
While people make all sorts of plans for their final goodbyes, they seldom think about investing in the off chance of saying hello again. Pretentious caskets, being shot into orbit or having your ashes compressed into an artificial diamond are all very well, but they don’t really compare to hedging your bets that science might one day be able to bring you back.

Remedying this obvious oversight, this new DNA time capsule allows you to store and preserve your genetic building blocks for a 100 years or more courtesy of Hammacher Schlemmer, the renowned US catalogue company. This means that future generations will have all they need to build another you, should they see fit. While the remains of others are doing their third lap around Saturn, you could be popping back to keep an eye on the great-great- grandchildren.

As well as surprising future generations with your return to sprightliness, there are other – arguably more practical – reasons for preserving your DNA. Having a sample on tap may allow your descendants to screen for the various genetic markers 0f a number of inherited conditions, ensuring your lineages lives longer and healthier. That’s certainly a better bequeathment than an untended urn in a concrete columbarium.

Ah, such altruism, though, is not really what it’s all about. This truly is the ideal corporeal container for those affluent Hong Kongers who believe, if they can’t take it with them, they don’t really want to go. Well, not for too long anyway.

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