Nadi X smart yoga pants might be your next (digital) yoga guru

Nadi X smart yoga pants might be your next digital yoga guru


Whether you’re a time-pressed professional or a kid-juggling homemaker, it’s always a struggle to schedule in some solo time to catch that much-needed yoga class. But your days of chaotic gym commutes may soon be over, thanks to the newly announced Nadi X smart yoga pants.

Nadi X smart yoga pants has woven-in tech to monitor your moves

This nifty piece of tech is, as its name suggests, a wearable, portable yoga instructor. Designed by Australia-born, New York-based fashion tech company Wearable X, the Nadi X innovatively blends fashion savvy with digital know-how, packing an all-knowing yoga guru right into your leggings. It’s the first-ever washable smart yoga pants in the world.

Practice yoga wherever you are, whenever you want with the Nadi X yoga pants

Wearable tech has been woven into the pant material, including accelerometers and haptic feedback sensors at the ankles, hips and knees that scan biometric data as you perform poses. It then vibrates in the appropriate locations to nudge you into the perfect posture. When paired with the companion Nadi X app via Bluetooth, users can even track their progress, access a library of yoga poses as well as an auditory coach to talk you through more challenging contortions.

The companion Nadi X app offers a library of yoga poses and an auditory coach

This piece of digital-friendly couture doesn’t come cheap, clocking in at US$250 per piece. But when compared to the money you already spend on gym memberships or personal instructors, perhaps it’s a savvier solution in the long run.