Summer Cocktails: Stories behind the summer’s most spirited concoctions

With the mercury soaring to new heights in Hong Kong, the city’s bars have chosen an array of summer cocktails as weapons of choice to beat the heat…

Summer Cocktails

At the heart this summer cocktail movement is Duddell’s, an institution seen as Central’s cultural and social hub. Perhaps somewhat boldly, it has put its new Harmony cocktail range – a selection of drinks inspired by Eastern mysticism – at the front of its bid to build the cocktail constituency. Curated by resident mixologist Masumi Tomioka and award-winning bar specialist James Barker, each cocktail in the Harmony series blends nature with art.

The bar’s cocktail menu is neatly divided into four seasonal sections, with each said to “explore Japanese spirituality and draw inspiration from natural imagery and proverbs”.  It’s probably safe to say that several libations played a part in its creation.

Summer cocktails

Designed to please a variety of palates, Fuubutsu-shi is the section that evokes the spirit of summer. It is a process that seems heavily reliant on haiku-esque drink designations, including the somewhat gnostic First Reeds Sprout (HK$160) and the more prosaic Frogs Start Singing (HK$160). The true star here, though, is the Warm Winds Blow (HK$160), a blend of Kamm & Sons Ginseng Spirit, Islay single-malt whisky, turmeric, vanilla, Indian tonic and pink grapefruit. I think we can all agree just which warm wind is likely to blow after two or three of these.

Summer cocktails

Another forerunner in the summer cocktail carnival is Angel’s Share, one of the Hollywood Road’s most welcoming drinkeries. Its seasonal specials are all elegant variations on the highball, that most classic of cocktail styles.  

 Among the most popular highball creations credited to head barman Lok Cheung is the Monochrome (HK$118), a classic blend of Johnnie Walker Black Label and homemade smoked malt soda.  Another seasonal favourite, the Lavender Cooler (HK$118), also features Johnnie Walker Black Label, this time paired with lavender cordial, ginger ale, Singha soda water, lemon bitters and a garnish of lavender and gooseberry.

Summer cocktails

Returning more to the fantasy realm, Quinary – the Central-set nightspot recently recognised as one of the world’s 50 best bars – turned to Peter Pan, a classic of children’s literature, as the inspiration for its summer cocktails themed ‘Finding Neverland’, all of which were dreamed up by Samuel Kwok, the bar’s resident mixologist.

For summer 2018, his most popular creation has proved to be the Cool Lagoon (HK$130), a deceptively potent cocktail of Italicus, Iron Balls gin, Thai basil, Pavan grape liqueur, kaffir lime, cucumber bitters and pickled jalapeno syrup. While it’s not guaranteed to transport you to a land where boys never grow up, chances are enough of them will.

Text: Suchetana Mukhopadhyay