Never-Never Land

Venue: Kwai Tsing Theatre
Date: 7-8 May
Enquiries: 2268 7323

In a wholly new production, Unlock Dancing Plaza set out to explore the useful- and uselessness of human bodies, all through the oft-bewildering medium of dance. Perhaps counter-intuitively, Ong Yong-lock, the troupe’s artistic director opted to employ this finely-tuned, lithely-limbed company to highlight the peremptory uselessness of the human form. Far more damning, specimens might be found lolling around the foyer during the interval, ignominiously whinging that their intermission G&T is a little too tepid.

According to the show’s pre-publicity, “usefulness is a war of flight, a void of emptiness, some sedimentation and hopes.” The smart thinking is that particular production may be a little on the light side when it comes to belly laughs. Still, should the lack of mirth prove somewhat overweening, you can always have a discrete ponder as to just why the show’s title so blatantly references Peter Pan, while there’s nary a ticking croc, a monodextrous buccaneer or a saucy sprite to be had.

The show’s only on for one weekend in early May, so you won’t have much opportunity to solve that particular conundrum. Book quickly.

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