Negroni Nights: The best bars for the ultimate negroni week experience


You’re going to want to put down your glass of wine for the upcoming week, and instead raise a toast with a nectarous negroni as Negroni Week once again makes its way back to Hong Kong.


Just in time for the now infamous Italian cocktail’s 100th birthday, Negroni Week will take place across the globe from 24–30 June. Now in its seventh year, the charity week was conceive by Italy’s very own Campari and later joined forces with imbibe. All put on for a good cause, the money raised off the sales will go towards the charities of the participating bars choice, with last years funds reaching US$2 million. Indeed, an array of top-notch Hong Kong establishments will be showcasing their unique spins on the classic cocktail, which had been known to consist of gin, vermouth rosso, and, of course, Campari.

Should one have an appetite for the apéritif, more than 10 bars here in Hong Kong will be waiting to fill up your cup.