, as your year-long upward trend proves definitive in terms of both your lifestyle and legacy. Things you begin this year may be set in stone. Pig of the Month, Hou Hsiao-Hsien (Taiwanese Film Director, 8 April, 1947)

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