Aibo Resurrected: Sony’s robot dog is back and better than ever

Sony resurrects Aibo, the world's first AI pet

Sony first launched Aibo, the first truly AI robotic pet, on the market back in 1999. And the world promptly fell in love with the slightly clumsy but extremely kawaii canine. Nearly 20 years later, the Japanese electronics giant has resurrected this fan favourite.

On the surface, the latest Aibo model has the self-same puppy-dog cuteness that made it such a big hit in the first place. But beneath its adorable exterior lies some truly amazing technological engineering.

Unlike its rather clunky predecessor, the new model boasts seamless movement thanks to 22 ultra compact axes in its ‘joints’. Meanwhile, simultaneous location and mapping technology in addition to sound and image sensors allow Aibo to navigate and interact with its surroundings.

New Aibo will form unique bonds with its owners

Sony also claims this robotic dog will evolve over time, with deep learning algorithms helping it to ‘learn’ commands, praises, caresses, and even what behaviour makes its owners happy. What’s more, its AI programming will allow this electronic canine to differentiate between different owners, forming unique bonds with each one!

Aibo, the adorable robotic canine companion

So far, Aibo is only available to order within Japan, but Sony says it’s working on expanding the sale radius. With a price tag of US$1,700, this robotic pet doesn’t come cheap, but it may just be the ideal low-maintenance canine companion for Hong Kong’s time-pressed professionals!

Text: Tenzing Thondup
Video & Images: Sony