Boar Necessities: The essential astrological guide to the Year of the Pig

year of the pig

After a few too many tumultuous years, could it be that peace, quiet and a little stability are, at last, all well-starred for the year to come? Thankfully, it does, indeed, seem that a calm, contented Year of the Pig lies ahead, one with a refreshing absence of doom or gloom.

To be fair, years like this do tend to come around once in a while and, despite their ostensibly upbeat nature, they can present something of a challenge. While the natural inclination is to kick off your shoes and let the good times roll, such a year often presages a dark time to come, making a little preparatory work somewhat obligatory.

Year of the pig


In financial terms at least, 2019 is set to be a promising year all around. Existing investment will start to pay off – some of them prematurely – and a number of tempting new opportunities will emerge. Don’t go overboard straightaway, though, as the second half of the year may reveal what will be, pretty much, a once-in-a-lifetime window for doing something truly remarkable.

In terms of optimal strategies, longer-term investments – notably property – remain the safest options. Those able to withstand more of a knock, though, might look to the high-tech sector. There are signs that one particular innovation in the world of audio entertainment is going to deliver truly mammoth returns to those  who get in at just the right juncture.

Most favourably starred signs on the financial front: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces

Year of the pig



For Capricorns, there could be a long-overdue promotion or substantial salary increase on the cards early in the year. If it’s not forthcoming before spring starts to give way to summer, you may need to force the issue by ultimately fronting up the executive who holds the purse strings. While it may feel a little undignified to provide a whirlwind tour of your greatest hits in terms of commercial deliverables, you can be sure a number of your less-deserving colleagues have already found success by taking the same approach. 

In terms of productivity, this is the time to complete any unfinished tasks that you have really left dangling for far too long. Alternatively, if there is one particularly mammoth undertaking that you have tried to postpone until its relevance has well and truly passed, this may be the time to give in and take your best shot at actually making it happen. You might well be surprised that delivering may now be far easier than delaying it.

Most favourably starred signs on the career front: Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio

Year of the pig


While the last few years have taken a toll on the health of many, with diet and exercise regimes frequently abandoned as more pressing business and commercial issues came to the fore, 2019 should offer something of a respite, with many suddenly finding that gym time is back on the agenda. That’s not to say that the whole year will be malady free. Coughs, cold and headaches are all expected to proliferate as the months roll by. Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will be the most exposed to these moderately inconvenient bodily disorders, with more than a few Librans also taking to their beds – but more out of occasional bouts of sloth than any real medical necessity.

Most favourably starred signs on the health front: Aries, Leo and Virgo

Year of the pig


As with the upturn on the health front, 2019 also promises a little timely first aid when it comes to matters of the heart. Indeed, one relationship has long been on life-support and, perhaps frustratingly, you are now faced with a genuine choice – the first for quite some time. But will you flip the ‘off’ switch or opt for the long, intense period of recuperation required to restore the vitality of this particular partnership? Decisions, decisions. For both Taurus and Scorpio, this is a time of heightened passions and it is important to channel this energy appropriately. In particular, they should ensure they are reading the signs right before declaring a romantic interest that could prove unwelcome, if not entirely inappropriate.

Most favourably starred signs on the career front: Capricorn, Aquarius and Cancer

Year of the pig


Take advantage of this more tranquil time to up your family-oriented activities, perhaps extending them to include certain extended family members who haven’t been seen at your table for quite some time. With both romantic and career success well-starred for many, this is a good time to introduce new partners or to share your financial good fortune. Indeed, combining the two may pave the way to easier acceptance among those most inclined to look askew at changes in your domestic arrangements.

The year is also set to bring out your nurturing side, something that should benefit your own children and grandchildren, as well as the offspring of certain family members who may currently lack an appropriate role model. Although that is not a part you have previously considered playing, it is one you have almost certainly grown into.

Most favourably starred signs on the family front: Pisces, Capricorn and  Gemini


Text: Alice Duncan