Horoscope (January 2016)

ramRAT: You’re finding yourself under considerable pressure right now and looking to let off a little steam. Consider carefully before you vent too freely. Others have long memories and any untoward outbursts may well come back to haunt you. Take your frustration down the gym. Rat of the Month: Shaquille O’Neal (American Basketball Star, 6 March, 1972))

OX: Building your network is a priority over the coming month, but you can afford to be choosy. Note well, though, there are some looking to ally themselves to you who may well be deterred if you’re seen in the wrong company. Keep your eye on the bigger prize ahead. Ox of the Month: Keira Knightley (British Actress, 26 March, 1985)

TIGER: Following rules and guidelines is proving more than a little tiresome for you at present. Your tiger nature thrives on a little unpredictability. A new creative avenue is called for and you may find it in the performing arts, with one of your talents having lain dormant all too long. Tiger of the Month: Masaki Kajishima (Japanese Artist, 16 March, 1962)

RABBIT: This month is a time for fresh ideas. Your creativity is well-starred, so take careful note of any new insights, especially those that arrive at unexpected moments. A few well-chosen observations will head off a challenge in the work environment before it has time to mature. Rabbit of the month: Anson Chan (Hong Kong Politician, 17 January, 1940)

DRAGON: A run of bad luck is, sadly, set to continue. Your reverse-Midas touch is even noticed by certain colleagues, with one of them only too keen to capitalise on your misfortunes. Tactical inertia is the order of the day until your stars align more favourably. Dragon of the Month: Keanu Reeves (Canadian Actor, 2 September, 1964)

SNAKE: Exercise, a healthy diet, eight glasses of water a day – none of these are proving of particular benefit to you right now. Something preoccupies you and you have more than a niggling concern about your health. Have it properly checked out, if only to restore your peace of mind. Snake of the Month: Brahman Bros (Twin Japanese Wrestlers, 5 July 1977)

HORSE: You are a walking harbinger of disarray at present, but this is to be welcomed. Too many things in your life have settled into ruts, with their endless reiterations seeing you phoning in your emotional commitments and business decisions. It is time for a shake-up. Horse of the Month: Wang Xiaoshuai (Chinese Director, 22 May, 1966)

GOAT: Despite a certain upbeat sheen to your surroundings, you may feel a touch apprehensive. For you, 2016 will be a decisive year, a time when plots and sub-plots reach their inevitable resolutions. While it won’t be a turbulent year, certainties will vanish from your life. Goat of the month: Umberto Eco (Italian Novelist, 5 January, 1932)

MONKEY: Issues of a romantic nature are front of house, though not necessarily relating to yourself. Someone close to you is clearly infatuated and you have the feeling that this particular entanglement will not end well. You may be right and it will fall to you to pick up the pieces. Monkey of the Month: Casper van Dien (American Actor, 18 December, 1968)

ROOSTER: Either as a result of hard work or a simple stroke of luck, you’re enjoying a purple patch at the moment. Inevitably this will spur a little resentment among less fortunate colleagues. Ignore any negativity you encounter and just go with the flow for now. Rooster of the Month: Stuart MacBride (Scottish Author, 27 February, 1969)

DOG: If work starts to feel something of a chore at present, perhaps it’s a sign you have been risk-averse too long. With the Year of the Monkey hoving into view, it’s high time to reassess life. While living dangerously is not necessarily recommended, living a little less predictably can do you good. Dog of the Month: Lo Hsiao-ting (Taiwanese Softball Player, 8 May, 1982)

PIG: You are very close to success on a long-cherished project, but failure still remains a possibility, Don’t assume a good result until every box has been ticked – for a moment’s neglect could result in a very different outcome. Keep calm, stay focused and all should be well. Pig of the Month: Candice Yu (Hong Kong Actress, 22 October, 1959)

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