Fair Air: Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier provides on-the-go air care

PURE Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier

While outdoor pollution dominates media headlines as a leading cause of medical conditions and general non-wellbeing, harmful indoor airborne particles can be equally toxic and even more undiagnosed. What’s more, the enclosed spaces of homes and offices further exacerbate the effects of such particulate matters, be it the paint residue of new furniture and dust motes to the harmful chemicals given off by commonplace household cleaning products. Thankfully, there are a number of handy gadgets that can cleanse the air in your immediate vicinity to provide you with cleaner air. Perhaps the most notable newcomer in this particular market is the PURE Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier.

The PURE Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier is supremely discreet

Featuring a sleek, compact design, the Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier is the latest hi-tech creation from The Pure Company, a Texas-based consumer electronics company. Using an innovative, filterless form of negative ion technology, it is said to combat allergens, pollutants and odors and leaves solely clean air in its wake. It also boasts a rather interesting aromatherapy feature that allows users to heighten their environs with their choice of essential oil-based odors for extra effect.

Discreet and lightweight, the PURE Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier is a perfect travel companion

With its lightweight design and whisper-soft functionality, the PURE Portable Aromatherapy Air Purifier is also the perfect companion for today’s urban nomad, allowing for clean, breathable air whether you’re stuck neck-deep in traffic or just looking for a little scent of home in a hotel room. Check out the video below to find out more about this handy gadget.