Digital-Age Jeeves: Multimedia Keecker robot is the perfect electronic butler

Move over, Jeeves, there’s a new butler in town. We’re talking, of course, about the new Keecker robot. Dubbed ‘the world’s first voice-enabled multimedia robot’, this long-awaited electronic home companion may just be the perfect gadget for the Smart Houses of today.

Keecker Robot offers multimedia solutions

A cursory glance at the Keecker robot’s specs already reveals capabilities that seem more at home in an episode of The Jetsons than in our everyday lives. It’s a mobile speaker that can pair with apps like Netflix, Youtube and Spotify, and is capable of delivering up to 117dB of sound.

Keecker robot boasts built-in projector capabilities

It’s also a mobile movie theatre, featuring a built-in projector capable of producing HD images up to 78 inches in diameter on any flat surface (walls, ceilings, garage door…). This function also allows users to video-conference loved ones or business colleagues with nary a hint of trouble.

Keecker robot acts as a digital security guard

Best of all, the Keecker robot is equipped with a 360-degree camera and sensors that allow it to follow you around the house, while also doubling as a security guard that can patrol your home while you’re not around.

First teased over three years ago, this admittedly adorable Keecker robot finally hit the market late last year with a price tag of US$1,790 for the 32GB model and US$1,990 for the 160GB version.

For more ‘smart’ household gadgets, check out our article on Smart Home Gadgets