Spirited Away: The Woods’ Annex bucks the trend and takes you on a journey

In a city already saturated to the brim with alcoholic watering holes, The Woods’ Annex is taking things in a completely new direction.

KWOON by The Woods’ unassuming storefront on Staunton Street hides a vast spirits library and a single wooden table in the back. This cosy space, dubbed The Woods’ Annex, is where the charismatic and eminently knowledgeable Victoria Chow, founder and managing director of The Woods, holds educational spirits tastings.

Although her more conventional cocktail bar on Hollywood Road and KWOON store do feature artisanal spirits, Chow’s vision for The Woods’ Annex goes one step further. By putting the spotlight solely on spirits, she wants to foster an educational space that, in her own words, “[is] somewhere we can essentially get people to open their minds about different spirits and understand them a little better.”

Don’t come here expecting your run-of-the-mill Bombay Sapphires, Absoluts or Johnny Walkers. No. This is a space dedicated to exploring artisanal spirits with unexpected tastes and unique terroirs.

Each carefully curated bottle has its own place in the shelves, paired fittingly with a ‘library card’ recording the bottle’s previous imbibers.

It may sound a tad pretentious but the actual experience is anything but. The reality is a captivating and surprisingly educational guided journey that builds upon and also breaks down your preconceived perceptions of alcoholic spirits.

So ditch your gin tonics and vodka sodas for an evening and try a tasting at The Woods’ Annex instead. It will be time well spent.

Tastings are by-appointment only, and for groups of nine or less. Each session lasts 90 minutes with minimum spend at HK$300 per head.

The Woods’ Annex. 64 Staunton Street, Central. 2522 0281. http://www.thewoods.hk/annex

Text by: Tenzing Thondup

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