Match Made in Heaven: How to Rock the New MiniMe Trend

MiniMe trend

Vinyl jackets, patterned jumpers, tartan separates… stylish A-list singers, starlets and socialites have an amazing ability to rescue seriously naff trends and they’ve done it again with “mommy-and-me” matching outfits. Once reserved only for over-bearing mothers and sadistic grandparents, today’s social media sartorialists are raising the bar on MiniMe photo ops with designer ensembles for all ages. But the adorable trend is not to be approached lightly. There is a fine line between trendy and twee when it comes to the MiniMe trend. Gafencu are here with some tips from the pros. 

Keep it fun!

When social media savant Chrissy Teigen posted a video of herself and baby daughter Luna in identical avocado-print swimsuits gifted to them by apparel company Mott50, their online stock sold out inminutes. The bright colours and playful print perfectly capture the fun of the moment.

minime trend
Chrissy Teigen posted the photo of herself and baby daughter Luna to celebrate the last day of photoshoots for her upcoming cookbook

Match, don’t mirror

Make like Beyonce and Blue Ivy by opting for different shapes and cuts but keep to the same base patterns or colour schemes. Think more “Like Mother, Like Daughter” and less the sisters from The Shining

minime trend
Beyonce and eldest daughter Blue Ivy. It’s not every day that the Eiffel Tower is outshone

Age Appropriate

Kim Kardashian got two things right by keeping her own outfit sheer and sexy while toning down daughter North’s outfit by raising the neckline and swapping out her stilettos for sneakers. Too cute!

MiniMe trend
Kim Kardashian and daughter North in their stylish same-but-different ensembles.

Strike a pose

In what will almost certainly go down as the most adorable moment in haute couture history, model Coco Rocha and daughter Ioni strutted down the runway to close Jean Paul Gaultier’s show at Paris Fashion week in January. As if the matching ice blue gowns and helter-skelter hairdos weren’t showstopping enough, the two also had matching poses! We don’t know if two-year-old Ioni was taught to do this or maybe it’s thanks to her modelling mama’s genes.

MiniMe trend
Coco Rocha’s two year old daughter Ioni is thought to be the youngest ever runway model

If you don’t have a mini-me to dress up in matched couture then make like Instagram superstars BonPon511 and go for matching couples outfits. The two have been married for 37 years, so perhaps identical dressing is the secret to a lasting love?

MiniMe trend
Japanese couple Tsuyoshi and Tomi Seki, A.K.A BonPon511, co-ordinate their outfits every day