With less than one week to go till Father’s Day, if you’re still struggling to find a suitable gift for your sartorial-minded papa, why not make a pit stop at Tassels, one of the leading retailers for gentlemen’s leather goods in the city?

Especially for Father’s Day, Tassels has curated the most carefully-selected collection of luxury accessories, sure to appease the tastes of even the most discerning of gentlemen. On top of the pack is obviously the wide range of leather good products from Kunei, a Japanese brand that’s known for its emphasis on handmade goods, especially for the use of Horween Shell Cordovan, a strong and rare material that’s highly sought after by Cordovan lovers. Their leather goods are even more enhanced by the use of KiryuOmeshi silk, a fabric favoured by the 11th Shōgun himself, for its sturdiness and superior quality.

If silk is what you’d prefer to gift your dearest dad this Father’s Day, then the handmade neckties from E.Marinella should also be among your first port of call. Not only does this Naples-born brand feature vintage silk fabrics that are extremely rare to find these days, they also use a traditional hand-roll technique to give their ties a beautiful well-crafted look.

As any fashion-conscious father would know, a fine pair of shoes needs to be supplemented by matching-colour belts for a truly formal look, so in tune with that, Tassel’s most popular brands like Alden, Crockett & Jones, Edward Green and Rivolta are now offering a wide collection of leather belts with finest calfskin to match with their beloved shoes.
So, be it a shoe-belt pairing or a nice necktie, it would not only make your dad look dapper, it would also be a thoughtful gift that he’s sure to cherish.
Tassels, B64-65 The Landmark, Central